12-18-1930 - Regular ;g1NUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF EDGEWATER,VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY , DECEMBER 18 A.D. 1930. Meeting called to Order at 7:30 P.M. by Pres. 'Ian Arman. ROLL CALL: President Paul Van Arman, Present Alderman II.A.Moore , Present Alderman, F.R.Renwick, Present 4 Alderman, H.P .'y.ilkinson, Absent Alderman, Ralph Adams, Absent. % Minutes of regular meeting held Tuesday, December 2nd , A.D. 1930 , were, upon motion by A1d.F.R.Aenwick,secpnded by Ald.H.A.Moore , approved as read.Motion unanimously carried. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS: Clerk read the following bills: F.H.Vlarner, $ 2.95 oar.No 862 New Smyrna News Co 8.50 " 863 Hibbard Hdwe Co 25.40 " 864 J.J.Lofton, 4.50 " 865 Walter Giddens 4.50 " 866 Motion by Ald.H.A.Moore seconded by Ald.F.R.Renwick, that the above named bills be paid as read. Motion unanimously carried. COMMUNI CAtIONS : Clerk read letter from Town Attorneys , relative the establishment of ass permanent improvement fund , with money collected on delinquint taxes.Motion by Ald.F.R.Renwick, seconded by Ald.H.A.Moore , that clerk write Town Attorneys, and ask them to prepare a Resolution to set aside the money Eollected on delinquint and back taxes, into a "Permanent improvement" or "Building Fund" . Motion unanimously carried. Motion by Ald.H.A.Moore seconded by Ald. F.R.Renwick, to adjourn. Carried. ``41' I I Signed 1 L- 1i , 4-- Presiden of Council. dT 4 TOWN CLERK. •