11-02-1932 - Regular 1 Strati MINUTES OF REGLAR METING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL, TOWN OF EDGEWATER,FOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA HELL, IN THE V.I .A. HALL, WEDNESDAY THE 2nd Day of NOVEMBER A.D. 1932. MEETING called to order at 7: 30 O' Clock P .M. by Mayor, F.R.Renwick, with the following officers and members present: Mayor-Councilman F.R.Renwick, Councilman J.J.Francis , Councilman H.P.' ilkinson, Clerk, R.C.Fuller. MINUTES of regular meeting held October 19th and October 29th A.D . 1932, were , on MOTION by councilman H.P .-Alkinson, seconded by Councilman J.J.Francis , approved as read. The motion unanimously carried. BILLS & ACCOUNTS : Clerk read the following bills: Hi.bard Hard;:are co. , Sig 2.70 ar. No. 11T R.S .Fee , 1.00 1193 C.T .King, 4. 50 1195 R.C .Fuller, 50.00 1196 C.T .King, 15.00 1197 F.R.Renwick, 3.00 119$ J.J.Francis , 3.00 1199 H.P .Wilkinson, 3.00 1200 City of New Smyrna 2.00 1201 H.B.Ashcraft, 3.50 1202 O .G.Sage , 4.00 1205 C .T .King, 3.23 1206 MOTION by councilman H.P . ilkinson, seconded by Councilman, J.J.Francis , that the above named bills be ordered paid, as read. Motion unanimously carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Clerk submitted report of Receipts and Disbursements for the month of October 1932, MOTION by Councilman J.J.Francis, seconded by Councilman H.P .Wilkinson, that the report be received and made a part of these minutes. Motion unanimously carried. Clerk read Marshalls Report of street and other work done for the period ending October 31st 1932 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: MOTION by Councilman J.J.Francis , seconded by Councilman H. ' ilkinson, that the Report of Auditor Wm.Marvin White , covering the audit of the Towns books , records and accounts for the period beginning October 31st 1930 and ending mitg September 30th 1932, be approved and the resort made a part of these minutes , .i. that the Clerk be authorized to draw a warrant in pay- ment of the cost of the Audit, in& accordance with the terms of the agreement and bill rendered. Motion un- animously carried. . (The report referred to in the above Motion ' ' ' are attached to these minutes , being pages iTuMbered 3 to '35 inclusive • ( cpntinued on page 2) `'4111.,- TOWN OF EDGEWATER FLORIDA Report of .C .Fuller, Town Clerk Month of OCTOBER L2. 192 CASH ACCOUNT- SIT± .ARY OP RECEIPTS &: DISB? 5E' NT6 DEBIT — - 1929 Delinquent Taxes Collected 522.71 Int. & Costs 3. 1930 ' 29.41 " 9 1931 ►t 7.98 >= 1. Subsequent & Omitted " 33.00 " 3•• Total Collected 93.10 22.7 115 85 Less Clerk' s Fees , 11 Certs Redeemed 5 150 Total net collections 110 35 Balance cash on hand Sep 30th 1932 Por.rard- 1 ,157 79 TOTAL 1,268 14 CREDIT Warrants Drawn in October 1932 103 20 Balance cash on hand October 31st 1,159 94 in Atlantic T�Tatl Bank Daytona "11,043.47 with Clerk 111.47 1,159.94 �r ,l / SIG.NE `l' Clerk Page 2 TOTAL • S 1 ,263 14 1 Minutes of Nov 2 1932 do to 1 A U D I T REP O R T EDGEWATER, r L0R IDA • WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A.. S.C. • • WILLIAM O. GENTRY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, S. C. INCOME TAX CONSULTANT 224 SOUTH BEACH ST. - TELEPHONE 541 XX-Nar . FLORIDA New Smyrna, October 28, 1932. To The Honorable Town Council, Edgewater, Florida. Gentlemen: In accordance with your instructions, as authorized in the meeting of your Honorable Body under date of October 5th. , 1932, I have made an atdit and examination of the books and records of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, for the period begin. ning October 1st, 1930 and ending September 310. , 1932. As a result of my work, I submit the Exhibits and Schedules, as shown on the Index of this report, together with my comments on same. 1 hereby certify that the results shown herein, are to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and correct. Respectfully Submitted, WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C. Pi A. (Si' . ) Licensed Public Accra untant of Fla, Audit made and report compiled by: G/vr .a � >72,4/12-;/, WILLI.AM MAR VIN WHITE, Acm untant in Charge. I Ammo- NNW' INDEX TITLES PAGE Uomments 1 settlement with h.C .Fuller• , Sept. 30, 1932 3 Warrants issued, Oct. 1, 1931 to Sept. 30 , 1932 4 sank heconciliation, wept . 30, 1932 7 1931 lax sale certificiates held by Town 8 Tax Sale certificates uancelled by clerk of circuit court 9 Settlement with h.C .Fu.11er, wept. 30, 1931 10 settlement with L.Y.Lohma.n., Lvov. 18, 1930 11 Settlement with A.B.Wilkinson, may 14, 1931 11 warrants issued, Oct. 1, 1930 to Sept . 30, 1931 12 1930 Tax Sale uertificates held by Town 14 1930 Tax sale uertificates held by -Fur. do Assignees 16 1929 lax sale certificates held by gown 17 1929 Tax sale uertificates held by Fur. & Assignees 18 1928 Tax Sale certificates held by Town 19 1928 Tax sale certificates held by Fur. o6 Assignees 20 1927 Tax sale certificates held by Town 21 1927 Tax sale certificates held by Fur. ,; Assignees 23 1926 Tax sale certificates held by Town 24 1926 Tax sale 6ertificates held by Fur. Assignees 26 1925 Tax sale uertificates held by Town 26 summary of Outstanding Tax sale uertificates and costs 27 Budget uomparison, 1931 and 1932- 28 • WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A., S.C. 1 I • ti 0 1Y. 11'1 L+' tV 1' TOVi ; Oi+' LDGEWAu.nirc, rluttlBA 1930 OP. i:tATio1d6 All records have been checked in detail and with the exception of a small number of clerical errors found correct. the records kept by the Treasurers, now retired, were inadequate during the period to furnish a comprehensive distribution of disbursements. This necessitated an analysis to be made from the vouchers and supporting bills on hand - the results of which are sinwn in .Lxhibit a.e" of this report. the authorization for all disbursements made has been very rigidly enforced as well as the filing of receipts wherever necessary. the Lax Uollector , s and clerkts records have been examined carefully and found correct as stated. 