08-20-1931 - Special Lool MINUTES OF SPECIAL i ETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL TON OF EDGE4(ATER, FLORIDA, HELD T UINDAY, 'AUGUST 2Oth A.D. 1931. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P .M. by Maya !`+.T .Goodyear. ROLL CALL: 4 Mayor-Councilman, W.T .Goodyear, Present Councilman, F.R.Renwick, Present Councilman, H.A.Moore , Present. CALL: Clerk read the call issued by Mayor W.T .Goocif year, for the spcial meeting, as follows; "A special meeting of the Town Council is hereby called for the usual hour, 7:30 O' clock P .M. Thursday, August 20th A.D. 1931, for the purpose of transacting all business properly brogght before it" . MINUTES : Clerk read minutes of regular meeting held Tuesday,: July 21st 1931. Motion by Council- man F.R.Renwick, seconded by Councilman H .A. Moore , to approve the minutes as read , was carried by the unanimous vote of the Council COMMUNICATIONS: None. B I LIS AND ACCOUNTS : Clerk read the following bills: R.C.Fuller,Clerk. $ 50.00-War. 957 C .T.King, Marshall , 15.00 95 City of New Smyrna, 2.00 959 City of New Smyrna, 75.00 960 Hull Landis & Whitehai.r, 219.70 963: Councilman F.R.Renwick made motion, duly seconded by Councilman H.A.Moore , that the above named bills be ordered paid as read. Motion carried by the unanimous vote of the Council. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Clerk read Clerks monthly Finantial Report for the month of July. Motion by Councilman H.A. Moore seconded by Councilman F.R.Renwick, that the report be received and made a part of these minutes. Motion unanimously carried., by vote of the Council. NEW BUSINESS: After general discussion, Council decided that during the Month of September, ana additional street cleaning , mowing etc. , would be necessary and authorized Councilman H .A.Moore to proceed with the work. Also authorized Councilman H.A. Moore to have the Town Wharf repaired sufficiently to remove any hazard. to citizens using it, the 1 repairs to be of a temporary nature , in view of the expected New Canal. �,�,, rvnr►' 3 page 2- Minutesof the Town Council Town of Edgewater ,Florida held Thursday August 20th A.D . 1931- MOTION BY Councilman F.R.Renwick, seconded by $ A Councilman, h .U.Moore, to adjourn. Motion carried , and council adjourned sine die. SIGNET?: Mayor-Councilman TTEST: Councilman jI TpV Clerk. Councilman i (C\ P)( 11 I \, 1 a - TOWN OF EDGEWATER FLORIDA Report of R.0.Full_er, Clerk Month •of July 1931 192 DEBIT RECEIPTS : NONE BAL.CASH ON HAND JUNE 30 1931 2,922 29 TOTAL 2,922 29 CREDIT DISBURSEMENTS; Warrants Paid: 958 Inclusive per cash book Nos 937 to 323 35 BALANCE CASH ON HAND JULY 31; $ First Atlantic National Bank Daytona Beach Clerk 2,588.67 10.27 2,598 94 THIS REPORT ilzerivEn AND tI?:)^1 TM?1.1 VT.1‘,"ID,C.P.nr.Eli ORDERED IhA DE A PART OF IRE f .11-1.:06 4014 LingifilATLA.Koma', ' ..............................• (4414W4 11166-..•-• ...... • 01111040 TOTAL 2,922 29