10-11-1928 - Adjourned MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA , HELD T'Ht RBDAY, OCTOBER 11th A.D. 1928. ROLL CALL: Mayor Lipperer, Absent, President Patch, Present. Councilman Lohman,Present, Councilman De :itte , Absent. Councilman Spicer, Present Councilman Smith, Absent. President Patch ordered the meeting in session, a re- sume of unfinished business from the meeting held on Tuesday October 2nd, COMMUNICATIONS: Deputy Clerk, read telegram from Council- man Dewitt , resigning his office as councilman, the telegram, as explained to council being a reply to var- ious communications with Mr.DeWitte , as stated in min- ' utes of meeting held October 2nd. Upon motion of Mr. Lohman, seconded by Mr.Spicer, the telegram was ordered accepted and made a part of the minutes, Councilman Spicer then introduced the following resolution, which was read by they Clerk., 2 S A RESOLUTION, to accept the resignation of Councilman E.N.DeWitte. WHEREAS: Councilrrman. E .N .DeWitte , has been absent from the meeting of this body, and still is absent from this body and unable to attend its meetings, and, WHEHIU; Councilman E .N .Dewitt has tendered his resignation as a member of The Town Council of The Town of Edgewater, now, therefore ,be it , IBESOLVED: That the Town Council of The Town of Edgewater, Florida, accept the resignation of Councilamn E .N.DeLitte , effective October Eleventh A.D . 1928. , and d.oes ,hereby delcare the office of Councilman held by the said E .N.DeWitte , to be , and is , vacant. Passed and adopted by the unanimous vote of all members present on the 11th Day of October,A.D . 1928. , / 41011744°P Approved by me this the 11th ,Yay of October,A.D. 1928. Mayor Th To n of Edgewater, Fla. ATTE ); M.L.Fuller, Clerk, By TOWN CL RK. 29 Upon Roll Call, on the resolution offered by Mr.Spicer to accept Mr.DeVitts resignation, the vote was as follows: Mr.Patch yes- Mr.Lohman yes- Mr.Spicer, Yes. The resolution was then adopted .,nd made a part of these minutes. BI LIE: The following bills were read by Deputy Clerk, and on motion of Mr.Spicer, seconded by Mr.Lohman, were order- ed paid: P .H.Simpson, 15.00 Warrant No 454 P.H.Simpson,. 1.05 454 City of New Smyrna, 19 . 50 455 City of New Smyrna, 53.75 456 R.C .Fuller, 4. 56 457 H.A.Moore, 399.00 45 New Smyrna Breeze_, 1.00 459 REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Deputy Clerk, read T'reasurers ,Clerk' a and Fiscal Reports for the Month of September, A.D.: 1928. Upon motion by Mr.Lohman seconded by Mr. picer the reports were accepted. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion was made as to when petitions would have to be filed with Council, to have candidates names placed upon ballot. It was determined that the last date for filing such petitions would be November 2nd, 1928. This discussion also brought out the fact that nominees' must notify the Council within five days before the election of their acceptance of such nomin..,tion, as specified on their petition. Mr.Spicer then introudmced the following resolution, which was read by Deputy Clerk: 294 b _ A RESOLUTION, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO 23, BEING AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH AND NALaNG THE ALTUNT OF RATE OF TAXATION' 22.RxWaxlkARxIgka FOR THE TOWN OF EDGEti;ATER, 1-J RIDA. W1 RE.ASg It becomes the duty of the Town Council, to provide , by taxation for the maintamnnllee and proper operation of the Town of Edgewater. , and WHEREAS ; It appears after due consideration and and deliberation, that the requirements for the Town of Edgewater, will be approximately $4,500.00 for the year beginning November first A.D. 1928. , and, WHEREAS ; Property values have been greatly reduced, as assessed by the Tax Assessor, and therefore , it becomes necessary to increase the tax levy to ai rate sufficient to provide the necessary funds for the proper conduct and operation of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That Ordinance Number 23, which is submitted herewith,be declared an emmergency measure , and passed to its third i'eFP tng and final reading. Appseted and adopted by the vote of all members present 4 Mr.Patch Al Mr.Lohman �L i Mr.Spicer , 6 ice__ '/ CO UN I LiuAN ►, , CO UNCI LAl ---)k4S, _ COUNCIIEAN Approved by me this the 11th Day of Octmher, A.D. 1928. / I e- r Mayor To of �' gewater,i 1orida. . AT T.6 ' M.L.FULLER, CLERK, BY re / / / ____ ' UTY TOWN CLERK. 