FY 1931-1932 Audit Report -ter- -V-- Neve if" -woo, AUDIT REPORT EDGEWATER, .teLORIDA WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P A.. S.C. _ _ I • WILLIAM O. GENTRY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, S. C. INCOME TAX CONSULTANT 224 SOUTH BEACH ST, - TELEPHONE 541 . CO�iA1' iArC1, FLORIDA New Smyrna, October 28, 1932. To The Honorable Town Council, Edgewater, Florida. Gentlemen: In accordance with your instructions, as authorized in the meeting of your Honorable Body under date of October 5th. , 1932, I have made an atdit and examination of the books and records of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, for the period begin. nin_g October 1st, 1930 and ending September 310 . , 1932. As a result of my work, I submit the Exhibits and Schedules, as shown on the Index of this report, together with my comments on same. 1 hereby certify that the results shown herein, are to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and correct. Respectfully Submitted, WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, G. Pi A. (Si' . ) Licensed Public Acao untant of Fla, Audit made and report compiled by: WILLI.AM MARVIN WHITE, Ao a untant in Charge. * P INDEX TITLES PAGE Comments 1 bettlement with x.C .Fuller , wept. 30, 1932 3 Warrants issued, Oct. 1, 1931 to bept. 30 , 1932 4 sank reconciliation, wept . 30, 1932 7 1931 Tax bale certificiates held by Town 8 Tax bale certificates cancelled by clerk of circuit court 9 Settlement with x.C .Fuller, bept. 30, 1931 10 Settlement with ,.F .Lohmcn, •vov. 18, 1930 11 Settlement with A.B.Wilkinson, ivi.ay 14, 1931 11 arr'nts issued, Oct. 1, 1930 to bept. 30, 1931 12 1930 Tax Sale certificates held by Town 14 1930 Tax bale certificates held by Fur. & Assignees 16 1929 Tax bale certificates held by Town 17 1929 Tax bale certificates held by Fur. & Assignees 18 1928 Tax Sale certificates held by Town 19 1928 Tax bale certificates held by fur. 6, Assignees 20 1927 Tax bale certificates held by Town 21 1927 Tax bale certificates held by Fur. & Assignees 23 1926 Tax bale certificates held by Town 24 1926 Tax bale certificates held by i'ur. & Assignees 26 1925 lax bale certificates held by Town 26 bummary of Outstanding Tax bale certificates and costs 27 Budget comparison, 1931 and 1932- 28 • WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. 4 . u 0 1 M E lv r '11C1� U .t;DUWADirt, r•ZUx ljA 1930 OPIxi.T1U1s6 All records have been checked in detail and with the exception of a small number of clerical errors found correct. The records kept by the Treasurers, now retired, were inadequate during the period to furnish a comprehensive distribution of disbursements. This necessitated an analysis to be made from the vouchers and supporting bills on hand - the results of . hich are shown in Dxhibit ".r' of this report. The authorization for all disbursements made has been very rigidly enforced as well as the filing of receipts wherever necessary. • The Tax collector s and clerk' s records have been examined carefully and found correct as stated. 