1931 oPna T10 .curing the year 1931-1932 the system of recording disburse- ments has been considerably improved due to the detail analysis of each • voucher being properly recorded and the approval, of the various bills rendered, by the mown council, before payment. it was noted that a considerable decrease in operation costs has been made - the total decrease being x,854.47 or 21.50 over the previous year. The largest decrease was in the atreet iepartment in which • there was a net decrease of p509 .09 which equals 47 .870. Luring the year the Tax collector collected 860 of the collectable taxes as compared to 8370 during the year ending aeptember 30, 1931, and in addition thereto collected a substantial amount of back taxes and tax sale certificate redemptions as shown in rxhibit "A" and "0" . The increase in millage for the year beginning Octover 1,1932 and ending aeptember 30, 1933, is largely due to the loss of • 488.24, on the sale of securities received from the closed rid_elity Dank of rvew amyrna, Ala. , in lieu of the funds therein at the time of failure. Also, a loss of p25.28 representing undeposited checks drawn on the same bank but not deposited before the failure, the make of said checks refuses to repay the town for the loss and same has been credited to the Tax uola.ector by resolution of the mown council. hEUO IVL iyDAt'IOi45 It is recommended that the Assets of the �Twbe(appraised by an appraisal comp_ittee and a complete double entry system be installed - thereby furnishing a more comprehensive and complete record. of the Town' s operations and minimizing the possibility of errors and =missions. .rage 1 (Continued.) WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A.. S.C. � O ` C OMME1V T S Continued from rage l It is further recommended that there be included in the above mentioned system, a record of Tax bale Certificates Outstanding together with a record thereon of the subsequent omitted tax in order to facilitate the collection and red'amption of taxes and certificates. in so doing two records now being kept, would be replaced by one--more accurate and with less probability of oversight and omission. In conclusion, the cooperation of the mown Clerk and Treasurers is greatly appreciated. 0 li I II Page f 2 WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A., S.C. 3 ... off.-�......m......i._ w�.. I SETTLEMENT WITH R. C. FULLER TOWN CLERK TAX COLLECTOR AND TREASURER EDGE'WATER, FLORIDA • OCTOBER 1, 1931 TO SETTEYBER 30, 1932. CHARGES Total Assessed valuation 0423118.00 I Less: Assessed value of propert with max Certificates Outstanding 83905.00 Assessed valuation with tax col- lectable at the rate of 7 mills 0339213.00 Let Taxes collectable 02,374.51 1931 Omitted Tax 66.35 1931 Tax Redemption and costs 21.05 1931 Back Tax and interest 19.26 1931 Tax and Costs paid after advertising but before Tax sale 119.83 - 1931 Delinquent, Fla. East Coast Rlwy. Tax 93.04` 02,694.04 1930 Tax Redemption and Costs 0 bb.4y 1930 Back Tax and Interest 73.97 1930 Omitted Tax 5.50 145.96 1929 Tax Redemption and costs 07 1929 Tax bale certificates Assigned & Costs 23.14 1929 Back Tax and Costs 60.72 1929 Omitted Tax 5.50 107.05 • 1928 Tax Redemption and Costs 0 25.61 j 1928 Tax Redemption and Costs for cert. holders 7 . 28 32.89 1927 Tax Redemption and Costs 0 37 .02 1927 Tax Redemption and Costs for Cert. Holders 8.52 45.54 1926 Tax Redemption and costs 5.11 Business License 55.00 • Clerk of the Circuit Court Fees Collected 7 .00 Balance on Hand October 1, 1931 1,623.94 • Total Charges 04,716.53 CREDITS warrants Issued ( see schedule 1) 03,115.70 Discount Allowed 49 .38 Clerk of the Circuit Court Fees Remitted 7.00 Town ulerkis Fees on Tax gale certificates 13.00 Remitted to Tax Sale Certificate Holders 14.80 Land Advertised for 1931 Uncollected Taxes 265.82 • Delinquent 1931 Tax Fla. East Coast Rlwy not Advertised 93.04-- Total Credits 3,558.74 Balance on Hand x;;1,157.79 Represented By: Balance in First Atl. Rat t 01,156.67 l Bank, Daytona Beach,Fla . 1.12 Cash in Clerks office 1b•1.Y� Total Cash on Hand and in Bank y EXHIBIT "A" Page #3 WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. s p M WARRANTS ISSUED EDGEWATER, FLORIDA OCTOBER 1, 1931 TO SEPTE 'BER 30, 1932. STREET DEPART=T Labor: Shelling streets 67. 24 bridge Labor 5. 29 1 (lowing and brushing 203.20 scraping streets 20.70 Trimming trees 2.70 Urad.ing Dirt Hoad 5.40 Miscellaneous supervision, etc . 14.85 Hauling shell 24.50. $343.88 iti:aterials: Sell 089 .25 bridge l+;aterial 7 .53 96.78 Road Signs: Materials 013.39 Painting 14.75 Hauling 5.00 Repairs .50 33.64 Mule & Tractor Expense : mule hire 035.86 r'uel 13.02 Tractor Parts .50 49 .38 Miscellaneous: snowing machine Tools & Parts 012.80 misc. xo ad Tools 17.67 30.47 Total Disbursed street Department 4554.15 ✓ DRAINAGE and DOCKS Labor: u eaning Main Drainage Ditch 4;8.70 L aying Tile - strand blvd. 1.35 repairs - uity Dock .85 'Filling Ditches 37 .10 x_,48 .00 j.aterial: 3 03 B ridge material Total Disbursed On Locks 051.03 a;- e 4. Schedule 1. continued. