10-06-1931 - Regular F .A, 0 =TES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL,TOWN OF EDGE WATER,FLORIDA, HELD AT THE V.I .A. HALL,IN THE TOWN OF EDGE WATER, FLORIDA, ON TU.�SDAY THE 6th DAY OF OCTOBER A.D. 1931 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P .M. by Mayor- W'.T.Goodyear, with the following members present: Mayor-Councilman, W.T.Goodyear, Present Councilman, F.R.Ren.dick, Present Councilman, H.A.Moore, Present. MINUTES of the regular meeting held Tuesday Sept. 15th _',.D. 1931, were read and approved on motion by Councilman H.A.Moore , seconded by Councilman F.R.Ren_wick. Motion unanimously carried. COL:_.'UNICATIONS: None BILLS AND ACCOUNTS: Clerk read the following bills: <T.F.Owens, $ 6.00 War-Voucher No 930 Phil Marz, 6.00 to " No 981 H.A.Moore, 24.00 " " No 982 G.B .Simpson, 10.00 " " No 983 J.m .Owens, 11.00 " "., No 984 Phil Marz, 11.00 " " No 935 Royal Hubbell 13.00 " " No 986 Harold McLane, 13.00 " " No 98 Will McLane, 11.00 " " No 988 R.C.Fuller, 50.00 '' " No 989 C.T.King, 15.00 " " No.990 J.F.Owens, 6.50 " " No.991 Phil Marz, 6.50 " " No 992 J.J.Lofton, 2.25 " " No 993 H.A.Moore, 2.25 " " No 994 H.A.Moore, 114.00 " " No 995 City of New S_myrna 2.00 " " No 996 Frank J.TTor dean 24.00 " " No 997 Bond-Howell Lbr Co 21.00 " " No 998 H.C.Colee, 4.85 " " No 999 D.M.McDonald, 85.50 if " No 1000 New Smyrna News Co 29.42 " " NO 1001 J.H.Scarboro 3.63 " " No 1002 Hibbard Hdwe Co. , 1.95 " " No 1003 C.H.Sams, 42.50 " " No 1004 Motion by Councilman P.R.Renwick, that the above named bills be ordered paid as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman H.A .Moore and unanimously carried. Mayor Goodyear asked the citizens present if Anyone had any matter to bring before the council. Mr.R.S .Fee, asked the Council to provide funds for a Volunteer Piremans organization, it being proposed to form the Edgewater Diamond Ball Team into a Volunteer Piremans organization to provide an organized force of workers available on short notice to assist in fighti!g fires. Mr.Fee also spoke to the Council in appreciatii of the generous use of the New Smyrna recreation parks accorded to the Citizens of Edgewater, and asked if the Sheet 24 Minutes of October 6 A.D. 1931 Counci' would not go on record and make suitable thanks to the City Administration of New Smyrna for the privileges accorded in the recreation 4.r field. Mr.Pee also spoke to the Council relative the hazard of Passenger Busses traveling thru the Town at high speed, with apparently no regard for the state law in the matter. It was brought out in the discussion that followed, that the trouble seemed to be confined at present to two operating companies i.e. The Florida Motor Lines , and the Colonial Stages South, Inc. , Motion by Councilman P.R.Renwick, seconded by Council- man H.A. ]oore , that the Mayor be requested to write two letters to the City Administration of New Smyrna,ore expressing the thanks of the people of Edgewater and the Town Council; for the unstinted use of their public recreation parks and facilities and the other thanking the City of New Smyrna for the generous use of equipment loaned the Town of Edgewater for Street work. Motion unanimously carried. Motion by Councilman F.R.Renwick, seconded by Council- man H.A.Moore, that the Town proceed with the removal of brush and grass from certain unused streets and vacant lots, to remove the fire hazard caused by the condition of the streets and lots, and that the Volunteer Fire Department, composed at present of members of the Diamo'd Ball Team, be given the work, in order to assist the young men in providing the necessary equipment for their ball team, it being agreed that the men doing the work would contribute half of the pay so received, to the Ba]L Club, and that the Town Clerk notify the Ball Club of this action. Motion unanimously carried. Motion by Councilman F.R.Rewnick, seconded by Council- man H.A.Moore, that the Clerk be instructed to write to 14e operators of the passenger bus lines, traveling th u