1931 0PtEAT10.14 wring the year 1931-1932 the system of recording disburse- ments has been considerably improved due to the detail analysis of each 1 • voucher being properly recorded and the approval, of the various bills rendered, by the sown council, before payment. It was noted that a considerable decrease in operation costs has been made - the total decrease being 054.47 or 21.5 , over the previous year. The largest decrease was in the ;street Department in which there was a net decrease of p509 .09 which equals 47 .870. wring the year the Tax collector collected 86;0 of the collectable taxes as compared to 83 , during the year ending oeptember 30, 1931, and in addition thereto collected a substantial amount of back taxes and tax sale certificate redemptions as shown in rxhibit "A" and ••L" . The increase in millage for the year beginning Octover 1 ,1932 and ending oeptember 30, 1933, is largely due to the loss of ,1:488.24, on the sale of securities received from the closed ridelity Dank of rtew amyrna, Ala. , in lieu of the funds therein at the time of failure. Also , a loss of 125.28 representing undeposited checks drawn on the same bank but not deposited before the failure, the make of said checks refuses to repay the town for the loss and same has been credited to the Tax Uol'_ector by resolution of the Town council. AEUOMMEPDATIODIS it is recommended that the Assets of the Town be appraised by an appraisal comr..-ittee and a complete double entry system of accounts be installed thereby furnishing i res and record. of the wn' s operations and mnimizingthepossiblityoferrors and omissions. :rage 1 Continued ) WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. C 0MMEiv T S Continued from rage 'l it is further recommended that there be included in the above li mentioned system, a record of Tax Sale Certificates outstanding together with a record thereon of the subsequent omitted tax in order to facilitate the collection and redemption of taxes and certificates. In so doing two records now being kept, would be replaced by one--more accurate and with less probability of oversight and omission. In conclusion, the cooperation of the T wn Clerk and Treasurers is greatly appreciated. 0 Page f 2 WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A.. S.C. SETTLEMENT Wl TH R. C. FULLER TOWN CLERK, TAX COLLECTOR AND TREASURER . iDG ,WATER, FLORIDA OCTOBER 1, 1931 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1932. CHARGES Total Assessed 'valuation 0423118.00 Less: Assessed value of propert with lax Certificates Outstanding 83905.00 Assessed valuation with tax col- lectable at the rate of 7 mills 0339213.00 Net Taxes Collectable - 02,374.51 1931 Omitted Tax 66.35 1931 lax Redemption and costs 21.05 • 1931 Back Tax and interest 19 .26 1931 Tax and Costs paid after advertising but before Tax sale 119 .83 1931, Delinquent, Fla. East coast Rlwy. Tax 93.04-° 02,694.04 1930 Tax Redemption and Costs 0 bb.4V 1930 Back Tax and Interest 73.97 1930 Omitted Tax 5.50 145.96 1929 Tax Redemption and costs 0 17:65 1929 Tax Sale Certificates Assigned & Costs 23.14 1929 Back Tax and Costs 60.72 1929 Omitted Tax 5.50 107.05 1928 Tax Redemption and Costs 0 25.61 1928 Tax Redemption and Costs for cert. Holders 7 .28 32.89 1927 Tax