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A.. S.C. l WARRAITTS ISSUED EDGEW. TER, FLORIDA OCTOBER 1, 1931 TO S ErTEMBER 30, 1932. _ Continued from Page 4. OFFICE EXPEITSE Tax Collection Costs: rrinting 01.00 rostage 7 .50 searching County ttecords 1.50 Advertising 1.00 x.11.00 Office supplies & Stationery 22.89 Office Lights & Fuel 24.21 Typewriter dc Euipment ttepairs 19.75 Office Eauipment - safe 25.00. Postage 2.00 Meaning v . I.A.lall .34 Total Disbursed Office Expense 0105.69 . MERGEECY Charity 018.50 .bond rremium Clerk 30.00 mire Protection: Extinguisher 075.00 11.00 86.00 Fireman salaries kosquito Control 4.86 Cleaning City owned Lots 10.80 cleaning Flow Well .85 Street Lights 11.22 'I tcecreation - sw immi.ng Pool xepairs Total Disbursed emergency 166.73 STREET LIGHTIEG City of jew Smyrna 903.78 .E SALARIES Clerk : 600.00 180.00 Marshall Councilmen 72.00 ` Total Disbursed salaries 852.00,- 1 Page 5. Schedule 1 (Continued) 1, WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A., S.C. 9 1 � WARRANTS ISSUED EDGEWAT ER, .1 LCRIDA OCTOBER 1, 1931 TO SEPTL BER 30, 1932 Continued from Page 5. LEGAL and ELECTION Election .judges and Special Police X17 .50 " Advertising Elections and iert. Lists 8.90 Notary Tees 2.00 Printing and Advertising 9 .37 Police .uer,t. Printing and Advertising 3,00' Advertising Lelin_uent Tax Lists 93.30 Tax collectors fees and recording fees - 19'31, Tax gale 13.551 searching county records re : Property transfers 12.50, .regal fees: Hull, Landis Whitehair x:;222.20 Glynn Owen xasco 100.00 322.20 Total Disbursed Legal & Election 482.32 Total warrants issued ^,3,115.70 Page 6. schedule 1 (Concluded) � I it WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. BA1iK hEu 0i'o IL IAT I()1V . Du. WATER, r10h1DA aepternber 30,1932 Balance as shown on clerk and Treasurer record X1,106.67 Add: Outstanding warrants : dept emb er 30, 1932 - yl179 Lattue n . Kurtz 018.00 1180 Q. T. icing 7.50 1181 0 . d . Lorton 7 .50 1182 .. r. ()wens 7,00 1183 h. u . riuller 50.00 1184 u . 'i' . icing 15.00 1185 . . x . renwick 2.00 1186 0 . 0 . . ranci s 2.00 1187 h. P . v ilkinson 2.00 1188 i' ew amyrna hews uo. 2.12 1189 Toy u . Board 2.25 1190 uity or lvew 6myrna 100.00 1191 uity or £4ew brnyrna 2.00 217 .87 p1,374.54 Less: Deterred Deposit 9-30-32 24.63 Balance as per bank statement, x;1,349.91 1st Atlantic national bank, Dayton. beach, . 1a, Page 7. zxhibit "B" WILLIAM C. GENTRY. C.P.A.. S.C. , _ - ter° 1931 'TAX aALE UE T1teIQATES held by II �x0Wly Otr tDu-N A NA, rLOAi A September 30 , 1932 i 1 1 uertiiica.te lax Costs Total b er ��ame ----�- ____. ___ 1.40 1.68 3.08 1020 Quthbert, Philip 12.04 1.38 13.42 it 1021 n�1eT�ean, wm. 1.38 5.09 1022 Latimer, .) .ff. 3.71 1.38 4.09 Gladys vv .. 2.90 1023 vvilkinson .98 1.38 2.36 1024 uramling, o •L• 1.38 12.36 8.68 3.67 1025 t�ramling , , •� •L• 1.08 1026 Pierce , u.eo.x. de r;liza r. 2.59 13.88 12.50 1.38 3.23 1027 Lernbeek, L•x• 1.85 1.38 1028 Laws vur�..sr. 1.96 1.38 3.34 rsennett , D•uT• 1.68 3.34 1033 .60 1035 uvilcox, b••� • 6.30 1.68 `1 .98 1036 v heeler, s.w. .98 1.68 2.66 1037 xamot, Omar P. 1.16 1.68 2.84 ! 1038 ailsoy, Nst. or w .x. .95 1.68 2.84 1039 ,�ragg, I.L. 9 1.68 2.45 ureene , Annie v. 4.77 1.38 2.42 1040 2.72 1041 abort c �eddell,.J .ri. .� . 1.38 1.40 1 1042 short m Dedaell,s de s .•) . 1.38 15.78 J .L. 13.75 2.13 I 'i 1043 b-ennt 1.37 1.08 1048 nennett, v .�i• 2.31 1.38 3.69 1049 snider, Etta i,. x,14 1.68 2.42 1052 Pierce , L• 1.45 1.08 2.83 I 1004 Portman, r� .s . 1,45 1.98 3.'13 I 100; spaulaing, .�;st. 01 .u.A. 1.75 1.38 3.31 I , 1006 nigelow m uhase ,r,. do A. 1.93 1.38 3.31 I 1057 nosecran, .,uliari .98 1.38 3.31 1058 apaulding, st. or 11.A. 1.98 1.68 3.43 1061 snider, Etta L. 2.10 3.'78 5.88 1062 snider, Ntta D. 5.79 2.88 9 .67 1063 Yar'Ker, Letitia ff. 6.79 1.68 9 .67 1065 �cuauley, Lavinia A. 3.4U 1.08 5.98 snider, ;tta v. 1.08 1'1 .25 1066 16.17 2.23 aniaer, Etta .u. l.l0 1.08 II 1069 .Jepson, ; ae A. .38 1.08 1.46 ;:ae A. .78 1.46 1070 snider, .39 .78 1. 7 1071 snider, rata D. 2.45 1072 Snider, r;tta D. 8 1073 snider, Etta D. 2.31.80 .30 .78 1.08 1 1..558 1074 Ashtor� & Moore 4.62 1.08 5.70 Ashton de Moore .77 1.08 1.85 1075 1.08 1.47 1076 Ashton & Moore .39 3.01 10'77 Ashton � Moore 1.93 1.08 Ashton & Moore .39 1.08 1.47 1078 1.08 2.62 1079 Ashton & Mbore 1.54 1.0 2.06 1080 Ashton de Moore .98 1.08 1081 uhadwick, n.R. I schedule 2 Continued) Page 8. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A., S.C. • , imur row, 1931 TAX SALE CERTIFICATES held by TOWN OF EDGEv`ATER, FLORIDA September 30,1932 continued from Page 8. certificate Number x ame TT•x Costs Total 1082 uhadwick, A.R. .77 1.38 2.15 1083 Schmidt, Louisa .63 .78 1.41 1084 Young, C.V. .31 .78 1.09 1085 wade, G.L. 2.90 1.08 3.98 1086 wade, G.L. .77 1.08 1.85 � 1087 wade, G.L. .39 1.08 1.47 2.36 1088 Strickland, o .H. .98 1.38 2. 1092 wharton, W.R. 13.09 1.38 14.47 Total X162.74 03.62 x;236.36 I schedule 2 kConcluded) TAX SALE CERTIFICATES EDGEWATER, FLORIDA OAECELLED BY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT VOLUSIA COUNTY i OCTOBER 1, 1931 TO SEPTEMBER 30,1932 Certificate Number Name Holder Amount 9g Brown, Della P. Lerc en, K.A.P. & W. i' 4.94 99 unknown Ledden, K.A.P. & W. 100 Brown, Della P. Ledden, K.A.P. & W. 1.67 ' 101 Jackson, W .I . Ledden, K.A.P. & W. .74 103 Brown Della P. Ledden, K.A.P. & W. 13.96 161 Abbott,Geo. Ledden, K.A.P . & W. 522 smith, . .Tom Christiansen, Dora 28.98 j 578 unknown 577 Brown, Della P. Ledden, F.D. 2. ledden, P.D. .68 579 Brown, Della P. Ledden, Y.D. 1.88 ackson W.L. Ledden, P.D. . 580 F.D. 1.88 581 Brown, Della P. Ledden, y 652 Schaller, i,:rs. .r. iie uhristain.sen, Dora 2.90 653 Schaller, lrs. Ernie Christiansen, Dora 697 smith, d .Tom Christiansen, .uora 30.68 hatch, ti. H . Squire, E.L. 3.80 863 1 645 Doherty. r. Christiansen, Dora. 5,;98.96 Total Schedule 3. .gage 9. 1 WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. 