10-14-1927 - Equalization Board I it -Lood . \Air) MINUTES Or `4T 'I'TG OF EQUALIZATION BOARD OF THE T0'lid Or EDGE`7X ER, FLORIDA, HELD OCTO 1i 1R 14TH, A. D. 1927 Ro l lCal l : iayor Zipperer, Present Pres. Jilkinson, Present Mr. Patch, Present Mr. Spicer, Present The meeting was called to order by Mayor Zipperer , who explained that the purpose of the meeting was to hear report from the Tax Assessor, and to hear and equalize complaints as to the assessment of taxes for the year 1927 . =CRT OF TAX ASSESSOR: 1 , 1 1 t s` t E F t [ y t k [--- 1.9'3 REPORT OF TAX ASSESSOR TO TEE HONORABLE MAYOR AIID COUNCIL, TOVIN OF EDGEWATER: Herewith is tendered my report covering the assessment of taxes for the year 1927. pith this report, I am transmitting to your body the completed yssessment Roll, which, after noting such changes as may become necessary at your Equalization meeting, wil be ready to be delivered to the Tax Collector at the proper times for the collection of taxes. Your particular attention is directed to the form of the Assessment Roll, as it differs materially from those used in previous years. I have endeavored to embody in this Roll the principal features of the Rolls in use by State and County Assessors. It is believed that the form of the Roll is such that it should not be difficult to institute and maintain exact checks upon the assessment and collection of taxes in the future ; and I have endeavored to present such information as is contained in the Roll in an intelligible manner. It is my intention, at a later date, to prepare an index of individuals for the benefit of the Tax Collect r. The Roll is at present indexed in a general way, but is not indexed as to individual tax-payers. I am also transmitting with this report a complete set of two map books, which have been specially prepared for use in making future assessments. These map books represent the completion of a basis of Tax Assessor 's records, as contemplated in the beginning of .e assessment for the present year. As you may observe, these map books contain � 1 sketches of all property within the Corporate Limits; and are prepared in such manner that changes in ownership, valuation, property lines, etc . , may be readily noted for future use. By the use of these maps, in conjunction with the large map of thy Town, the assessment of taxes in the future should resolve itself into merely a question of determining values, and of clerical labor in preparing the final roll. It has been my purpose in preparing these books , to obviate the vast amount of preliminary work that has been necessary each year in preparing our Assessment moll. The large map of Hdgewater has been of great benefit , and in a future years should be/source of useful information to the cittiens of the Town, as well as of much value to Tax Assessors. No effort has been spared to make both the map books and the Assessment Roil correct and complete in. detail. Property valuations , in round figures , for the entire Town amount to one and one half millions of dollars, including the annexed territory and corporation assessments by the State Comptroller. This valuation represents a reduction of about one million dollars from 1925 valuations, and of about 20% reduction on 1926 valuations. Buildings and improvements have been assessed on a nominal valuation, the total amoutting to around $200,000. The gain in valuations due to new _ buildings has been offset by corresponding reductions in large tracts of undeveloped lands and acreage lying within the corporate limits. The ratio of valuations of subdivisions to one another, and of the valuations of lots in subdivisions and parcels has not been disturbed to any extent. Come minor changes have been made, but essentially the ratio is the same. 191 the front footage me hod of valuation has been used as a basis for values, but has not been rigidly adhered to, all values on individual lots having been expressed in round figures, where possible. The estimated revenue o be derived from taxation for the year 1927 is $4,500.00. Of this amount, it is estimated that twenty five percent will become delinquent , leaving an estimated net operating revenue of approximately $3,300.00. I am pleased to report that it was not found necessary at any time during the work of preparing ma books and of making the assessment , to secure aid of any nature from any source , other than from duly authyarized and constituted officers of the Town, The assistance of the Mayor and of the Council in completing the work is gratefully acknowledged. Respectfully submitted, Clerk and ex-officio T_ - ssessor 19 1 1 Lolie 1 Upon motion by Mr. Spicer, seconded by Mr. Patch, the report cf the tax assessor was accepted. There being no complaints as to the assessments, the assessment as made was approved by the Board, which by unani:7ous consent , then adjourned as aft Equalization Board. MINUTES OF CALLED MEETING HEIR OCTOBER 14TH 1927 Mayor Zipperer, Present Pres. Wilkinson,Present Mr. Patch, Present Mr . Spicer , Present Mayor Zipperer exp Uined that the p_Arpose of the meeting was to transact regular business, is view of the probable insufficiency of time in which to transact routine business at the next regular meeting. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS: P. H. Simpson, ;15.00 M. L. Fuller, 25.00 P, H. Simpson, 11.80 L. R. Ballentyne 8.88 Walter Giddens 6.66 Ralph Giddens 7.00 Upon motion by Mr. Spicer, seconded by Mr. Patch, the bills were ordered paid . NEW BUSIiL Ss: After considerable discussion, upop, motion by Mr. Spicer, seconded by Mr. patch, the President was authorized to appoint a Special Committee to prepare a tentative budget , the same to be submitted at the regular meeting of the council to be held on November let . The president took the matter in hand, and advised that the personnel of the Committee would be named after due consid: ration. There being no further business, upon motion by IrZr. Spicer , seconded by Mr. Patch, the meeting was adjourned. M. L. Puller, Clerk 189