293 t 1 yy yyi r Upon roll canton the resolution offered by Mr.Spicer, i,xxxx to adopt Ordinance Number 23, the vote was as follows: Mr.Batch, yes , Mr.Lohman, Yes l r.Spicer Yea. The resolution was then adopted and made a part of these minutes . Ordinance No. 23 was then read by Deputy Clerk; 222 wow- ORDINANCE NO 23. • AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RATE OF TAXATION, IN THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY ,FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. Real property shall be taxed as provided by the Laws of the State of Florida, and persons owning real property shall pay a tax of six 1 ( 6) mills for each one dollar value of such property, per anum. Section 2. All ordinances , or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance , are here- by repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon being passed by the Town Council, approved by the Mayor, and posted in three public places in the Town Of Edgewater, Flarida. Approved: Mayor President of Louncil ATTEST : M.L.Fuller, Clerk, v` BY Councilmen Deputy Clerk. 9 Upon roll call the vote on Ordinance No 23 was as follows: Mr.Ea] ch Yes Mr Lohman Yes Mr.Spicer Yes 291 f A, { -- r looloI t , 4 Mr.Patch offered the following resolution, which was read ; by the Deputy Clerk: A RESOLUTION, TO CON SOI DATE THE THREE OFFICES OF CLERK, TAX COLLECTOR, AND TAX ASSESSOR, OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. 4 WHEREAS; The office of Clerk, and the offices , of Tax Collector and Tax Assessor, in the Town . of Edgewater,Florida, are closely related, and believing that a consolidation of the three offices of clerk, tax collector and tax assessor, in the Town of Edgewater, Florida, will be of benefit to the Citizens of said town, and that the offices may be more efficiently conducted, now therefore, BI IT RESOLVED, That2the Town Council of Tte Town of Edgewater, Florida, does 'hereby, consolidate the three officer of Town Clerk, Tax Collector and Tax Assessor ; _as provided for in Ordinance Number 24, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That at the next General Election to be held in the Town of Edgewater, for the purpose of electing qualified Electors to either of the offices of Town Clerk, Tax Collector or Tax Assessor, that only one person, shall be elected to the three offices of Town Clerk, Tax Collector _and Tax Assessor. E IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That Ordinance No 24, be passed to its third and final reading. Passed and adopted upon roll call of members present by ayes and nayes: The vote was as follows : Mr.Patch Yes Mr.Lo hrnan Yes Mr.Spicer, Yes 0 ,,C :;AN 7 �"UNCI ZT•L4N -�/V►/ / /z��.�na. COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN Approved by me this the 11th Day of October A.D. 1928. , C7///-/'/ / Mayor/ owl /of Edgewater,2la. ATTES . M.L.FULLER, CLERK, BY , t PUT f TOWN CLERK. 290 A44 r' Q ."24 Al OSMAN= ,Yz YON TON CONSOLIDATION OF MN !1 anzas 01 Tom ,!OW !At GOLLJCTOR AND TOWN TAX Ash. OR, AND P'i 1Di S . Tim NINCTION OP INN SAMS. !i it MAIM) IT T!l! 101* COUNCIL O, SIN TM or NNOSONION. Y0L*1 A OOfl!TY, MAZDA, ►8 FOLLOWS I Reetion 1. That Biter at by virtue of the Lame at he State et Pierian relating hereto, the three *trim it Taw el.