1 Aloof (9 i dETTLEIVNT WITH R. C . FULLER TO W1v TAX U"TAT.O` OR and ULERK EDGi MATEx, .LORIDA FPTEIBER 30, 1931 UHAt?G. S Total Assessed Valuation :;;424695.00 !Less : Assessed value - Property with uertificates Outstanding 64840.00 Assessed valuation with tax uollectable at 10 mills '0359855.00 Amount of Tax uollectable r .3,598 .55 1930 Omitted Tax 157 .25 1930 Tax redemption w Costs 41.77 1930 Back Tax Ix Interest 31.07 1930 lax uertificates de Costs sold at time of sale 26.77 1930 Tax uertificates x Costs Assigned 11.85 1930 Tax & Uost paid after advertising and before sale 248.76 1929 Hack Tax ce Interest 090.30 ; I 1929 Tax redemption dc Costs for certificate holders 10.78 ; 1929 Omitted Tax 3.30 1 1929 Tax redemption et Costs 135.70 240.08 1928 back Tax 6c Interest 1.65 1928 Tax redemption Costs for certificate holders 34.29 1928 Omitted Tax 1.83 1928 Tax redemption & Uosts 77 .04 114.81 1927 Tax nedemption de costs 52.35 1926 Tax redemption & costs 13.68 1925 Tax redemption & Costs 7.44 business License 75.00 :: 4,619 .38 Transfer from A.B .Wilkinson, Treas. 3,001.23 , Total charges <,7 ,620.61 uREDI'T6 remittances to Treas. A.B.Wilkinson 03,386.32 Discounts Allowed 72.87 ulerk' s fees on Tax gale uertificates 26.00 xef .nd - uuplicate payment 1929 tax 5.95 j remitted to Tax gale certificate holders 42.07 156.11 Land _advertised for 1930 uncollected taxes 622.90 • 4, warrants issued 1,815.28 by resolution-undeposited check on closed ridelity bk. 25.28 5,996.67 Total uredits 01,6707-9-4 balance on nand hepresented by: ;;1,590.53 Balance, 1st .uati-;nal rank, vaytona beach, r'la• 33.41 wash in clerk' s Office ;1,623. 1 Total cash on hand and in bank �^1 Page 10. r;xhib it C" WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A.. S.C. I 5+'T IEL HT WITH E. N. LOS iA- TOWTT 'T'KEABURER EDGEWA'1' R, rSORi1)A Batt 18 , 1930 tv O v± "is+�x 1, 1930 '1'd Fd d V: :' �� – -- CHARGES Balance on nand, l\lovember 1, 1930 2,092.48 2.4 interest on Deposit — 4;2,096.09 uREi)I'TS 209 .70 `warrants issued 1 886.39 balance, transferred to A.B.Wilkinson, Treasurer , Represented by: 984.13 Balance, ridelity bank Account 904.13 balance , tate Hank AccJunt a' q1,886.39 ✓ iaote: warrants issued Oct. 1, 1930 to Oct. 31 1930 , as shown in Audit rendered Oct, 1930 , are X158.54 Exhibit "D" } r1"1,IL11.1`: TOW.r '1'K_ 3UttEtt 1 . 1321. 1`1111 1C h IDA BOv T.BEtt 18 , 1930 TO MAY 14, 1931 UHF?ttGBS z 1,886.39 ' � Balance on nand interest on deposit 3,38 3.31 3.31 nemittance from Treasurer .10 Outstanding check p.N.penna, cancelled y278 pale of Bonds - collateral for closed 2800.00 ride7_ity bank account 0 ,076.12 uREi)1'T 1,786.65 Warrants Issued 3,288.24 5 5 ,074.89 Account in closed ridelity bank x;5 ,074.23 balance Represented by: balance in r irst Atlantic fiat ional Bank, 3,000�50 Daytona beach, r`1a• cash. .:;37Ol.23 .exhibit "E" Page 11. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C. P.A., S.C. w i Akar' ( S?il ; wAHHAN 1'S 1bbU)J) E.11UEWATEJ , Kiehl-DA OUTOtint 14 1930 TO S_,P'TELbEn 30, 1931 I '1'tt?rET LLPAHTEEE T Tractor t;xpense - 4as, oil , etc. x26.48 Tractor hire 11.00 Aaterial - shell 113.50 Hauling shell 146.00 Labor - 'Lowing m Shelling streets 583.54 itaterial m Parts - repairs to mowing machine 17.37' Mule hire 123.00 i).N.Mcyonald - filling washout at ao.uanal 42.35 x;1,063.24 ` I.t .T L i(ifT J1 vity of ivew amyrna 915.00 y! i)HA±i AUE and i)OUhb Hauling - .rid.ge lumber < 4,00 i' ew v anal .e.xp ens e - * traveling ) 10.00 .Dumber and nails 28.82 Labor - nepairing wharf 15.07 Labor - .,leaning .drainage ditch 95.25 153.14 ALAtt i,tS i! gown clerk 4600.00 Town jvarshall 180.00 ,! Town Treasurer 80.00 860.00 Lights and . uel v24.22 stationery o supplies m Tax receipts 76.12 Office neater 25.40 alculator 75.00 nepairs to Office tquipment 20.00 rostage - Tax otttemen.ts co .receipts 6.24 226.98 LEUAL and LY.A;T 1O1a °. attorney Tees - null, Landis m w�+hitehair `"319 .70 37 .50 Abstract fees 3.80 vopy house hill X689 361.60 Telegraph rees .60 Page 12. Exhibit "F" tuontinued) WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. I . 1 . .-..�._...____•_. -M-N _..._._._.. _g--__- — — WAKKL1iTP lJbUJ D t;yutv'rA':.'. tt, .Lutt fl A OUTObEh 1, 1930 1O b'EPT E bEh 30, 1931 tiontinued from image 12. Labor maki4g nooths de tiaterial 9 .80 .weals for zlection board 3.75 voting Lists 3.00 Labor m Eaterial ballot boxes 4.50 fudges, inspectors d pee.Yolice fees 15.00 .t'rinting ballots de Instructions 8.50 Advertising 11.77 rotary fee 1.25 <ti,57 .57 EMEl ti EB U Y Audit fees w75.00 nefund to Clerk - overremittance 2.08 rax refunds 1.60 .pond rremium - clerk de Treasurer 54.55 Telephone - re :pale of bonds 1.05 rax pale L'osts . clerk' s feed 22.95 Advertising Tax pale 163.20 necording fees - Tax pale 3.00 repairs v . .i.A.nall k, bereens m Labor) 9.21 332.64 Total warrants issued 3,970.17 represented by: 158.54 +arrants issued - n .n.Lohmdn, Treas. w warrants issued - L.n.Lohman, Treas. 209 .70 warrants issued - A.b.wilkinson, Treas. 1 ,786.65 warrants issued - n.u .ruller, Llerk a Treas. 1,815 .28 ;3,970.17 I I rage 13. b hibit "if" concluded WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A., S.C. . 2-. 1 'Nftervi -------- 1930 TAX SALE uEATiriukTES i held by TUWO1 UY .L+'D EWATEK, r'I,Uttl1JA 116 .a.T September 30,1932 =__ _ t;ertificate iwumber To vnhom Assessed Tax t.osts Total 867 Webster, r;.Ai. 3.55 1.98 5.53 870 beck, tzeo. 7.00 1.38 8.38 875 1.:_oore, E.0 . 8.55 1.38 9.93 , 876 i oore, E..) .. 2.20 1.38 3.58 1 880 volee, tq .S. 4..A.v 1.08 0.48 88u. tjoiee, • • 4.8C 1. 38 e.18 389 Peninsular :abstract & Title vo. 3.30 1.08 4.38 i 890 highland shores, Inc. 2. 