Eagewater4 vigorous letters of protest at the dangerous speed and carlessness in the manner of thier operation through the town and to warn them that the speed laws woad be inforced. Motion unanimously carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Clerk read the cash report of his office, for the month of September 1930. Motion by Coun- cilman H.A.Moore, seconded by Councilman F.R.Renwick, that the report be received and made a part of these minutes. Motion unanimously carried. Councilman F.R.Renwick, offered the following Resolution: • e A RESOLUTION ORDERING ANNUAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE TOWN OP EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, FOR THE YEAR A.D. 1931; PRE- SCRIBING THE TINE AND PLACE OF HOLING SUCH ELECTION: PRESCRIBING THE PURPOSE THEREOF: PRESCRIBING THE RULES BY WHICH SUCH ELECTION SHALL BE GOVERNED: PRESCRIBING THE TIME THE POLLS SHALL OPEN AND CLOSE AND www PROVIDING FOR NOTICE THEREOF. WHEREAS, the sown Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florid Ploridk, is authorized and empowered under and by virture of the authority vested in it by the laws of the State of Florida and the Ordi*ances of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, to call an annual election for the aforesaid Town and prescribe by Resolution the time of holding such election and the purpose thereof, and HEREAS , it is proper for the aforesaid Town Council to order an annual election to be held in the afore- said Town for the purpose of electing three ( 3) Council- men, and One (1) Town Clerk, whose terms of office shall be as hereinafter stated, to-witt Three ( 3 ) Councilmen, Whose terms shall be One (1 ) , Two (2) , and Three (3) years each, determined as follows : The Candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall serve for three ( 3) years, the Candidate receiving the next highest number of votes to serve for Two (2) years and the Candidate receiving the third high- est votes to serve for a term of One (1 ) year, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified: One (1) Town Clerk, whose term of office shall be for One ( 1) year, or until his successor is duly elec- ted and qualified; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER FLORIDA: Section 1 o That an annual election be , and the same is hereby ordered to be held in the Town of Edgewater,Florida on the Third day of November A.D. 1931, at the V.I .A.. Hall, in the said Town of Edgewater, Florida, for the purpose of electing three Councilmen and a Town Clerk, the aforesaid Councilmen to be elected for terms of One ( 1) Two (2) and Three (3) years each, their terms to be determined as follow The Candidate for Councilmen receiving the highest number of votes shall serve for a term of Three (3) years, the cazj- didate for Councilman receiting then the next highest number of votes shall serve for a term of Two ( 2) years , and the Candidate for Councilman receiving the third highest number of votes shall be elected for a term of One ( 1) year, in the event of tie votes between any candidates , the same shall be disposed of as provided by laws The Town Clerk shall be elected for a term of One (1 ) year, or until his or her successor is duly elected and installed. Section 2. That at the annual election hereby ordered the sane rules that apply to general elections under the laws of the s$a;e of Florida shall be observed. Section 3. That the polls at the above named voting place shall open at 3 O'Clock A.I . and shall close at sundwon, Eastern Standard Time , on the day of said election. section 4. That the Clerk of the Town of Edgewater, 'lorida, be and he is hereby instructed to give notice of the annual election hereby ordered, by posting the notice to be here. inafter set forth, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date upon which the election hereby. _ordered is pet, in three (3) diffirent cons:picioug places in the said Town, one of which places shall be at the front door of the Town. Hall of said