05-15-1928 - Regular I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF T 0':;N COUNCIL OF EDGEMAT ER, HELD MAY 15TH 1928 ROLL CALL: ::Mayor Zi ;perer, Present Prest . Patch, Absent Mx. Lohman, Present Mr. Spicer, Present Mr. eWi tt e , Present Mr. i4Mith, Present Minutes of regular meeting held May 1st approved as read . Minutes of called meeting held May 11th approved as read. UOMMUNICAT IONS : None BILLS AID ACCOUNTS: The following bills were a)proved by the Finahce Committee : P. H. Simpson, $18.00 Varrant 34E L. C. Haughton 3.00 349 G. D. Brinckerhoof 3.00 350 H. W . Michell 3.00 351 R. C. Fuller 3.00 352 A. D . Wetherell 6. 00 353 M. L. Fuller 29.08 354 On motion of Mr. De' itte , seconded by Mr. Stnith, the bills were ordered paid . REPORTS OF OFi ICERS : Clerk Bead fiscal report for April , and special statement of changes made in assessment roll. account errors in calculation, etc. , which were accepted upon notion of Mr. Lohman seconded by Mr. Smith. REPORT OF ELECTION BOA. D: Special order of business was here declared, with the unanimous consent of all members ,, to hear the following report of election board for the Special --Jlection held on May 15th, A. D. 1928 : • 266 OATH AND AFFIRMATION STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF VOLUSIA ) ss. TO 1T OF EDGE ?ATER ) Vie, the undersigned Inspectors and Clerk of .Election Board, of the Town of Edgewater, for the Special Election being held on the 15th day of May, A. D. 1927, do hereby affirm and certify that we will, severally and collectively, perform the duties of Inspectorsac and Clerk of said .. lection Board truly and faithfully, according to law duly prescribed. `ale further certify and affirm that we will endeavor to prevent all fraud , deciit or abuse in conducting this Special election. In witness thereof we have set hereunto our -lands and seals, this the 15th day of May, A. D. 1928 ( seal) 4 win e c t o r Inspector ( seal) Inspector .�I�...►�♦ ( seal) C erk 265 i Nuwool REPORT AND CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION BOARD, SPECIAL ELECTION, HELD MAY 15TH A. D. 1928 OW OM MO •In TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL, TOWN OF EDGE`7ATE : • The Election Inspscttars and Clerk of Electior. Board for the Special :Election held on the 15th day of May, A. D. 1928, being duly worn and qualified , do i::ake the following report of the canvass of votes cast in the aforesaid Special Election cf the Town of Edgewater, held on thel5th day of May, A. D. 1928: FOR COUNCILMAN: (To fill unexpired term) F. H. Smith ems— votes F. A. Mershon votes W. R. Skinner votes votes votes APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL OF ORDINANCE NO. ME 21 (yes approves ; No disapproves) YES, votes NO, votes Given under our hands and seals, this the 15th day of May, A. D. 1928. �\ se �.l Inspector / k/ Inspector Or. ( see ) / // seal _( ) Inspector Clerk 264 I yrr► Nimo Upon motion of Mr. Spicer, s ecD nded by Mr. Lohman, the report of the board was accepted . ORDINANCES: Incompliance with the terms of Ordinance No. 21 , and with the result of the Special 1Jlection held May 15th on Ordiance No. 21 being favorable to the passage of Ordinance No. 21, the following Ordinance was then introduced !.y the Clerk: 263 * farlive "%awl ORDINANCE NO. 22 AN ORDINANCE D]':CLARING THE MRRIZORIAL OR CORPORATE LIMITS F THE 2075 OF VOLU3IA COUNTY, FLORIDA. BI IT ORDAIM BY TH) TOWN COUNCIL OP TH3 TIXN OF ZANWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS JOYZOIS: Section 1. The passage of Ordinance Number 21 of the Town Council of the To n of Edgewater, Florida, having been approved by the qualified voters of the said Toun of 2,dgewater, pursuant to the la s ef the State of 1.1oridas the territorial or corporete of the Town of Edgewater, 7olusia County, Tlorida, are hereby declared to be as set forth in Section 2 hereof , as of and from the date of thi: Ordinance. Section 2. The corporate or te_ itorial limi ,s of the Town of 2dgewater, Volusia County , elorida, are hereby declared to be and established as foil us: Comeience in the middle of the Gebardy or South Canal in Section fifty, in