07-16-1929 - Regular t 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL, TOWN OF EDGEWATER,VOLUSIA COUNTY,FLOR?DA, HELD . TUESDAY JULY 16th A.D. 1929, Meeting called to order at 7:30 P ,M, by Mayor Lembeck. • Ald. Goodyear asked Clerk to Call the Roll. ROLL CALL: Mayor Lembeck, Present. Pres. Patch, Absent, Aid. Goodyear Present Aid. Mara, Present Aid. Moore Present Aid. Renwick, Present. Pres. of Council Patch being absent, Ald.Goodyear moved that Aid. Moore be elected Pres. of council Pro.Term. Motion seconded by Ald. Renwick, and carried. MINUTES: Minutes of regular meeting held Tuesday July 2nd 1929 were read and approved. BILIS AND COMM INI CATIONS : Clerk read following bills: • New Smyrna Breeze $6.00 J.J.Lofton 7.38 Upon motion by Ald. Marz seconded by Ald. Renwick, the bills were ordered paid as read. Clerk read notice from Railroad Commission of Florida, relative meeting to be held in Orlando July 17th for purpose of regulating truck lines. No action taken by Council on this communication. Clerk read letter from Mrs. Daisy Williams realtive tax assessment on her Edgewater property. No action taken. Clerk read letter from Comptoller Amos, relative assess- ment of taxes for account of Postal Tel. Co. Clerk read letter to Mr.H.N.Rodenbaugh Vice Pres. ,F.E .C. R.R. relative installing crossing over Okeechobee cut-off across Flagler Avenue. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Clerk read report of Finance Committee, said report being attached to tklum and made a part of these min- utes, upon motion by Ald. Moore seconded by Aid. Good- year. NEW BUSINESS: The continued absence from Council Meetings of Pres. Patch was discussed, and Mayor Lembeck stated that he had talked with Mr. Patch and had also written him ask- ing him to try and attend the meetings, but had been infprmed that Mr.Patch did not intend to participate in any future meetings of the Council. Ald. Renwick, stated that Mr. Patch told him that he was going to resign as Pres. of council, as he did not expect to attend future meetings of the Council. 4G1 r Page 3- Minutes Town Council Town of Edgewgter,Ylorida held. Tuesday July 16 1929. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED: necessary It being xmommett that a permanent President of Council be elected, to complete the year, in or- der to properly conduct the business of The Town of Edaewater,Florida. ,in lieu of Pres. Patch, Ald. Ren- wick offered the following Resolution: 460 { `fir..+''. "'**40 A RESOLUTION NAMING AA PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL, FOR THE TOWN COUNCIL, TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA. WJ; E tEAB s: The Town Council of The Town of Edgewater,Volusia County Florida, was, on the 14th Day of November, A.D. 1928, duly and legally axg. and regularly or- ganized, according to law duly made and provided, AND, WHEREAS: At its regular meeting held on the 14th Day of Nov- ember, A.D. 1928, Councilman A.R.Patch, was by a Resolution, duly made and carried, elected President of The Town Council of The Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, for the duration of this Town council namely One Year, AND WHEREAS: Councilman A.R.Patch, has not attended or participated in the Meetings of the Town Council of The Town of Edge- water, as was proper for him to dp, and further that Councilman A.R. Patch, has declared that it is not his intention to attend future meetings of this Council, and tkatxkrxkum further, that councilman A.R.Patch has not attended a meeting of the Town Council of The Town of Edgewater, Florida since Tuesday May 2nd A.D. 1929, and it being incumbent upon the Town Council of The Town of Edgewater,Florida, to have an active President of Council, to properly direct and govern the business of the Town of Edgewater, ilorida, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TON OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That,that certain Resolution naming A.R. Patch, as President of Council, adopted by the Town Coun- cil, November 14th A.D. 1928, is hereby repealed, annulled, and made void, from this , tk date, being thel6th day of July A.D. 1929. Section 2. That Phil Mars Jr. , be , and he is hereby declared to be duly and legally elected to the office of President of the Town Council, with full power and freedom to exercise the duties and privileges of that office accord- ing to the laws of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, for the unexpired term of President of Council, Councilman A.R.Patch, relieved, for a period of four months, more or less, or the duration of this Town Council, namely four months , more or less, or until his successor shall be duly, legally and regularly elected , in accordance with law duly made and provided. Section 3. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Passed and approved this 16th day of July A.D. 1929 , as provided by law. , the vote of the Town Council being as follows : Alderman Eenwick- Yes. Alec: p i' s• Aid. Goodyear Yes A - Ma -z- Not voting. ATTEST: APPROVED: Alr MAYO,' CLERK 458 i 4 ‘111110' \*441101 Page 5, Minutes of Town Council, Town of Edgewater,Florida held Tuesday July 16th, A.D. 1929. Motion by Aid. "enwick seconded by Aid. Goodyear that meeting adjourn sinie die. Motion carried. PRES . OF COUNCIL PRO .TEM. At Its // , Clerk. 4457 Edgewater Flo. July 16th, 1929. Town Council Town of Edgewater Flo. Edgewater Florida. Gentlemen:- With the present fluctuation, defunction, or what have you, of financial condi -ion of various Banks within the State and especially within Volusia County, we the Finance Committee vigorously recommend the securing of Bank Account or Accounts, of this Town of Edgewater Florida, with the best quick convertable bonds we are able to procure as security. We were able to get secondary security from the State Bank and Trust Co., which we do not think satisfactory as they are in form of notes which would not be convertable for some months to come. The Fidelity Bank would not give us any form of security unless the whole account was placed in the depository and would then give us Bonds to secure our account. Having made inquiry as to how Mission City and Coronada Beach handle their accounts we find they name one bank and one only as their depository. Coronada Beach have their account secured but Mission City does not. This, gentlemen, is information which we, think is most valuable to this council since we are recommending the securing of the Town Account. We the committee further recommend immediate steps be taken at regular meeting July 16th, passing an ordinance naming one bank as our depository and getting full security for our account, superceeding previous ordinance naming both Newsmyrna Banks as depository,- and noti- fying Bonding Company of proceedure. You are all famaliar with letter which was sent This Council at time Bond was given, that our accounts be secured. We are of opinion that our Treasurer would be held wholly responsible in case of loss for one reason or another, while the bond- ing company would only be responsible to the amount of the bond and we doubt if they would shoulder the responsibility since they asked that the accounts be secured, which was not done. wince the matter was given considerable thought some time ago then dropped, we again ask the concensus of opinion of this body their recommendations as a body and we will take steps necessary to secure this or these accounts as above recommended and explained. Respect fully, Chairman Finance Committee. i_co scan. � ° W aiN + , 1