Redemption and Costs 0 37 .02 • 1927 Tax Redemption and Costs for Cert. Holders 8.52 45.54 1926 Tax Redemption and Costs 5.11 Business License 55.00 Clerk of the Circuit Court Fees Collected 7 .00 Balance on Hand October 1, 1931 1,623.94 Total Charges p4,716.53 CREDITS warrants Issued ( see schedule 1) 03,115.70 Discount Allowed 49 .38 Clerk of the Circuit Court Fees Remitted 7 .00 Town clerk's Fees on Tax sale certificates 13.00 Remitted to Tax Sale Certificate Holders 14.80 Land Advertised for 1931 Uncollected Taxes 265.82 Delinquent 1931 Tax Fla. East Coast Rlwy not Advertised 93.04-- Total Credits 3,558.74 Balance on Hand ;1,157.79 Represented By: Balance in First Atl. Nat'l Bank, Daytona Beach,Fla . V1,156.67 1.6 Cash in Clerks office �`1 15�.°'TJ Total Cash on Hand and in Bank , EXHIBIT "A" Page #3 WILLIAM O. GENTRY. C.P.A.. 5.C. • [ 0 rrr�' WARRANTS ISSUED EDGEWAT ,, , FLORIDA OCTOBER 1, 1931 TO SEPT11, 3ER 30, 1932. STRE- T DEPARTY TT Labor: Shelling streets 67. 24 bridge Labor 5. 29 Mowing and Brushing 203.20 { scraping Streets 20.70 Trimming trees 2.70 urading Dirt Road 5.40 Miscellaneous supervision, etc. 14.85 Hauling Shell 24.50• X343.88 Materials: Shell - 089 .25 bridge material 7 .53 96.78 Road signs: M.a fe r i a s 13.39 Painting 14.75 Hauling 5.00 Repairs .50 33.64 & Tractor Expense : Mule lrre 035.86 Duel 13.02 Tractor Parts .50 49 .38 T.iscellaneous: Mowing machine Tools & Parts 012.80 misc. Road Tools 17.67 30.47 Total Disbursed Street Department x;554.15 ' DRAINAGE and DOCKS Labor: 0 eaning Main Drainage Ditch Laying Tile - strand blvd.. 1.35 �' g Repairs - uity Dock .85 Tilling Ditches 37.10 c'48 .00 material: Bridge material 3.03 Total Disbursed On Docks *51.03 ' Pae 4. Schedule 1. uontinued. WILLIAM D. GENTRY, C.P.A., S,C. G , -Amy ( f . iiiiro- WARRL T'S ISSTTED ELGEWATER, !+'LORIDA OCTOBER 1, 1931 x110 SEPTEMBER 30 , 1932. 1 Continued from Page 4., OFFICE EKTEITSE Tax Collection costs: r i.ning - 41.00 Postage 7 .50 searching county tcecords 1.50 Advertising 1.00 '11.00 Office supplies & Stationery 22.89 Office Lights & Fuel 24.21 Typewriter cr Equipment ttepairs 19.75 Office equipment - safe 25.00. Postage 2.00 cleaning v . I.A..tiall .34 Total Disbursed Office Expense 1Q5a69 BEERG ,T'CY Charity X18.50 050.00 .fond Premium clerk Eire Protection: ;75.00 ■ Extinguisher 86 00 r'ireman salaries 11.00 6 , i:_osquito control .06 14.86 :leaning City owned Lots .80 cleaning slow Well 11.22 street Lights 4.22 ttecreation - swimming Pool itepairs Total Disbursed .emergency 166.73 STREET LIGHTI G City of j ew Smyrna 903.78 ; SALARIES Clerk 0600.00- 180.00 ~ Marshall 72.00 Councilmen Total Disbursed salaries 852.00E li II II II Page 5. Schedule 1 (Continued) WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. WARRA 4TS ISaUED EDG ;WA'TT R, PLCRT_BA OCTOBER 1, 1931 TO SEPTLL HE. 30, 1932 continued from Page 5. LEGAL and ELECTION Election Judges and apecial Police :1:;.17.50 Advertising .elections and Bert. Lists 8.90 votary r'ees 2.00 Printing and Advertising 9 .37 Police Dept. Printing and .Advertising 3.00' Advertising Lelin,uent Tax Lists 93.30 Tax collectors fees and recording fees - 1931, Tax