Township seventeen south of Mange thirty-four ,ast, where said Canal enters the Hillsboro or Indian River North, for El point of beirining; thence westerly in the middle of said Canal to the South line of the Seymour Pickett Grant in Section forty-nine , in Township and Range as given above ; thence South seventy four degrees ,:est, on said Grant Line to the interesection of the section line betwe n sections twenty-nine and thirt ; thence South on said eection line forty six and fifty hundredths cle ins to the North line of the G. Alvarez Grant ( Section fifty- t o) ; thence South seventy four degrees west, four and fifty hundredths chains oa the North litie of the ctforeuiAid • lvarez Grant to its Northwest corner; thence South fourteen degrees r-T2 Livir •■100) East, fifty chains on the Rest line of the aforesaid G. Alvarez Grant to its Southwest corner; thence North seventy four degrees East, on the South line of the aroresaid G. Alvarez Grant to the Northeast corner of lot number three , in Section thirty-two, in Township ceventeen, South 13-1 Range thirty-four East; thence South on the East line of said lot three to the Township line ; aforesaid thence East on the/Township line to the Northeast corner of lot number one in Section three, in Township cAghteen, South of Range thirty-four East ; thence South along the East boundary of said lot one to its Southeast corner; thence East on the South boundaries of lots two, three and four in Section three, in Township eighteen south of Range thirty-four Laet, to the intersection of the Section line between sections three and two in said Township and Range ; thence South along the said section line to the Southwest corner of lot number three, in Section two, said township and Range; thence easterly along the South line of lots three and five in Section two , Tonship eighteen South of Range thirty-four East, to the low water mark on the . est shore of the Hillsboro or Indian River North; thence along the low water mark on the '.;est shore of the Hillsboro or Indian River North in ax Northwesterly course to the point of beginning, which point of begiJning is the middle of the Gabardy or South Canal, where the said Canal enters the Hillsboro or Indian River North. 1;ection 3. Section 7 of Ordinance No. 1, which requires reading of all ordinances for three consecutive fig 8 of the Town Council, be and the same here ijd is waived. Section 4. All ordinances, or parts of ordinance4 in conflict with this ordinance be and the same hereby are repealed. 261 ■100. 3eation 5. This ordinance shall become effective upon being passed by the Town Council and approved by the Mayor, or upon its becoming a law without the a prrval of the Mayor as provided by law. ihssed by the unanimous vote of all members present at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on May 15th, A. D. 1928. AP:AIM:JD by 1,ie this the 16th uay of My. 1928 : :tayor of the Town of 1dgewater„ Aorida. Art2 ST: 7711777717157477tt e 260 I Loore' } Upon motion of Mr. Spicer, seconded by Mr. Smith, the foregoing Ordiaance No. 22 was passed to its third and final reading, and upon roll call vote , for the passage of the ordinance , the vote was as follows : Mr. Patch, Yes (by proxy) Mr. Lohman, Yes Mr. Spicer, Yes Mr. DeWitte ,Yes Mr. Smith , yes The Ordinance was tgen referred to the Mayor for approval. UiFINISHF+ BUSINESS: The Clerk reported on several matters still not closed out , including negotiation for the purchase of a prison cage ; correspondence regarding the locating of the channelk on the river; corres :ondence with the VIA about holding a joint meeting ; and on road matters referred to him for handling. One carload of lime rock had been ordered from Ocala at 75% net ton FOB Ocala. After discussion, upon motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. DeWitte , Mayor Zipperer, Mr. Lohman, and Clerk M. L. .huller wa eappointed as a committee to meet vrith the VIA committee with reference to arranging a joint meeting of the VIA and the Town Council. NEW BUSINESS: None Upon motion of Mr. Spicer, seconded by Mr. Lohman, the meeting was adjourned. M. L. Fuller, Clerk 259