07-06-1931 - Special d ` w 4 alit 3 S PEC IAL MINUTES OF 14XIDIX,KR MEET ING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF EDGWATr VOLU Ik COUNTY FLORIDA HELD MONDAY JiJLY A.D. 1931 . Meeting called t o Order at 7 :30 P.M. by Councilman F.R.Renwick . ROLL CALL : MiaYor-Councii man W.T.Goodyear . Absent Counci lman F.R.Rerwick Present Councilman H. ..Moore Present BY mutal consent Councilman F.R.Renwick presided at the meeting in the absence of th e May or. Clerk read the call for the meeting which was as follows : " A special meeting of the Town Council is ord ere d on-veiled t o meet at the V. I. A. Hal 1 l in Ecl gewater . F' or-hi .a on Monday July 1st A.D. 'Q31. this being the First Mona ay in July. for the nurnose of race irino' the prel iminary Tax AQsessment Rol '! for. the Yeer A.D. 1931 and t o receive and hear comn1 aints and make ai 1 nrorer corrections and a.4 stmen t s on said roll : the time of the meeting be ing ea,'l ed for 7 :30 0'c' oak. P.M. the usual hour for the meeting o f the Town Council." Present at the meeting were Citizens : Messrs H.B. & A C. A. Ashcraft, E.H.Lohman , and Marshall. C.T. King. pre iminary T esfssessor R.C.Fu' ler tendered the for the year A.D. 1 931. Councilman F.R.Renwiek stated the Council was ready to he&r any complaints. or re cue sts far ad Just- me nts and correction on the ro11. None of the Citizens nreeent had any comp' aint to make whereupon Counc ilman H.A.M-ore moved, that the Equili7ation Meeting be extended to Tuesday July 7th for the purpose of hearing at the Count il 'a regular mee tins any Comm A. ints etc - , as per- mitted by Law. Motion seconded by Councilman F.R.Rerwi ek and Counc it ad iourned until its regular meeting to be kt held Tuesday July 7th L.D. 1931. Sienedr Cpunc i man and Acting. Mayor. test : own la r k.