08-17-1928 - Called } MINUTES OF CALLED COMMUNICATION OF TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA HELD AUGUST 17 1928. ROLL CALL: a yor Lipperer, Absent, Pres.Patch, Present Mr.Lohman,, Present Mr.Spicer, Present , Mr.DeVitte Absent, Mr.Smith, Absent. Meeting called to order by Pres. Patch. Bills and Accounts: Clerk read following bills, which were aprroved by Finance Committee and on motion Mr.Spicer , seconded by Mr.Patch, ordered paid. P .H.Nix 4.00 Warrant No 427 New Smyrna Breeze 6. 50 428 H.A.Moore , 1.50 429 P.H .Simpson, 15.00 430 Remington TW Co 75.00 431 Remington TW Co 1.,50 43a R.C .Fuller, 26. 50 433 Upon motion by Mr.Spicer seconded by Mr.Lohman, meeting was adjourned. R.C.Fulier, Deputy Clerk. 23