02-07-1928 - Regularr f I MINUTES OF REGULAR =TING OF TO N COUNCIL OF EDGErWATER, FLORIDA HELD FEB. 7TH 1928 ROLL CALL: Mayor Zipperer, Present Prest. Patch, Present (by proxy) Mr . 4lk*nson, .'absent Mr. Lohman, Present Mr. Spicer, Absent Mr. De7itt e , Present Meeting called to order by Mayor Zipperor, who presided in the absence of President Patch. Prest. Patch was present by proxy , represented by Clerk Fuller. Minutes of prevxious meeting approved as read . Special order of business was agreed on to hear from Mr. Vollbeding. Mr. Vollbeding asked permission of the Council to construct a private dock to be abJut 100 feet long, on the Indian River; the cock or wharf to be constructed on his own property and riparian rights . After discussion, it was agreed to permit Mr. Vollbeding to proceed as outlined . The Clerk was instructed to issue a wri ten permit to Mr. Vollbeding. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS: The following bills were approved : Hibbard Hdwe. Co . :; 1.50 Marrant 323 City of New Smyrna 14.95 325 City of New Smyrna 21.77 326 New Smyrna Breeze 11. 75 324 Upon :-:lotion by Mr. Dewitte seconded by Mr. Lohman the bills were ordered paid. Bill from the City of New Smyrna for Edgewater 's hk&re of the expense of cleaning the Gabardy Canal was tabled , in order to refer same to Mr. Spicer, Chairman of Drainage Committee, for okeh. No further business corning before the meeting, the same was adjourned on motion of Mr. De5'litte, seconded by Mr. Lohman. M. L. Puller, Clerk 239