70 1.08 3.83 I 891 highland shores, Inc. 1.80 1.08 2.88 892 highland shores , inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 893 highland shores , inc. 1.65 1.08 2.73 894 highland shores, inc. 4.00 1.08 5.08 I 895 sage, G.G. & G.E. 4.80 1.08 5.88 896 highland shores, inc. 897 vanDeSande, r'.C . .70 1.08 1.78 898 Ocker, Ihas. .70 1.08 1.78 !i 899 Highland shores, inc. 2.10 1.08 3.18 900 1!.ionson, . i.R. 3.00 1.08 4.58 901 highland shores , inc. .70 1.08 1.78 902 bigelow, E.H. 1.65 1.08 2.73 I' 903 .Monson, L.K. 2.10 1.08 3.18 904 highland shores , inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 905 highland shores, inc. .70 1.08 1. 78 906 highland shores, inc. .70 1.08 1.78 j) 909 brewer, tray .5b 1.08 1.63 1 908 nighland shores , inc. 5.50 1.08 6.58 909 vanDeSande, r .U. 1.40 1.08 2.48 910 highland shores, inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 911 highland shores , inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 912 Gillespie, 0 .U. 13.80 1.08 14.88 913 highlana shores, inc. 1. 40 1.08 2.48 910 wheeler, s.W. .70 1.08 1.78 ; 916 .ueWitt, .0 . .70 1.08 1.78 917 Simpson, Bina P. .70 1.08 1.78 918 highland shores, Inc. 4.20 1.08 5.28 920 highland Shores Inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 921 highland Shores, Inc. 5.05 1.38 6 .43 922 Hodges , I.C. I b.li. 2.80 1.08 3.88 923 beard J.C. 1.40 1.08 2.48 924 highland Shores, inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 925 Lonson, Y. & . 4. 20 1.08 5.28 926 highland shores, inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 927 highland shores, inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 1.40 1.08 2.48 928 Highland chores, Inc. .70 1.08 1.78 929 Highland chores, inc. I I schedule 4 , Continued} Page 14. I WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S C. II 1930 TAX SALE CERT I,eICATES held by TCVbli 0!' .1 U.EWA`EA, YL0RLUA AS AT September 30, 1932 Continued rrom . age 14. Certificate ivumber .Niame Tax Costs Total 930 highland shores, inc. 4.20 1.08 5.28 931 itullen, .J . 2.10 1.08 3.18 932 highland shores, inc. 6.45 1.38 7 .83 936 vvildman, e .L. 3.00 1.08 4.08 937 Highland shores , inc. 11.25 1.08 12.33 938 Simpson, mina it. 1.50 1.08 2.58 939 highland whores, Inc. 1.50 1.08 2.58 940 nighlan d chores , Inc. 8.0b 1.08 9 .63 941 highland chores, inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 942 highland shores, inc. 1.35 1.08 2.43 943 highland whores, l c. 3.90 1.08 4.98 944 highland Shores, Inc. 1.65 1.08 2.73 945 sLullen, E.J. 1. 65 1.08 2.73 946 beard, J .Q. 1.65 1.08 2.73 947 uunningham, A.M. 1.95 1.08 3.03 948 bouchelle, L.B..Jr. 1.65 1.08 2.73 949 Highland shores, inc. 1.65 1.08 2.73 950 Lobenthal, L.B. 3160 1.08 4 .68 j 951 nrown, n.6. 3.30 1.08 4.38 i 952 highland whores, Inc. 1.65 1.08 2.73 953 Highland shores, Inc. 3.90 1.08 4.98 954 Drown, rt.S. 1.35 1.08 2.43 955 brown., x.S. 1.35 1.08 2.43 959 highland whores, Inc. 1.35 1.08 2.43 960 highland whores, Inc. 27.40 1.08 28 .48 961 i' onson, iv .h. 1.65 1.08 2 .73 962 state bank Tr.Co. 1.35 1.08 2.43 963 highland whores, Inc. 4.15 1.08 0.23 964 Highland whores, Inc. 1.10 1.08 2.18 965 Monson, L.7. 1.10 1.08 2.18 966 Highland whores, inc. 4. 25 1.08 0.33 967 highland shores, Inc. 7.15 1.08 8 .23 968 Loore, 1 .J . 11.40 1.38 12.78 971 i.00re, r;.J. 19 .50 1.38 20.93 9'/2 nobinson, rv.A. 6.00 1.68 7 .68 973 skipper, w .L.. & C . 2.50 1.68 4 .18 974 nobinson, 9 .A. 2.90 1.68 4.58 975 nobinson, w.A. 3.00 1.68 4.68 976 nobinson, v .A. 1.40 1.68 3.08 97 7 Hob inson, w .A. .15 1.68 1.83 978 Hubbell, noyal 6.65 1.38 8.03 981 nirray, ijeora A. 12.65 1.08 13.73 987 Webster, E.M. 11.00 1.68 12 .68 990 nildreth Bessie . . 4.95 1.98 6.93 1011 *raves, i � .c . 2.75 .78 3.53 1013 ter,_ves A..1 . .30 .78 1.08 1015 Liraves, A.J . .30 .78 1.08 1016 Lrraves , A..1 . 2. 20 .78 2.98 323.50 108 .24 431.74 WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. fl_ gage 15, Schedule 4 (Concluded) Awe 9' 44100, 1930 tAX SALE CERTI14ICATES held by .URCHAERS and ASS IG IES Se :tembcr 30, 1932 --- � _ uertiricate number 1.o whom Assessed Holder• ,moux t (I Costs 914 Bigelow, x,.H. whitford, Chas. X2.48 933 rnigtilana chores, inc. iuiik, mast 3.94 934 highland oriores, lnc. ,pick, Anast 4.53 935 highland chores , inc. vick, Anast 3.38 956 amith, e . 'wom cams u .H. 4.38 957 highland ,ohores ,lnc. warns, c .H. 4.38 958 highland chores, inc. cams, a .H. 15.53 .38 .62 1 1 G achedule b. rage 16• WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. 1 `w 1929 TAX bALE a H'T'Ir1t;ATES held by r0WE We r;DUEWA flat, reOH WA �� As At september 30, 1932 - uertiricate Dumber ivame Amount 788 Hubbell, rtoyal 4;27 .16 793 King. G. 3 .54 798 nurch, Dora v . 1.47 800 spencer Mildred r. 2.10 801 >aencer, Mildred r. 2.71 802 vurears , h.J . 2.71 804 riubbell, hoyal 3.53 800 Hubbell, royal 12.46 806 riubbell, royal 8.76 807 Hubbell, royal 31.27 808 Hubbell, royal 5.18 813 Hubbell & Mitchell b.48 814 hubbell, royal 30.86 815 hubbell, royal 1.44 816 Hubbell, rtoyal 2.16 817 hubbell , royal 4. 77 818 riubbell, hoyal 2.02 819 Hubbell , hoyal 2.02 820 Hubbell royal 6.72 r 821 Mier, 2.J . 10.21 j 824 Turner, J .P. 2.16 820 hasselton, M. 2.16 826 Turner, r.;ettie v . 2.16 I; 829 Johnson, IL.K. 1.63 830 uhristensen, John 2.21 831 unknown 3.03 832 snider spencer uo. 2.43 833 snider spencer 60. 2.70 837 snider spencer uo. 4.35 838 snider abencer uo. 2.33 840 :.nristensen, Cohn 2.49 841 uhristensen, John 2.49 843 Marsden, ., .u. 1.03 i 844 iv�arsden, ti .u. 2.04 845 Croswell, Dr.I.iary s. 2.33 850 riatc. _, A.H. 9.71 851 hatch, l.H. 9 .03 852 Hatch, H.H. 2.16 803 hatch, H.H. 3.03 806 Hatch, tt.H. .76 807 hatch., ti.l. .76 858 hatch, H.H. 1.61 809 hatch, h.l. 5.29 860 hatch, R.H. 2.16 861 hatch h.H. 1.61 862 hatch, 11..h. 2 .33 864 Alden, u .J .tx. 2.46 866 uarruthers, n.L. 6c L.L. 1.20 4 6 245.22 rage 17 . bchedu_e 6. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. w 24f 1929 TAX bALB uEI T'Zr'luAlES r uJ WAT,Ett, r"LOttli'A held by PuttutiAat t{G and 661u-:1.611;5 epteraber 30, 1902 plow iertisicate mumber To whom Assigned Owner Amount esc cost 828 Huettich, n.u. Osborne , r .tielen 916.30 848 Asendorr, rraneis M. clerk, ,L .). 1.77 849 t sendor , .rrancis m. Owen, ivi. 1.77 ir,r19 .84 I wage 180 chednle Y. WILLIAM O. GENTRY, C.P.A., S.C. , ).'( 1928 TAX SALE uERTirIu. RTES held by OWJN ur• Lllc4. WATEx, ri,UxiDA September 30, 1932 uertiiicate cumber ilame Amount 642 r,:urray . st. of T.J. 30.78 643 smith cc Wilson 5.88 644 unknown 2.88 648 u-ilbert W .A. 5.28 655 nowden Shirley 7 .98 685 highland shores , Inc. 3.33 686 highland shores, Inc. 3.18 687 highland chores, Inc. 1.68 688 Haskell, w .L. 1.53 689 highland shores, Inc. 2.13 690 smith cc uo. x.i . .93 691 Haskell vv.L. 1.38 692 smith (, uo. A.L. 1.68 693 .ighlans shores, inc . 2.13 698 uoflin ri.w. do vv .u.. 2.58 699 uoflin rn.W . c uv . . 2.28 701 0app .; .A. 1.38 703 Dennett .4.J . 1.98 704 Tnurmand uhas. 4.53 705 Daughl , I,.0 . 4.03 706 nlipstein, ',red 4.b8 .i 707 ralipstein, rred 1.38 708 raipstein, rred 1.38 709 Dennett 4.0 . 1.98 710 uolby Est . of J .P. 9 .78 711 uotIin w.ti. 7 .38 712 .,hristenson, i rs.A. 2.43 713 uhristenson, mrs.A. 2.43 716-717 unknown 2.76 718 unknown 1.38 719 uoflin w .*. 1.08 720 uoflin, w .i. 1.03 722 uoflin, w .k.i. 2.88 wn 5.8ti 723 uoffin o r unknown � 725 volby lJst . of . 10.38 726 nickmdn ., es s -i e A 3.03 728 Tanner bc ii.obl n.s 0 n 1 0.68 7 .i5 730 puller L•r•B.P . 10.83 732 puller 733 puller L.2. 1.68 736 vvilkinsorl, A.rs. 2. 28 I 737 unknown 2.88 738 rorster D. 2 .28 739 rorster D. 4.08 740 rorster , D. 1.98 743 rope vvalter 0. 1.98 750 rainton, e •.o• 1.86 751-752 unknown 1.86 7b3-704 nemis, ., •r • .93 705 uurran, L.T. WILLIAM 0, GENTRY. C.P.A.. S.C. rage 19 schedule 8 (.continued) .4ft0i, )4 ICI 1928 TAX. li:l.;. uErcri..riuAT 6 held. by TOWS ur• ElkihWliTEA rLy i A oeptem ber 30, 1932 uontinued from rage 19. ,ertiticate number 13ame Amount 756 uurran, .t.;. T. x,1.08 766 hoover, h. . 1.38 767 calmer , h.v. 1.68 768 n.el ly, n.n. 1.38 770 Unknown 1.08 771 Dacharach, nilda 1«. 1.68 772 ulevelana., Asti. 1.98 773 Welly, 11..n. 1.98 774 _vixen, Laura A. 1.08 775 .Denson, A.M. 1.38 777 Denson, n.L_. 1.98 782 r orster Diary nelle 4.38 784 ,hisholm, L.V. 1.03 780 D:cuabe, , st . of vim. 6.78 786 omith m Gilson 1.68 :Total p2.31.61 achedule 8 r uoncludea) 1928 TAB bALE u 'N.Tir1vAi a ' xAKiEWAT.tat, r LUtt ivA held by runt t - 1ta and Alb lu-B.M; aeptember 30, 1932 ,I uertificete numer Dame molder Amount 721 .ivtowen, A. bchuy1er, L. *1.53 724 Dhackhamer, b. achuyler, L. 2.88 727 shackhamer, D. 6chuyler , L. 3.03 747 itogers, 6.A. Patch, A.R. 3.63 Total X11.07 I 1 bched:ule 9 Page 20. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. . • *We Neow 1927 'TAX SALE CERTIFICATES held by TWY, OF EDGE `WATER, FLORIDA September 30, _1932 Certificate iy Amount e ame -- Number lu 459 Cuthbert Phillip -'1.3 8 i st. of T.J . 30.78 461 Murray 2.88 464 nogan, h. V. 2 474 ±sowden, Shirley 7 .98. 511 hubbell, hoyal 3.03 512 highland shores, inc. 2.88 513 highland shores, inc . 2.88 514 highland shores, inc. 1.38 d shores inc. 515 highland � 1.u3 516 haskell, Stu .L. 517 Smith, R.L.00. .93 518 haskell, W .L. 1.08 519 smith tt.L.Co. 1.38 520 highland shores , inc. 1.83 526 Oolby, J .P.Trustee 10.08 528 13allantyne, A. & G.T. 1.38 529 Colby, 4 .R• 1.98 J .P.Trustee , 4.20 4 531 r�enn, Y 4.23 532 ttlipstein, s. 533 baughl, L.J. 4.23 4.23 534 t�lipstein, rrred. 4.38 535 itli cstein, r red 8 536 Thurmond, uhas. 1.1.338 537 nennett, L.E. 9 .48 538 uolby, j.P.ITrustee, 4.08 540 Christenson, la's. A.C. 4.08 542 unknown 1.38 543 unknown 1.38 544 unknown .38 545 unknown 1 1.08 550 unknown 5 .2 8 553 Tanner a Robinson 9 .38 559 unknown 1.38 560 r' orster , Davis 3.48 561 rorster , Davis 1.38 562 rope, waiter S. .93 565 eottier, LaFayette 1.38 566 uurran, 13.E. 1.68 587 nacharach, hilda 1,68 588 uleveland, A.E. 1.38 589 hoover, A.G. 1.68 590 Palmer, h.D. 1.38 591 .elly, A.H. .78 unknown 1.98 593 tielly, A.H. .78 594 ritkin, Laura H. 1.38 595 nensen, H.E. 1.98 597 ralmer, X.D. Schedule 10 (Continued ) Page 21. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A., S.C. . r W° -- t Nosy 17A , *44100 i 1927 TAX SALE CERTIFICATES held by 'OIN1 OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA September 30, 1932 , Continued from Page 21. t,ertificate .'umber .Lame Amount ____ 601 r orster, n.B. tA.08 6 .08 602 Minton, M.D. 4.08 603 Minton, L.D. 10.98 604 r orster, i . 605 Forster, D. 5.58 606 tslount, d .J. 5.78 608 J,amon, Amelia 1.53 609 raorman, 1 . G. 4 .38 610 uhisholm, L.C. 1.23 613 ua.storine, dos. 1.53 614 ulark, r;st. of L.C . 1.98 I 615 ulark, .st. of L.C. 1.98 616 LcOabe, r,st. of Wm. 6.48 617 smith 60 Wilson 1.38 618 r orster, D. 3.03 619 uarramanna, Telice 3. 48 620 rtowley, d .K. 2 .58 621 y+itcox, dame, 1. 38 622 "ark, W .G. 1. 38 623 drk, w .G.wG 1.08 8 5 624 Park, da .G. 625 Fullerton ueo. I. .93 5 626 Fullerton, Geo. 1. 1.38 627 Fullerton, u•eo. 1. 1.38 r .L. 1.08 628 noore, 123 629 Fullerton, Geo. 1. .93 630 noore, i •L. 1. 631 sans, u •H 1.23 . 2.73 632 sawyer ob Haynes 3.90 633 sawyer 60 Haynes 1.92 634 Braddock, d .J. .02 638 smith, n ? 1 . . 1.04 640 rcogers, u•ri• 3. 24 641 nogers, u.ri. Total Y251.83 rage 22. Schedule 10 (Concluded ) WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A.. S.C. _ *owe *414010 1927 TAX SALE CLIZTIFICATES EDGEWATER, eLORIDA held by PURCHASERS and ASSIGLEES september 30, 1932 certificate _Number Eanie nolder Amount 462 smith c wilson Ledden, 1). 