11-12-1927 - Called =Nuns OF C1fILITIT) METING OF THE COUNCIL OF EDGEWAT",'R, HELD NOVEMBER 12TH 1927 Roll Call : Mayor Zipperer, Present Prest. .7ilkinson, resent Mr. Lohman, Present Mr. Spicer, Present Mr. H. P. lilkinson, Present Mr. Patch, Absent Mayor Zipperer explained the purpose of the meeting, which was to receive report of Election Board for the General Election held November 8th, 1927. (Report of Election Board on next page) 217 1 .. STATE OF FLORIDA) ) COUNTY OF VOLUSIA) es TON OF EDG HATER We, the undersigned Inspectors and Clerk of Election Board, of the Town of Edgewater, .Florida, for the General ' lection being held on the 8th day of November , A. D. 1927 , do hereby certify and affirm that we will, severally and collectively, perform the duties of Inspectors and clerk of said Election Board truly and faithfully, according to law duly prescribed. Are further certify and affirm that we will endeavor to prevent all fraud , deceit or abuse in conducting this General Election. In witness thereof we have set hereuhto our hands and seals, this the 8th day of .love:mber , A. B. 1927. Apt ✓� , seal) Inspector 4:p-zee-s41*L-k) Inspector • 2, Ins ector (.0a Clerk 216 1 REPORT OF r+.T.h;CT ION BOARD, G ENMAL ELECTION, IiuLD iTOVEMBER 8TH, 1927 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AM CO1fl CIL, TOWN OF EDGEWAT : The Election Inspectorsx and Clerk of --lection Board , for the General --ilection held on the 8th day of November, A. D. 1927, being duly sworn and qualified , do riake the following report of the canvass of votes cast in the aforesaid General .election of the Town of Edgewater, held on the 8th day of November, A. D. 1927 : FOR :lAYOR: H. B. Zipperer, votes ItrgJ / votes N7i-psi. ,;;42e— f 'vo t s FOR COUNCILL N: A. R. Patch, ..07Lvotes E. P. Vuller, 4?, 9 votes E. 1 Islipstein, /Z....votes B. N. Dewitte, 71:32 votes votes votes votes votes 21_5 I Page 2 FOR CLERK: M. L. Fuller, 740 votes votes votes FOR TREASLR_ : Paul D. Leddin, 6r votes 2-4)0 AnitCe.414-- 2/ votes votes FOR MARSHAL: P. H. Simpson, 4y votes votes 1 votes FOR T;",X COLLECTOR: Mrs . Maybelle Lohman, 489 votes /_ / votes votes Given under our hands and seals, this the 8th day of November, A. D. 1927. ' UY . ( seal) 214 ‘°0141001 Page 3 ( seal) 44-_91x01._ (Seal) 213 Upon motion by Mr. Spicer, seconded by Mr. Lonmaa, the report was accepted as tendered , upon roll call vote as follows: Mr. A. B. Wilkinson, Yes Mr. Lohmetn, Yes Mr. Spicer, Yes Mr. H. P. Jilkinson, Yes Mr. Pat ch, Absent The following were thereupon declared elected to the offices shown: Mr. H. B. Zipperer, Mayor Mr. A. R. Patch, Councilam (2 years) Mr. E. N. Dewitte Councilman(2 years) Mr . M. L. Full r, Clerk Mr. P. D. Leddin, Treasurer Mr. P. H. Simpson, Marshal Mrs. Maybelle Lohman, tax Collector. The officers were then sworn in, and assumed office, except Councilmen Patch and Dewitte, who were not present. Upkn motion by Mr. Spicer, Seconded by Mr. Lohman, the meeting was adjourned. M. L. Fuller, Clerk 212 I A Mr. A. B. Wilkinson, Mr. E. H. Lohman, Mr. A. R. Patch, Mr. H. L. Spicer, Mr. H. P. Alkinson, Gentle len: Owing to the Armistice Celebration in Ned Smyrna during the greater partnof this week, the special meeting of the Council to canvass the vote of the General :Wlection, and to act on report of ,lection Board, was not held iqmediately following the election, as is usually done. It is very important that this matter be attended to as early ns possible, and for this reason, a meeting is called for this purpse today, November 12th, to convene at 8 :00 P. M. , for the purpose of cantassinr: the vote and taking action upon ro ,ort of .lection Board. Je respectfully request as large an attendance as possible. ATUST: Mayor of the--'own of ,Agewater To*n Clerk 211 '*%111110' "ftIMPO? RTIPORT OF ELECTION BcrED, GENERAL ELECTION, HELD NOIT'IMBER 8TH, 1927 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL, TOWN OF EDGEWATER: The Election Inspectorsx and Clerk of lection Board , for the General :::lection held on the 8th day of November, %. 