04-19-1927 - Regular I • MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF TOWN COIJNJIL OF EDGEA/ATE, HELD APRIL 19TH 1927 ROT,L CALL: Mr. Zipperer, Present Mr. Wilkinson, Present Mr. Lohman, Present Mr. Patch, Present Mr. Spicer, Present Mr. Brinckerhoof, Absent Minutes of previous regular meeting read. After correcting • same to read. "Mr. Brinckerhoff, Absent", were approved as read. Minutes of special meeting approved as read.. tAMMUNICAT IONS: Florida Power & Light ' o. On motion by mr. Patch, seconded. by Mr. Lohman, the communication was filed for future reference. State Board of Health. The communication was attached t: drainage file, and same held open until next meeting. HILLS AND ACCOUNTS: Following bills were approved by Finance committee: M. L. Fuller, 425.50, Warrant 204 P. H. Simpson, 15.00 205 H. E. Zipperer, 58.50 206 On motion by Mr. Patch, seconded by mr. Spicer, the bills were ordered paid. rtEPORTS OF OFFICERS: Marshall Simpson reported in regard to sanitary conditions at house on nigh•ray and Hotel treet. tie stated that the occupants of the house were preparing to vacate the premises, and that they had been notified to correct the present condition. `rhe Mayor stated that he had nbt as yet completed his work on the ,anal and on Park Avenue, and hilt report was not ready. ..he condition of the approach to the new bridge was discussed, and mayor Zipperer stated that he would have shell put on same. tie requested that more shell be hauled to this place, as quantity on hand there was not sufficient to take care of the situation. DRAINAGE: Mr. Spicer reported that he hid called upon mr. Lobenthal, of highland Shores, Inc., about drainage canal through that property. Mr. Lobenthal expressed himself as desiring the town to out cants eatt and west , from the Railraad to the river, which would in his opinion would relieve the situation. air. Spicer stated that mr. Lobenthal was at this time without funds to provide the improvements in the nasal, and that no-indication was given that the canal ;vould be opened up. un motion by Mr. Lohman, seconded by Mr. Patch, the report was accepted.. 1 • BUILDING PERMITS: The c1--ark stated that his investigation of the building permit ordinance was not yet complete, but would have a report for the next regular meeting. GAT?RAL: Mr. Micheal appeared before the council and requested that the Town provide the means of opening a street fronting his property, and that of adjoining property owners, along the line of the old county road. The matter was referred to the Street Committee, with suggestion that this committee arrange to meet with interested property owners, and go over the situation. Plat of Hawks Park uemetery was received and filed for record in office of clerk. upon recommendation of mr. wilkinson, Mr. Patch moved that clerk purchase 2 window shades for office. Seconded by Mr. Spicer and carried. TAX COLLECTIONS: Mr. Patch moved that lax uotlector andnclerndsiat be instructed to prepare list of delinquent taxes,/to be advertised for sale for non payment of same, IMMUMMUNMMIMM and that additional clerical hetp be employed if found necessary, in view of volumn of property involved. Seconded by Mr. Spicer, and carried. Mr. Patch moved that ulerk nottfy mr. x. B. Ashcroft, Tax Assessor, to be present at the next regular meeting of the council, to receive instructions as to tax assessment for 1927, etc. Seconded by mr. 1'ohman, and carried. un motion by mr. Lohman, seconded by mr. Patch, the meeting was adjourned. lext 110