Town, .2s Section 5. That the notice of such election to be posted as herein provided shall be in substantially the following form, to-wit NOTICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council, of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, under and by virture of the authority vested in it by the laws of the State of Florida, and the Ordinances of the Town of Edewater,Plorida, has ordered an annual election to be held on Tuesday the Third day of Nov- ember, A.D. 1931, at the V.I .A.BALL, in the Town of Edgewater ,Florida, for the purpose of electing three (3 ) councilmen, of which the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected for a term of three ( 3 ) years , the candid- ate receiving the next highest nunoer of votes for a term of Two (2) years , and the candidate receiving the third highest number of votes for a term of One (1 ) year; and for the fuilher purpose of electing a Town Clerk, whose term shall be for One ( 1 ) year, or until their, or is or her success- ors, are duly elected and qualified. The polls will open at 8 O'Clock A.U. and will close at Sundown, Eastern Standard Time, on the day of said Election. The said election shall be held in substantiality conformity with the rules applicable to general elections held under the laws of the State of Florida. TOWN OF ED GE WATER, FLORIDA. BY Mayor-Councilman, ATTEST: Town Clerk. Seal The above and foregping resolution was passed by the un- animus vote of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, on the 6th Day of October A.D. .3- 1931, sombers of the said Council voting as follows* ova owner (seal) Approved by me this (O dfAy of October AID. 1931• i.4,;art, town of dgeseterIFlorida. Counciliin P.R.Renwick, then offerect the following Resolution: ( see next page ) !t►• , fl A RESOLUTION PROVIDING THE TIM AND DAYS:, IN tiICH TEE REGRISTRATION BOOT OF TIM TOWN OF EDGE ATER., FLORIDA, SHALL BE i' FT OPEN IN THE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK: AND STATING TEE TIM OF THE FINAL CASING OF SAID REGRISTRATION BOOM NEXT PRIOR TO THE ANNUAL TOWN ELECTION TO BE HELD IN TIM TOWN OF ED GE yIATER, FLORIDA DURING THE YEAR A.D. 1931. WHEREAS, RN an annual election in and. for the Town of Edgewater, Florida, has been ordered held on the 3rd day of November A.D . 1931, and VHERF.AS, it becomes the duty of the Town Council to designate the days and the hours in whic ,the Town Clerk, as Registration Officer, for the Town of Edgewater, Florida, shall have the said regristartion booka open in the office of the. Town Clerk, at the V.I .A.Hall, in the Town of Edgewater, Florida, for the purpose of registering such voters as may apply and qualify to register in the said Town Registration Book, prior to the annual election heretofore mentioned,row BE IT RESOLVED BY Tx ; TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF D GE DATER, FLORIDA, Section 1. That the Town Clerk of the Town of Edgewater Florida, be instructed, and he is hereby ordered_ to open the registration books- of the Town of Edgewatter, Florida, at the office of the. Town Clerk, in the V.I .A. Hall, in the Town of Edgewater, Florida., on the 8th day of October A.D. 1931, and shall keep said books open from day to day until and including the 24th day of October A.D. 1931, and the Town. Clerk shall observe the hours hereinafter set forth, and he is hereby require& to post, in four conspicious places in the. Town of Edgewater„ ma ,of:.which shall be at the door of the VI.A.Hall, a copy of thy: Revolution for the information of all whom it may concern, Section 2. That the hours during which the regis- tration books of the aforesaid Town, shall be kept open, on the days provided for in this resolution, shall be as follows: On each week day, beg bntng Thursday, October 8th A.D. 19 31, and to annd. including Saturday, the 24th day of October A.D . 1931, the hours shall be from.. 9:00 o'clock A.M. to 12:00 o'clock Noon. and from 2:00 o' clock P.L. to 5:00 o' clock P.U. except that on Saturday ft the 24th day of October A.D . 