03-04-1930 - Regular MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY MARCH 4 19 30. MEETING called to Order at 7:30 P.M. by Pres. Marz. ROLL CALL: Pres.Marz, Present. Ald.W.T.Goodyear, Absent Ald.H.A.Moore , Present, Ald.Paul Van Arman, Present Ald.H.P.Wilkinson, Present. MINUTES of regular meeting held Tuesday Feby 18th were read and upon Motion by Ald.Van Arman, Seconded by Ald.H.P.Wilk- inson, approved. Motion carried unanimously. • COMMUNICATIONS: Clerk Letter from M.L.Fuller City Auditor , and Clerk of New Smyrna, together with a Resolution , by the City Commission of the City of New Smyrna, entitled "A `resolution denying the use of the Municipal Jail to A.J.cannon, Constable and Marshall of the Town of Edge- water, Florida". Motion by Ald.Van Arman, Seconded by Ald. H.P.Wilkinson, that the above mentioned Resolution and Letter be received and made a part of these minutes. Motion un- animously carried. BILLS : Clerk read the following bills : Tom Brooker $75.00 "arrant No 693 City of New Smyrna 2.00 694 W.J.Bigelow 4.40 695 R.C.Fullerim Clerk 50.00 696 A.J.Ceinnon, Marshall 15.00 697 E .H.Lohman,Treasurer 10.00 698 Royal Hubbell Jr. , 2.00 699 F.R.Renwick 6.00 700 A.J.Cannon 4.00 701 The H.&.W.B .Drew Co. , 5.08 702 S.W.Roberts 2.90 703 Blount Motor Co 5.00 704 Rowley Archer Tire Co 1.70 705 J.J.Lofton 2.00 706 J.J.Lofton 5.72 707 Curtis Giddens .25 70th A.B .Wilkinson 5.00 709 A.E .Sedgewick 2.00 780 Motion by Ald.Van Arman Seconded by Ald.H .P.Wilkinson that bills be paid as read. Motion unanimously carried, REPORTS OF OFFICERS; Clerk reported that on account of illness and close time of meeting to the first of the month, the usual monthly reports from his office had not been prepared , but would be submitted at the next regular meeting. ORDI NANCES: Motion by Ald.Van Arman taaonded by Ald.H.A.Moore that Clerk write Hull Landis & ' hitehair, and inquire as to cost of having them prepare suitable Ordinance for the Town A err ..✓. Minutes of Tuesdya March 4th continued, to cover the Collection, Assessment etc of taxes . as out- lined by the Ordinance Committee. Motion unanimously carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS; No further business transacted due to absence of a quorum, Ald.H.P.Wiikinson having left the meet- ing at 10 Oclock P.M. and Aid. Moore having left at 10.25 P .M. President Marz declared the meeting adjourned. SIGNED 0:X7. 277 A- / ATTEST OF / / • C k. • • DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS. TAXATION AND FINANCE OFFICE OF M. L. FULLER CITY qU DiTOR ANO CLERK City of New Smyrna VOLUSIA COUNTY NEW SMYRNA, FLORIDA 4 March , 1930 Mr. R. C. Fuller, Town Clerk, Edgewater, Florida . Dear Sir: I am handing you heiwith copy of a resolution duly passed by the i ty Commission, prohibiting A. J. Cannon from lodging prisoners in the Municipal Jail. Please transmit the resolution to your Mayor and .Town Council. Your attention is especially directed to Section 3 of the resolution. The passage of this resolution is not intended as any reflection upon the Mayor and Council, or the people of Edgewater ; nor is it desired to affect in any way the pleasant relations now existing between your Council and the Commission, the action being taken wholly for the protection of this City, and not through any desire to create friction. Yours very truly, MLF:H Dit y Auditor and Clerk LE9PAOTRET r R VIDEAD. `YUtr'U`^! LJOORTDHRS ERED .RA FELPCOERRIT AMN[;D- T" U ` ' •Tow u it��., • RESOLUTION alria;x4 THE USE OF • 11E MUNICIPAL JAIL TO A. 3, CANNON, CONSTABLE Ali) MAR;114\I OF THE TON OF IIDGEWATIII, ELORIDA WIL2R .A3, the City Co* ission of the City of New n7rna lorida• deems it advisable and to the best interests at the City of New Smyrna to prohibit the use of the Municipal Jail of the City of New --tazy•rna by one J. Cannon, NOW, 1111EREFORI3 NE IT RiZOLVZ BY TIE CITY COMMISSION OF TIM CITY OF tri; SIVE:111.9 FLORIDA, AS FO LOS: 3ecti on 1. That A. J. Cannon, Constable wad Marshal of t:e Town of Edg3water, be and he is hereby prohibited fran lodging prisoners in. the Municipal Jail operated by the City of New jingrriaa. klorida. Sec ti on S. That the City 1,11anafpr be ard he is hereby authorized and directed to enforoe the provisions of this reso:'12tion by appropriate instructions to the several police and jell department officers and einployeea; and that the several police and jail deportraert officers all employees be and they are hereby prohibited from permitting the said 3. Cannon to loch prisoners in the New :-ta,yiela Municipal Jail, at any tine, or I.Ton any prete3e:t . Section 3 . That a copy of this Resolution shall be forward. (1 to the Mayor and To Council of the UPO% 'PORT Rt.CEIVED . oRTIDT,-SETI4ADEI`Pr:' __Ft .w3 OF EDG EM AT ER,FLO "• ... ...... siotiLo . Town of l'e'doswater„ Florida; PROVID.Z that nothing in this Resolution shall be construed to in any manner af fb et the present amicable and ;,`leasant rein tl ons by a nd bet ween the corporate go vernnnts of the City of New ;:irayrria an d the Tom of Edgewater, the City Commission of New 44yma recognizing that the conditions making the -assage of this Resolution necessary li byyond the control of the municipal authorities of the Tom of Edgewirter. ,oection That this resolution shall have the effect of reocindino ond repealing any and all resolutions to the contrary heretofore adopted by the City Cougnissd on. ,ect ti on 5. "*.aht this resolution shall tale effect imnrdiately upon its xxissage. The above andstoregoirc resoIution was presented by Corsaissioner A , who moved its adoption, which said motion was seconded by Cam:misc.!. oner .t and upon roll call, the resoluti0 n. was adopted, the vote of the City Commission being as follows: tTo ay' -L.02/E1 i a z oner •. goner , P - 0 . ..0 se ante ATTEST: 411IP 4111rot , y or a • er. "** 14011-1, ----- ( , --- --------- ‘- —-------- 10•0 0Eas