5.28 547 lowen, rt. schuyler, L. .90 564 nogers, s.A. _Patch, A.R. 3.00 635 clauser, L.A. Schuyler, I. 1.05 639 braddock, w .J . schuyler, L. 3.15 1 Total 3.38 1 1 Page 23, schedule 11 WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C P. S C wow- 1926 TAX SALE CERT'IrIufl ;S held by TOWla Or. EDurEWATt_tc, . L0 A.LA September 30, 1932 certificate Dumber riame Amount 75 Murray Est. of i ..i . X70.13 79 rope, waiter s. 1.37 87 unknown 3.64 112 hoover, A.S. 1.46 113 Palmer, xc.U. 1.78 114 Melly, A.H. 1.46 115 unknown .85 116 nacharach, Hilda. 1.78 117 uleveland, A.E. 2.09 118 nelly, A.H. 1 .79 119 r ixen, Laura i. .85 120 rsensen, hat!. 1.46 122 Palmer, A.D. 3.48 135 uurran, E.G. 1.04 136 uurran, is.r. 1.04 137 uurran, .E.F. .89 138 ..urran• r;.F. .89 167 smith, J .`i`om. 8 .18 168 uuthbert, Phillip 2.09 169 i cuabe , Est. of w .M. 1.25 338-358 inc. highland shores], inc . i 94c; each) 19 .74 359 highland shores, inc. .98 360 highland shores, inc. .98 361-372 inc. highland shores, inc. t94 each) 11.28 373 high. and shores, inc. .97 374-377 inc. highland shores, inc . t94;1 each) 3.76 378 naskell, v4/ .L. .94 379 naskell, v .L. .94 380 naskell, W .L. .91 381 smith, x.L.vo. .92 382 .naskell, w .L. .94 383 Haskell, w .L. .94 384-387 inc. smith, A.L.Co. t94j each) 3 .76 388-394 inc. highland shores, inc. t94 ` each) 6.58 396 uhristensen, 1' rs• A. 4.19 400 rslount , d .j . 1.66 402 uhristensen, L.O. 6.08 405 rsraddock, w ••1 • 406 ulouser, `.A. 2.6.93 03 407 league, A.1 • 408 smith, D.P. 1.88 409 rsraddock, yv .d . 12.83 410 unknown 1.67 411 MLlipstei.n rred 3.44 4.07 412 nlipstein, Fred 4.07 413 r enn, w •R d .P `Trustee 13.13 414 uolby, . , 1.67 416 .jallantyne, A. de t .r. rage 24. schedule 12 (Continued.) WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A., S.C. '411Kiko 31 leo., 1926 TAX SALE O :RWIYIOATES held by TUVVI' OF r,DL KA'TJJtt, rL0it1LA beptember 36, 1932 continued from Wage 24. certificate Amount raumb er �u am e 417 uolby, o .P.'irustee x,5.55 420 uolby, .i .P .'Trustee 13.13 423 amith esc uilson 2.09 424 i' cuabe, .6sta.te 12.17 427 Lamon, Amelia 1.88 428 iv ercadante , T. 4. 61 429 ivercadante, T. 1.85 8 .39 430 l\Lercad.ante, T.• 8 .39 431 Mercadante, I. 2.06 432 jercadante , T. 2.06 433 i ercad.ante, T. 2.13 434 mercadan to , T. 2.20 435 Mercadante , T. 2 .23 436 r,1ercadante , T. 7.13 437 Mercadante , '1• 6 r 438 1 ercad.ante, T. 1.1.454 I 439 ercadant;e , T. 4 440 Mercadante , T. 1.74 441 i�ercadante , T. 4.29 . 4 443 i..ercadante , T. 1.84 444 1`ercadante, T. 1.74 445 Mercadante , I. 4.61 ' 446 Mercatlante , T. 7 447 Mercad-ante , 1. 1.75 1. 5 448 j ercadante , 1. .7.55 449 lip ercada.nte , •r. 16.73 450 ulinton, m.1)• 73 451 M 6. Minton, n •D• 6.65 452 r orman, A. 5.44 455 mercad.ante, T. 5.44 457 unknown s364.34 rota.l rage 25. achedule 12 tuoncluded) WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A., S.C. z M t 3 V. ,4,-,„, No-, 1926 'rAxSALE OER'Tir•IUAT S EDGEWATER, ±LORIDA held by I ETTRuRAb'ERS and ASSIt hEE8 September 30 , 1932 uertficate Amount Lumber ivame Holder 81 Rogers, A. catch, A.R. 0.16 86 unknown rorster, D. 1.38 131 craves, A•0 • .i asch, uurtis 34.19 166 amith c Wilson Leddin, h.A.dc P.D. 7 .13 275 highland shores, lnc. airnpson, mina M. 3.14 403 graves, tt.c) . . asch, uurtis 2 .09 404 unknown uoyle , r.J . I Dotal LEZE achedule 13. 1925 TAX SALE UERT1r.Ii ATES held by i0 Ji', or EDGEWATER, r'LoRIDA 1 aepternber 30, 1932 certificate ilurgber .Name Amount 2 1 icuabe, r,st. of vvm. 01.28 15 uolby, Lst. of o .r. 10.95 18 uolby, rest. of J .P. 13.50 20 uolby, Est. of ii.P. 16.20 35 Roberts, L.L. 1.28 62 hoover, H.G. 1.50 63 calmer , A.D. 2.33 64 telly, A.H. 1.20 65 unknown .98 66 nacharach, Hilda Y. 2.33 67 'telly, A.H. 2.85 68 vixen, Laura H. .98 69 nensen, H.Y. 1.80 71 calmer, A.D. 2.85 Total j60.03 1 ochedule 14. rage 26. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A.. S.C. • 5!ii AKY Or' uuT6TAsIDluu TAX SALE CErtwLwluATES and QOSTS EDGE!7WATEtt, rLCit.DA beptember 30, 1932 Held by field by Town cur. a: A sgn. •Total Tax bale, .rune 1932 for 1931 Tax ,9236.36 .:236.36 Tax bale, dune 1931 for 1930 Tax 431.74 X38.62 4'70.36 Tax bale, June 1930 for 1929 Tax 245.22 19.84 265.06 Tax bale , Tune 1929 for 1928 Tax 231.61 11.07 242.68 Tax bale, tune 1928 for 1927 Tax 251.83 13.38 265.21 Tax bale, tune 1927 for 1926 Tax 364.34 57.77 422.11 Tax bale, eune 1926 for 1925 Tax 60.03 60.03 91,821.13 9140.68 0.,561.81 rage27. nxhibit "G" WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.Y.A., S.C. T nUDGEW U0L PAttIsON t+IGE"WATtt, rLOxiDA -r aeptember 30, 1931 __._ r Actual Old balance Expend- balance ±urpose budget kiollection-tteaport'nd Dotal itures tActual wash) streets 9 1150.00 1068.28 800.00 1918.28 1063.24 855.04 street lights 900.00 836.88 100.00 936.88 915.00 21.88 Drainage cc Docks 500.00 462.79 462.79 153.14 309 .65 salaries 900.00 836.88 836.88 860.00 - 23.12'"* Office Expense 100.00 92.56 150 .00 242.06 226.98 15 .58 47.49 Legal dc Elect. 500.00 466.66 .Emergency 100.00 92.56 1151.02 1243.58 846.16* 397 .42 Totals 4100.00 3856.61 2251.02 6107 .63 4483.69 1623.94 *Includes .Doss in ridelity Hank of 0513.52. *"Expenditures in excess of amount appropriated, and collected I bUDGET UOMPAH.ISON EDtxE!NAiEtt, r LOF IDA September 30, 1932 it.ctual Old valance Expend- balance rurpose budg= et collection r,eaportrnd_ Total itures kActual cash) streets p1000.00 614.70 400.00 1014.70 554.15 460.55 Street Lights 915.00 061.70 200.00 761.70 903.78 • 142.08''4' Drainage oc Docks 250.00 101.02 100.00 251.02 51.03 199 .99 salaries 900.00 553.76 400.00 953.76 852.00 101.76 Legal dc Elect. 500.00 307 .35 300.00 607 .35 482.32 125.03 Office Expense 250.00 153.67 150.00 303.67 105.69 197.98 .Emergency 500.00 307 .35 73.94 381.29 166.73 214.56 Totals 4315.00 2649 .55 1623.94 4273.49 3115.70 1157 .79 *4 Expenditures in excess of amount collected and appropriated.. gage 28. Exhibit "H" WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.Y.A.. S.C. Page 36 "`a Minutes of regular meeting of the Town uouncil , 'sown of Edgewater, ?lorida, held ednesday 2nd, .D D . 