$,Tees Tax ueii.ster, sail Teen Tax Assessor, be itthree allies shall be die l d by Te�Ci.a'* / e suites :. The Toga Clerk shell he MAY audit as Die" Tided br by the Imwr of The state of Pierian, sit the eadina neee at the awn of Itdg.vater, Veinal& county, /Merida, relatia$ hesete sad /hail oleo serve as tax selleeter, and tax eesses.r, end Shall porters in tell the dirties of ten sellector, end tax •/Nseor. Empties 3. All eriinaiss, es parts it a dinatees in eon* filet with this .rdinras. its hereby repealer. s.etien 4. This erdisemee sled tats West epee Waal Passed by the Tea *moil, .Dprot+sa by ttie MOrtwe and p.. it in three pOblie piss in the Tons if ldiesster,Telueia empty, florid** APFNOINNs tee . :. e ow�oa ATOM D.L.NS'•t i, =RIC, ifs 4onrzs reseed aKtONa1r*• tlsriia stile iri the i � 4t P li� Upon roll call tine vote on Ordinance o 24 s;as as follows: .Ir.Patch Yes Mr.Lohillan Yes Mr. Spicer, Yes . • 289 Mr.Spicer offered the following resolution: A RESOLUTION. WHERAS , The Town Council of The Town of Edgewater, Fla. , deems it necessary and advisable and for he best enterests of the Town to open the Town registration books on the 15th day of October A.D. 1928 , now therefore , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ED sE V/ATER, FLROIDA, AS FOLLOWS: That the Town Clerk be , and he is, hereby authorized and instructed to open the regristration books of the said Town olkithe 15th -%ay of October, A.D. 1923, and keep said books 6pen each week day thereafter up to and including the 9th day of November, A.D. 1928, from nine oclock to twelve oclock in the forenoon of each of said days and from two oclock to five oclock in the afternoon of each of the said days. Passed and adopted by the unanimous vote of 4111 members present od thex8&* 11th_ day of Octiber A.D. 1928 , ATT,,1T A'lZ/ DEPU ' TOWN CLERK Appro e. by me this the 4/ day of Octiber, A.D. 1928. , I / ■ I, I/ /!404 A / / / Mayor. Mr.Spicer offered the following Resolution: 228 k { A RESOLUTIONi HAILING A GENERAL ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING EIGHT OF THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, TO THE OFFICES AS SPECIFIED HEREIN FOR THE USUAL TER1V AS SPECIFIED. WHEREAS ; The laws of the State of Florida, provide , that a General Election shall be held annually for the purpose of electing from among the qualified Electors of the Town of Edgewater,Florida, such officers as are required and as are specified herek, now therefore , BE IT RESOLVED; by the Town Council of The Town of Edgewater, Florida, as follows; Section 1. That a general election for the pur- pose of electing eight of the qualified Electors of the Town of Edgewater to the offices specified in Section a hereof, be and such General Election is hereby called to be held in the Town of Edgewater,Florida, on the / Y Day of November A.D. 1928. , Section 2. That the officers to be elected shall be one Mayor, four Councilmen; one Clerk-Tax Collector- Tax Assessor; one Marshall., who shall also serve as ex-officio Town Health Officer;' and one Treasurer. The Mayor shall serve a term of one year; three coun- cilmen shall serve terms of two years each, one coun- cilman shall serve a term of mne year; the Clerk-Tax Collector-Tax Assessor,Lthe Marshall and the Treasurer , shall serve a, term of one year each, and all shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified. Section 3. That such General Election shall be held under and in compliance with the laws of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater, relating thereto. Passed and adopted by the unanimous vote of all mem- bers present on the eleventh day of October , A.D .1928. • ___________ _ COUNCILT?'' COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN —.- Aper•ved b me this the Day of October, A.D . 1928. 7 , tA_i MAYOR/OW !'r' ED GE'i ATER, FLA. ATTES/ M.L.Fuller, Clerk By / , ' Dep 'y Town Clerk 287 [f b,,.,,et ( Final Sheet Minutes Oct 11th 192'4,4- 4 Upon Roll call, on the resolution offered by Mr.Spicer calling a General Election, the vote wqs as follows: Mr.Pach- Yes Mr.Lohrnan Yes Mr. Spicer, Yes. The resolution was then adopted and made a part of these minutes. Motion by Mr.Lohman seconded by Mr.Spicer, that the foilo`tfing) be named Elerk and Inspectors for the General Election to be held on the 12th day of November A.D . 1928. Mrs Olive Kyser, Clerk, Mrs.M.B .Houghton, Inspector, Ir.H.W.M.itchell, Inspector, Mr.H.P .Wilkinson, Inspector. Motion carried as made. Motion by Mr.Spicer, seconded by :*r.Lohman, to adjourn. Motion carried as made . A.C .Fuller, Deputy Clerk. • 286