08-10-1932 - Regular/Adjourned vrwr✓
Wednesdayp August 10th A.D. 1932.
MEETING called td order at 7:30 O'clock P.M.' by Mayor
F.R.Renwick, with the following officers and
members present.
Mayor.. Councilman g.R.Renwick,
Councilman J.J.Francis
Clerk R.C.Fuller.
Councilman H.P.Wilkinson was absent.
MINUTES: lotion by Councilman J.J.Francis seconded by
Councilman F.R.Renwick, that the reading of
the Minutes of the regular meeting held Wed-
nesday August 3rd A.D. 1932, be waived until
the next regular meeting, August 17th A.D.1932.
The motion was unanimously carried, by the
members present.
MOTION by Councilman J.J.Francis seconded by
Councilman F.R.Rdnwick that the regular order
of business be dispensed with and that the
consideration of the Estimate of Expenditures
for the fiscal year beginning October 1st A.D.
1932 and ending Sept. 30th A.D. 1933, be taken
up. Motion unanimously carried.
The Completed Estimate of Expenditures for the
fiscal year beginning October lst A.D. 1932
and ending Sept. 30th A.D. 1933, was prepared
by the Council as follows:
For Street Maintenence & Repairs $ 800.00
For Street Lights 950.00
For Drainage & Docks m125.00
For Salaries 870.00
For Office Expenses 100. 00
For Legal & Election 400.00
For Emmergencies 500.00
Total Estimate of Expenditures $ 3 745.00
and on Motion by Councilman J.J.Francio seconded
by Councilman F.R.Renwiek, the Town Clerk was
instructed to post four copies of the Estimated
Expenditures for the fiscal year beginning Oct.
1st A.D. 1932 and ending amtakaz September 30th
A.D. 1933, on the Town Bulletin Boards. Motion
unanimously carried.
Mr.E.A.Lembeck was present and asked the
Council to provide material for erecting a
small runway and diving board in river maps in
Highland Shores, at a point to be selected by
the committee which Mr.Lembeck asked appointed.
It was brought out that a large number of childp
ren and grown people, living in Edgewater, had
been bathing in the river and would appreciate
c a safe diving board erected for them. Mr.Lem-
beck stated that there would be no labor cost for
erecting the board. After discussion of the project
Councilman J.J.Francis made the following Motion,
(continued on sheet 2 )
Sheet No. 2
Minutes of Regular adjourned meeting of the
Town Council, Town of Edgewater,Florida, gar
Umx aiemi ( Volusia County), held Wednesday
August 10th A.D. l932-(concluded)
NEW BUSINESS: Conclusion:
"That Councilman H.P.Wilkinson and Mr.E.A.
Lembeck, be authorized to hse a springboard
and runway erected in river in Highlad Shores
at a point to be agreed upon, for the use of
the Citizens of Edgewater, going in swimming,
at a cost not to exceed Fifteenollara, for
Material used, to be paid for�'the Emmergency
Aacc ,intoof the General Fund, 'the work to be
done immediately. The Motion was seconded by
Councilman F.R.Renwick and unanimously carried.
Councilman J.J.Prancis made motion to adjourn,
the motion being seconded by Councilman F.R.
Renwick, and unanimously carried.
� T EST:
r / I , Signed
. ,j Mayor- ouncilman
0''n' CLERK.
}C oilman