bale 13.551 bearching county Records re : Property transfers 12.50 Legal fees: Hull, Landis o Whitehair 1:222.20 Glynn Owen xaseo 100.00 322.20 Total Disbursed Legal & Election X482.32 Total vtiarrants issued ,115.70 ICI Page 6. bohedule 1 (Concluded) WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. • 141.0101' 'vow BA1vK KHu014oILIA' Ioly ._L'(i.t;WATE , rL0R1DA aeptember 30,1932 Balance as shown on clerk and Treasurer ttecord 0.406.67 Add: Outstanding warrants : aeptember 30, 1932 - tf1179 LaRue A . Kurtz 018.00 1180 G. T. zing 7.00 1181 0 . d . Lofton 7 .50 1182 J. e. °wens 7,00 1183 A. U . Tuner 50.00 1184 u . King 15.00 1185 r. R . Renwick 2.00 1186 0 . 0 . r ranci s 2,00 1187 H. P . wilkinson 2.00 1188 ,.yew amyrna hews to. 2.12 1189 Roy u. Board 2.25 1190 city or B ew Smyrna 100.00 1191 city or j ew amyrna 2,00 217 .87 X1,374.54 Less: yelerred s'eposit 9-30-32 24.63 Balance as per bank statement, :31,349.91 1st Atlantic national bank, iaytonE beach, r'la, page 7. .nixhibit "B" WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A., S.C. .., _. . $ 1931 s.'AX aAL� cE .i'1r Iu ��'1`ES held by r0wl'J Lr hlki-EWAl'EA, rL0 i A September 30 , 1932 _ _ uertiIica.te bomber Dame Tax Costs Total ! chili 1.40 1.68 3.08 1020 Cuthbert, p 13 42 1 38 • c rum. 12.04 • 1021 �� T,ean� 1 38 5.09 Latimer,imer � .r'• 3.71 1022 � 2.90 1.38 ....4.28 1023 vvilkinson , uladys w . 2 .28 1024 C-ramling, 0 •L• .98 1.38 8.68 1.38 1 2.36 1025 t�ramling , .L• 102(5 tierce , u.eo.x. dc :iliza r . 2.59 1.08 3.67 .A 1 38 13.88 12.50 • 102 7 Lernoee:�, L 1.80 1.38 3.23 vum.o r. 1028 L aws 1.96 138 3.34 1033 Bennett , a.LT. .60 1.68 2.28 103b Wilcox, ti..J • 1.68 7 .98 1036 wheeler, o.a� . 6.30 1037 Aamot, Omar f. .98 1.68 2.66 1038 ailsoy, test. of W .T. 1.16 1.68 2.84 1039 Bragg .95 1.68 2.63 1 1.L. 2.45 � 1040 Greene, Annie c. .77 1.68 1041 ahort dc neddell,.i .h. & e .v . 4.34 1.38 5.72 1042 ahort bedaell,J de 0 ..) . 1.40 1.38 13.75 1.38 12.13 1043 a oft, •� . 1.37 1.08 2,45 1048 nennett, %. A. 1049 wilder, r;tta L. 2.31 1.38 3.69 1052 fierce , y. .74 1.68 2.42 1004 vvortman, is ..i . 1.75 1.08 2.83 1.98 3.73 1000 apauldsng, hst. of 14 .A• 1.75 1.98 3.31 1006 .�igelow oc chase,h. de A. .93 1.38 1 3.3 1057 nosecran, ouliari 1 .98 1.38 3.31 1058 apaulding, . St. of id.t.. 1.70 1.68 3.43 1061 anider, htta D. 1. 1062 wilder,r ,'ider, r;tta D. 2.10 3.78 5.88 5.88 88 1063 Paer Letitia r. 6.79 . 8 5.10 1060 rEcuauley, Lavinia A. 347 1.68 3.98 1 1066 anider, . tta .u. 2.90 1068 aniaer, .rtta L 16.1'1 1.08 17 .25 1.10 1.08 2.23 1069 ci epson, Lae A. .38 1.08 2.23 1070 ci epson, Lae A. .38 1.08 1.17 1071 , x:tta D. 2.39 • Snider, .78 3.23 1072 �nidcr, htta A. .78 1.58 6nider, Etta D. .80 . 1073 2.31 1.08 3.39 } 1074 Ashton Moore 5.70 4.62 1.08 1075 Ashton c Moore 62 1.08 5.70 1076 Ashton & Moore . 37 1.08 1.47 1077 Ashton & Moore 1.93 1.08 3.01 Ashton de Moore e .39 1.08 3.01 1078 1.08 2.42 1079 Ashton Moore 1.54 1080 Ashton de Moore .98 1.08 2•Q2 1081 Chadwick, h.R. schedule 2 Continued) Page 8. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A.. S.C. • , _ ___, __ . , ! ..,,,,..