General Election - 09-20-1927r 1 1 ''salro) E S O L U T I O N A resolution called a general election for the purpose of electing seven of the qualified eLctors of the Town of Edgewater, .,'lorida, to the offices as specified herein, for the usual terms as specified. WHEREAS, the laws of the State of iiloride, - rovide that general election shall be held annually . for the purpose of electing from arlong the qualified electdrs of the Town. of Edgewater, Florida, such officers as are required and as are specified herein, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCII, 0FTiE TOWN OF EDGE'iJATER, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That a general election for the purpose of electing seven of the qualified electors of the Town of Edgewater to the offices specified in Section 2 hereof, be and such general election is hereby called to be held in the Town of Edgewater, Florida, on the 8th dey of November, A. D. 1927. Section 2. That the officers to be elected shall be one mayor ; two aldermen; one clerk, who shall also serve as ex-officio tax assessor; one marshal, who shall also serve as ex-officio town health officer; one tax collector; and oneetreasurer. The Mayor shall serve a term of one year; the two Aldermen shall serve terms of two years each; the clerk, the marshal, the tax collector and the treasurer shall each serve terms of one year each; and all shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified. 1.'75 1 I Section 3. That such general election shall be held under and in compliance with t laws of the State of . 'lorida., and the ordinances of the Town of Edgewater relating thereto . Passed and adopted by the unanimous vote of all members present on the 20th day of September, A. D. 1927 • { Alderman __ Alderr an erma n or Alders an Approved by me this the day of September, A. D. 1927 Mayor, town of Edge.:ater AT`VEST: Clerk Ii • 174