1932- continued from page 35- NEW BUSINESS: MOTION by uouncilman J.J.Francis , seconded by Councilman H.P.`yiilkinson, that ulerk be instructsl to have r.A.C .Archer, furnish 5 meals to the elect- ion board and 7,Tarshall, November 8th A.D. 1932, at a cost not to exceed .50 cents per person, per meal. Motion unanimously carried. T: TION by Councilman H.P .'a'ilkinson, seconded by Councilman J.J.Francis , that the rate of pay to be allowed the Deputy Marshall for the polling place, in the Town Election to be held November 6th, be at the rate of $2.00 per day. Motion unanimously carrt. MOTION by Councilman J.J.Francis , seconded by Councilman U.P .'. ilkinson to • adjourn until Monday November 7th A.D . 1932, at 7:30 O' clock P .M. .Motion carried and Council adjourned. MONDAY- NOVEMBER 7TH A.D. 1932 COT.NCIL met in an adjourned session in the V.I .A. Hall, at 7:30 Oclock P .M. with the following officers and members present: Mayor-Councilman F.R.Renwick, Councilman H.J.Francis , Councilman H.P .Wilkinson, ulerk R.C .Fuller. By unanimous agreement the order of business was confined to UNFINSIHED BUSINESS . UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The Clerk was instucted to destroy the contents of the oldest ballot box, to provide a ballot box for the election to be held November 8th 1932. This box was emptied and made ready in the presence of the entire 'Town Council, kttorney G.O .Rasco , R.S .Fee, Brown, R.P. .illiams , e.T .King, and others. , all documents , ballots and other papers necessary to be placed in such, box including absentee ballots filed with the Clerk, were thereupon placed in the ballot box, and in the presence of the persons named herein, the box was properly sealed as provided by law, and the box delivered to R.S .Fee ,Clerk of the Election Board. MOTION by Councilman ti.P .`;-ilkinson, seconded by Councilman J.J.Vrancis, to adjourn until 6:30 O ' clock P .M. Tues- day November 8th 1932, Motion carried and council ad- journed. ( Continued on page 37 ) Page 37 Miniutes oat regular meeting of the Town Council., Town of Edgewater,Volusia County, Florida , held. Wednesday Nov 2nd 1932. ( continued from page 36) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th A.D. 1932. COUNCIL met in an adjourned session in the V.I .A. Hall, at 6:30 Oclock P .M. with the following officers and mem- . hers present: Mayor-Councilman F.R.Renwick, Councilman J .J.Francis , Clerk,R.C .Fuller. 123CELLA'TEOUS BUSINESS : The Board of Canvassers , for the Annual Election held November 8th A.D . 1932, delivered thier report of the Results of said election, to the Mayor and Council. The Clerk read the reports of the Board of Canvassers and Councilman J.J.Francis made a MOTION that the report of the Board of Canvassers for the Annual Election held November 8th 1932, be received and made a part of these minutes. The motion was seconded by Councilman F.R.Renwick, and unanimously carried. Clerk R.C .Fuller, read the following bills , in connection with the ".nnual eection, just held: C .A.kshcraft , Inspector, 3.00 War. No 1207 R.F.Williams, " 3.00 1208 G.F.Brown " 3.50 12149 R.S`.Fee , " 3.00 1211 H.B .Ashcraft Deputy Mp,Tshall 2.00 1212 A.C .Archer, meals furniished) 2.00 1213. MOTION by Councilman J.J.Francis , seconed by Councilman F.R.Renwick, twat& that the above named bills be ordered paid as read. Motion unanimously carried. (Minutes continued on sheet 38 ) .,r, h i M „ rl/r l• .< ., S EET 38 , Minutes of Regular meeting held November 2nd, 7th, and bth A.D. 1932- Town of Edgewater,Plorida. ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF JUDGES AND CLERK OF ANNUAL TOWN ELECTION, HELD IN THE TOWN OF EDGE4IATER(Volusia County) FLORIDA ON THE 8TH DAY OF NOVEMBER R A.D. 1932. STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF VOLUSIA, TON OF ED GE mtTATER. We, the undersigned Judges and Clerk of Election, do hereby certify that at the Annual Town Election, held in the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, on the 8th Day of November A.D. 1932, pursuant to law, for the purpose of electing one Councilman, to serve for a period of three years , and for the further purpose of electing a Town Clerk to serve for a term of one year, or until his or thier successors are duly elected and qualified, that we did count the ballots cast at the said election and that the ballots cast at the said election• were as follows: �i .¢ ,44.4-L .f iw�a c �Y.... Z.7-4 e-��cv .• The total number of votes cast for the Office of Town Councilman, was 4101F1.73 E.A.Ely received So Votes H.Playters Wilkinson, received a.3 _ Votes. received - Votes. The total number of votes cast for the Office of Town Clerk, was lamer C7'4 J.F.Davis received 76-" Notes R.C.Fuller, received 99 Votes -- - received - Votes. Dated this 8th. Day of November, A.D. 1932. � �� ,r e N,„ JUWE off • 4 „� v JUDGE JUDG' AND CLERK • -. .' ..o- t aft it t 4•11.100. -... x a Page 39- • Minutes of regular and adjourned meetings of the Town Council, held in the V.I .A. hail, in the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, on Tdovember 2nd , 7th, and 8th A.D . 1932. ( concluded from page 38) ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Councilman .J. rncis , seconded by Councilman F.R.Remick, to adjourn sine die. Motion unanimously carried and Council adjourned. S I GIFTED lY Re,,,,,wk.Aci Mayor-Councilman &. 2r, 7' va.. -o G� Councilman • / /. _/Lea)L-4 - C unci l:nan ( for meetings held 14ov 2nd & 7th) i ST: i t4A 4 :'"r lerk.