• -TT r 1931 TAX SALE CERTIFICATES held by TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA September 30,1932 continued from Page 8. certificate Number name Tax Costs Dotal 1082 Chadwick, A.R. .77 1.38 2.15 1083 Schmidt, Louisa .63 .78 1.41 1084 Young, u.V. .31 .78 1.09 1085 wade, G.L. 2.90 1.08 3.98 1086 Dude, G.L. .77 1.08 1.85 1087 wade, G.L. .39 1.08 1.47 . 1088 Strickland, o .H. .98 1.38 2.36 1092 Wharton, W .R. 13.09 1.38 14.47 Total X162.74 .1373.62 1236.36 _ schedule 2 (Concluded) TAX SALE CERTIFICATES EDGEGWATER, FLORIDA UAI'CEJ..LED BY CLERK CF THE CIRCUIT COURT VOLUSIA COUNTY i uCTOBER 1, 1931 TO SESTEMBER 30,1932 certificate Amount j umber ivame Holder 98 .rown, Della P. Le en, K.A.P. & W. '4.96 99 unknown Leaden., K.A.P. & W. .74 100 brown, Della P. Leaden, K.A.P. & W. 1.67 101 Jackson, 'W .L. Leaden, L.A.P. & W. .74 103 brown, .uella P. Leaden, Y.A.P. & W. 1.88 161 Abbott, Geo. Leaden, Y.A.P. & W. 13.96 522 smith, J .Tom Christiansen, 11ora 28.98 577 Brown, .Della P. Leaden, • • .55 578 unknown Leaden, _:. .D. 579 brown, Della P. Leaden, P.D. 1.88 580 Jackson, W.I . Leaden, 1.88 581 brown, Della P. Led.d.en, F.D.1 652 Schaller, i. rs. irnie uhristiinsen, Dora .90 653 Schaller, Lrs. 1tnie uhristiansen, Dora 2.13 .68 697 smith, d .Tom uhristiansen, Dora 33.68 863 Hatch, A. H . Squire, j 645 Doherty. r . uhristiansen, Dora 2.88 98.96 1 Total sage 9. Schedule 3. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. 1 1 . s _ 1.10.0- CO , ' ETTLEMENT WITH R. C . FULLER 'W0 1r TAX U 7Ia?EU TOR and JLERK 1 i DU;i;WAl1 R, 1LORIDA FPTIER 30 , 1931 UHARGES Total Assessed valuation 0424695.00 Less : Assessed value - Property with certificates Outstanding 64840.00 Assessed valuation with tax collectable at 10 mills 0359855 .00 Amount of Tax collectable 03,598 .55 1930 Omitted Tax 157 .25 1930 Tax redemption w Costs 41.77 1930 back Tax et Interest 31.07 1930 Tax certificates et Costs sold at time of sale 26.77 1930 Tax certificates x Costs Assigned 11.85 1930 Tax 63 uost paid after advertising 248.76 and before sale 1929 back Tax ec interest 090.30 1929 Tax rcedemption et Costs for certificate holders 10.78 1929 Omitted Tax 3.30 1929 Tax rtedemption et Costs 135.70 240.08 1928 back Tax et Interest 1.65 1928 Tax redemption w costs for certificate holders 34.29 1928 Omitted Tax 1.83 1928 Tax tedemption & Costs 77 .04 114.81 1927 Tax redemption et Costs 52.35 1926 lax redemption et Costs 13.68 1925 Tax redemption & Costs 7.44 ' 75.00 �;4,619 .38 business License 3,001.23 Transfer from A.B.Wilkinson, Treas. 0 ,620.61 Total Charges uREDIT Remittances to Treas. A.ti.Wilkinson 3,386.837 miscounts Allowed 72.87 clerk' s fees on Tax gale certificates 5.95 rtef"und - Duplicate payment 1929 tax remitted to Tax gale certificate holders 42.07 Land :advertised for 1930 uncollected taxes 622.90 044, 11 156 .156. 11 warrants Issued by resolution-undeposited check on closed , •idelity bk. 25.21 5,996.67 Total uredits x;1,623.94 balance on nand - ,6 ` ` I represented by: 01,590.53 Ibalance, 1st i,ati.nal .yank, Daytona beach, ela. 33.41 cash in clerk' s Office 01,6U.