10-31-1931 - Special roe- TaNUTES OF SPECIAL ?FETING OF THE T07N COUNCIL, TOWN OF EDGE.ATER, FLORIDA, BELD IN THE V.I .A. HALL, IN THE TOdN OF EDGE:TATER, ON SATURDAY OCTOBER 31st A.D. 1931. Meeting called to Order at :00 O' clock by Mayor W.T.Goodyear. Roll Call: Mayor-Co xn.cilr an, ., .T .Goodyear, Present Councilman, F.A.Reny ick, Absent Councilman, H.A.Moore , Present. Other officers present. Marshall C.T.King and Clerk R.C .Ful le r. Clerk read the call for the meeting, issued by Mayor W.T.Goodyear, reading as follows: " A special meeting of the Town Council of the Torn, of Edge water,F lorid.a, is hereby called for Saturday October 31st A.D. 1931, at 7:00 O'Clock in the V.I .A. Hall, for the pur- pose of preparing the ballot box for the Town Election to be held on Tuesday November 3rd, A.D. 1931, and for the further purpose of pre. paring any other matters incident to said election". The Council thereupon ordered the Clerk to prepare the oldest ballot box for use in the election to be held Uctember 3rd A.D. 1931, by destroying such papa and documents found therein. This was done by the Clerk and the Council thereupon placed in the ballot box, in the presence of I x.M.B .Haughton, Clerk of the Election, Mr.C.T.King, Town Earshall and R.C. Fuller, Town Clerk, such papers and documents as are rea.u:ired by law to be delivered to the Clerk and Inspectors of the Election. The box Baas thereupon sealed in the presence of the '; itnessess above named and the key thereof was delivered to Mr.M.B.Haughton Clerk of the Election and the Ballot Box was delivexi to i.r.C.A.Ashcraft, an Inspector of the Election. Upon motion by Aid. H.A.Moore, seconded by Councilman 7.T.Goodyear, the meeting Las thereupon adjourned sinie die . I SIGNED / I - ��--✓ ►LST: r Counci zan To wyrz, lerk.