04-08-1929 - Called s f MINUTES OF CALLED MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL, TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLUIDA, HELD, UM= MON- DAY APRIL 8 19 29. ORDER: Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Ald.Renwick. who ordered clerk to call the roll. ROLL CALL: Mayor Lembeckal.resent Pres. Patch ,Absent, Aid. Goodyear, Present. Aid, nenwick, Present, . Aid, Moore , Present. Aid. Marx , Present. It being determined by Roll Call, that President of Council, Ald. Patch, was absent, Aid. Renwick made motion that Aid. Moore be elected ?resident of Council, Pro.lem. Seconded by Ald. Goodyear and unanimously carried. CALL: Clerk read the Call which is as follows: A sailed meeting of the Town Council , of the Town of Edge- water,Florida, mttlxkxxkmla for the purpose of ex- amining and diaeussing the advisability of revising and or codifying the Ordinances of The Town of Edge- water, Florida, and the necessary matters incident thereto". After general discussion of the subject of the Call, Council decided to delegate , specifically, the Committee , on By-Laws and Ordinances, to investigate the needs of revision, and such other matters incident thereto , reporting in detail, the result of their findings at the next regular meeting of the Town Council. Motion by Marz seconded by Renwick that meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Signed V. , Clerk f$)4