1931, the hours shall be from 9:00 o'clock A..w; . until 12:00 o'clock Noon, and from 2:00 o' clock P.M. until 6:00 O' clock P.M. after which time the books will close and no further registration be permitted until the Az 4th day of November A.D . 1931. The above aid foregoing resolution passed by the .ry unanimous vote of the. Town Council, of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, on the 6th day of October A.1). 1931, the vote of the Council being as follows: Ail/44-L/ 07 � . y ST: C e Approved by me this 6th day of Octthber AD . 1931 /6.4611404 `-ri . t e Town of Edgewaterr,Florida. Councilman H.A.Moore, then offered the following Resolution: -2.. IS w..r R E S O L U T I O N A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A CLERK AIv'D THREE INSPECTORS TO ACT AT THE ANNU- AL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER,FLORIDA, TUESDAY, NOV- EMBER 3rd A.D. 1;931. WHEREAS, it is necessary and proper for the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, to appoint, for the annual election to be held in said Town on the 3rd day of November, A.D. 1931, four (4) persons from the qualified electors of said Town, three It (3) of whom shall act as Inspectors of such election and one (1) to act as Clerk at said election, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RES OOVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS : Se• i�,n 1 . . ; t �� - and a. . 44 tr,.0a,n-,:,/ , all three of whon[71776-amiTtuirored electors o the Town of Edgewater, Florida, be, and they are hereby appointed to act as Inspectors of the Annual Election to be Wald in the Tour. of Edgewater, Florida,on the 3rd day of November A.D. 1931. Section 3. That_______________-__, „a duly qualifie& elector of the Town of Edgewater,Plorida, be, and is hereby appointed to act as Clerk of the Annual Elec- tion to be held in the Town of Edgewater, Florida,' on the 3rd day of November A.D. 193a.. The &tap on of the above Resolution was moved by Council- m , seconded by Councilman and on vote the same was passed on the f; -A) day of October A.D. 1931, as follows: / A Ar 3/4„ Mayo ; oun ilman Councilman Councilman A TiST: :mil , opt Cler, . Approved by me th4_ day of October, A.D. 1931. oly `J'`� ; Mayor-Counci , Town of Edgewater, Florida. \kW" Councilman P.R.Renwick, made the following motion: That the unexpended balances on hand at the end of the fiscal year ending Sept 30th A.D. 1931, amounting to $ 1,622.92, as per the Clerks Report for the month of September A.D. 1931, be reaportioned in the amounts named and to the accounts specified, as folio s: To the General. Fund, Account 1, Streets-, the sum of $ 400.00 , Account 2, Street Lights , the sum of 0200.00 , Account 3,Drainage & Docks, the si r,. of 0100.00 , Account 4,Salaries, the sum of $400.00, Account 5, Legal & Elections, the sun of $300.00, Account 6, Office Expense & Maintenence , the sum of $150.00, Account 7, Emlaergency, the sum of 072.92. the said reaportionment to provide a working fund for the various accounts pending the collection of taxes and other revenues for the fiscal year 1931-32. The motion was seconded by Councilman H.A.ioore , and unanimously* � d, the vote of council being. as Olto vs: ' �w /t4 , 0nr1 , 01� ". Motion bas then made by Councilman F.R.Renwick, seconded by Councilman II.A.i;oore , to adjourn sine die. Motion unanimously carried and council adjourned. Signed 2 wr pia, yor-Coun ilman. ATTEST: ) r� m Councilman o u- 7 ler l(7 Councilman TOWN OF EDGEWATER FLORIDA Cash Report Report of R.C.Fuller, Clerk, Month of September 1931 192 DEBIT RECEIPTS: To 1130 Delinquent. Tax&Costs Collected $ 4.83 To 1928 ff• 9.17 Total Collected $ 14 *0 Cash of hand Aug 31st 1931 2,3 . 86 TOTAL 2,326 86 CREDIT Disbursements: Warrant-Vouchers Nos- 962- to 1004 Inclusive 701144 Clerks Feet s 5 Certificates Redeemed Q .50 1 250 Balance Cash on hand Sept 30th 1931: First Atlantic National Bank, Daytona Beach,Fla $ 1,590. .3 Cash with Clerk 32..9 1,622 92 TOTAL $ 2,326186