1927, being duly sworn and qualified , do Aake the following report of the canvass of votes cast in the aforesaid General Election of the Town of jdgexater, held on the 8th day of November, A. D. 1927: FOR :"1 .YOR: H. E. Zipperer, v!ftes votcs, r 4, ' votes FOR COUNCILMEN: A. R. Patch, votes E. P. Fuller, 027 votes A. 1.7.. Klipstein, 4yotes E. N. Dewitte, lite.ivotes votes votes votes ■ votes 4••■• ■•• •■ ••• #4414./ ,•reiror Page 2 FOR M. L. Fuller, ___ZZLvotes «aeop,,owreaWaoma.. v'J;tee votes FOR TREASUR-T.R: Paul D. Leddin, te votes _ 419. 2 votes votes FOR MARSHAL: P. H. Simpson, votes votes FOR VA COLL-ZTOR: Mrs. Maybe?le Lohman, votes 4O / votos votes Given under our hands and seals, this the 8th day of November, A. D. 1927. c2er..u4„ez Page 3 (seal) Seal) Atm- 7-- r OATH AND AFFIRUATION • STATE 07 ?LORIDA ) COUNTY OY VOLUSIA ) se. TOWN OF DOE; ATNR ) 'le, the und -rsigned Inspectors and :lark of ;lection Board, of the To of :Agewater, for t especial .::aection being held on the 15th day of May, • D. 1927, do hereby a 'firm and certify that in will, severally nnd collectively, perform th,e duties of Inspector= and Clerk of said Aection Board truly andjaithfully, according to lam duly prescribed. :ile further certify and affirm that we will endeavor to prevent all fraua, Ceceet or abuse in conducting this Jpecial aection4. 4 . 4 In witness thereof vie have net hereunto our Lnndu and sealri, this the 15th dzky of May, A. D. 1928 ( seal) '--------infr)ector t.----42-= 6lia /)12 -ie z-A.- - ,,.. ra) -----------Inonoo or .,. , ■ A , lac : ar a:A — , 4(. _ 41 (sez-il) ' 0- Gr. • I 1 '4411111Vr 4"4•1111" [ STATE OF FLORIDA) GOUTY OF VOLUSIA 88 T1WN OF MDGEUATER le, the undersigned Inspectors and Clerk of Election Board, of the Town of Mdgewater, Florida, for the General Election being held on the 8th day of November, A. D. 1927, do hereby certify and affirn that we will, severally and collectively, perform the duties of Inspectors and Clerk of said A.ection Board truly and faithfully, accofding to law duly p2escribed. 4e further certify and affirm that we will endeavor to prevent all fraud , deceit or abuse in conducting this General Election. In witness thereof we have set hereuhto our hands and seals, this the 8th day of November, '.. 1927. 4/ 44.1- ‘P • 00211 Inspectoy 41w dzo• seal) Inspector • .ctor lie rk i.a=1 I STA= OF FLORIDA) corrTrY 07 VOLUSIA se 07 1DGTTAIIIR the undersigned Insrectore and Clerk of 7,leetion Board, of the Town of 71dgerater, Florida, for the General Election being held on the 8th day of November, D. 1927• do hereby oertify and affirm that vs will, severally and collectivel,y, )erfom the duties of Inspectors and •71erk of !laid -lection Board truly and faithfully, according to law duly p2escribed. e further certify and affirm that we will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or tIbune in conducting thic General Alection. In witness thereof ve have set hereuhto our hands and peels, thin the 8th day of November, . 1927. ' - ' 711.E.4-3;4:1=22 _if I Inepec;or Inspd,-;tor ) 0 I •,ectoro, I (2.ca.) Ic rk •