-94 Total cash on hand and in bank Page 10. �,Xhiblt "C" WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A.. S.C. 4 5ET'TLE ' ;1N T WI'T'H E. H. L0EMAN TWIT TREASURER 4 EDGEWATER, .FLORIDA .1.10V i .BER 1, 1930 '1'O 10v uBER 18, 1930 CHARGES Balance on nand, Diovember 1, 1930 L 2,092.48 interest on Deposit _ 3.61 e;2 96.09 � 0 uREJI1j warrants issued 209 .70 balance, transferred to i..b.Wilkinson, Treasurer 41,886.39 nepreser_ted by: .13 Y o balance, ridelity bank Account 989044.13 ' balance , tate bank Accunt ; 1,886.39 ✓ mote: oarrants issued Oct. 1, 1930 to Oct. 31 1930 , as shown in Audit rendered Oct, 1930, are Q158.54 Exhibit "D" bErilshaVLEPT VaTEL A..B.W EL,.111b01X TOW1 TR_',A6U tt,t';tt EDw yA'r'Ett, 1{'LCE.DA i OV '.b `n 18 , 1930 1=O vAY 14, 1931 un.AhuES " 3.31 balance on nand 1,886.39 Interest on deposit 3,386.32 1 remittance from Treasurer .10 Outstanding check �'.I'.Perna, cancelled y278 • bale of bonds - Lollateral for closed 2,800 .00 r ide�_ity bank account 48 ,076.12 .t.JREDIT Warrants issued 1,786.65 3,288.24 5,074.89 Account in ulosed ridelity bank x;5 ,074.89 .balance � nepresented by: .balance in rirst Atlantic . ational bank, 1 3,000.73 Daytona beach, rla. .50 uash. 3,001.23 rxhibit TE" Page 11. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A.. S,C. loo1ri'` fI Nolo I WAktitAL' TS ISSUED E.11GEWATEK, r'LOKTUA OUTOBEh 1, 1930 TO T E. 30, 1931 S'i'hEET DEPAhT1'EL T Tractor Expense - 4as, oil, etc. x;26.48 Tractor hire 11.00 material - shell 113.50 hauling shell 146.00 Labor - i,_owing Shelling streets 583.54 xaterial Parts - rtepairs to mowing machine 17.37' i ul e hire 123.00 i d! .Mci onald - filling washout at ao.t,anal 42.35 p1,063.24 S`D'K `';'r Lltxtii'Ii city of i ew Smyrna 915.00 DKA .iyAuE and 1JOUKS Hauling - .iridge lumber ;34.00 Diew vanal rJxpense - t traveling ) 10.00 Dumber and nails 28.82 Labor - nepair- ng wharf 15.07 Labor - .,leaning Drainage ditch 95.25 153.14 aALAhi. S Town vlerk X600.00 ii gown tv_arshall 180.00 Town Treasurer 80.00 860.00 UB'r'luE .0 EE Lights and ruel p24.22 stationery cc supplies cc Tax receipts 76.12 Office neater 25.40 75.00 valcu7.ator 20.00 ��epairs to Office Equipment 6.24 226.98 rostage - lax statements cr neceipts li LEGAL and . L! u'T 101' 319 .70 Attorney rees - null, Landis Ix whitehair 37 .50 Abstract fees 3.80 vopy riouse pill p689 361.60 Telegraph Tees .60 Yage 12. ,xhibit "F" JJontinued) WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. WAttit. 1d'1'o iO6ULD L+'.11ls!.Y'd ATEtt, 1.eLUit iDA Uui`O. X.t( 1, 1930 1G 6EPTEMBE 30, 1931 L.ontinued from rage 12. 4fLhuTiol4 Labor making nooths m i:aterial 9 .80 1 meals for .1ection hoard 3.75 voting Lists 3.00 Labor m material .ballot poxes 4.50 judges, Inspectors m Opec.rolice fees 15.00 Printing .allots m instructions 8.50 Advertising 11.77 lvotary fee 1.25 ��57 .57 EtLrktG.LB U Y ( Audit fees X75.00 refund to clerk - overremittance 2.08 Tax nefun.ds 1.60 bond rremium - clerk m Treasurer 54.55 Telephone - re :oale of .fonds 1.05 Tax gale costs kclerk! s fee) 22.95 Advertising Tax gale 163.20 .cording fees - Tax pale 3.00 repairs v . l.A.fall kocreens et Labor) 9 .21 332.64 Total warrants issued ;;3,970.17 rcepresented by: Warrants issued - ji.n.Lohman, Treas. y158.54 warrants issued - b.n.Lohman, areas. 209 .70 warrants issued - A.rs.wilkinson, Treas. 1 ,786.65 warrants issued - n.u .ruller, clerk a: Treas. 1,815 .28 i„;3,970.17 � I 1 ra rage 13. xhibit "r" concluded WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A.. S.C. i 1930 TAX sA.LJi. UEhliFi.,AT. S held by i TuWv OF BDuBWATr;K, 210hl1 A As tLT September 30,1932 t,ertif'icate dumber to whom Assessed Tax ,osts Total 867 Webster, .t..u,. 3.55 1.98 5.53 870 neck, Geo. 7.00 1.38 8.38 j 875 r6.00re, .1.el . 8.55 1.38 9.93 876 _oore, r�..3 . 2.20 1.38 3.58 880 voles, 11 .b. z.l:; 1.38 v.,4:8 81.1. oiee, .i .t 4.80 1. 38 e.i8 389 Peninsular Abstract & Title vo. 3.30 1.08 4.38 890 highland ohores , Inc. 2. 7b 1.08 3.83 7 I 891 Highland shores, Inc. 1.80 1.08 2.88 892 highland shores, Inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 893 highland shores , inc. 1.65 1.08 L.73 894 Highland shores, inc. 4.00 1.08 5.08 895 sage, O.G. & G.E. .70 1.08 1.78 1 896 highland shores, inc. 4.80 1.08 5.88 897 vanDeSande, r•.C . .70 1.08 1.78 898 Ocker, uhas. .70 1.08 1.78 899 highland shores, Inc. 2.10 1.08 3.18 900 Monson, t1.R. 3.00 1.08 4.58 901 highland shores , inc. .70 1.08 1.78 1.6 5 1.08 2.73 tai eloz�r E.H. 902 g , 903 nionson, L.H. 2.10 1.08 3.18 904 highland shores, Inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 905 highland shores, inc. .70 1.08 1.78 j 906 highland shores, Inc. .70 1.08 1.78 909 brewer, Flay .50 1.08 1.63 908 Highland shores , Inc. 5.50 1.08 6.58 909 vanDeSande, r .U . 1.40 1.08 2.48 910 Highland shores, inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 911 highland shores , inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 912 uillespie, . .U. 13.80 1.08 14.88 913 Highland shores Inc. 1. 40 1.08 2.48 910 r heeler, s.W. .70 1.08 1.78 916 DeWitt, j.N. .70 1.08 1.78 917 Simpson, mina P. .70 1.08 1.78 918 Highland shores, Inc. 4.20 1.08 0.28 920 highland shores, Inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 921 highland shores, Inc. 5.05 1.38 6 .43 922 Hodges, 1.0. 1h5.13. 2.80 1.08 3.88 923 beard, J.C. 1.40 1.08 2.48 924 highland Shores, Inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 4. 20 1.08 5.28 925 t�.onson, ���. & L` . 1.40 1.08 2.48 926 highland shores, Inc. 927 highland shores, Inc. 140 1.08 2.48 1.08 2.48 928 highland shores, Inc. .70 1.08 1.78 929 highland shores, Inc. I Page 14. schedule 4 tOontinued) WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A.. S.C. 4 Now, LP-4 'Nome __*-----4 ---• TAX SALE CERTIFICATES held by w0Wiv UY BDUBWA'T'BH, r'L0 H IDA AS 11' September 30, 1932 Continued rrom gage 14. 1 Certificate ! lvumber name Tax costs :Total 930 highland shores, inc. 4.20 1.08 5.28 931 i'ullen, .6..1 . 2.10 1.08 3.18 932 Highland shores, inc. 6.45 1.38 7 .83 936 vv ild.man, J .1. 3.00 1.08 4.08 937 highland shores , inc. 11.25 1.08 12.33 938 Simpson, i!ina M. 1.50 1.08 2.58 939 highland shores, Inc. 1.50 1.08 2.58 940 highland shores , inc. 8.55 1.08 9 .63 941 Highland shores, inc. 1.40 1.08 2.48 942 highland shores, inc. 1.35 1.08 2.43 943 highland shores, 1. _e. 3.90 1.08 4.98 944 highland shores, inc. 1.65 1.08 2.73 945 xullen .T .J. 1. 65 1.08 2.73 946 beard, J .v. 1.65 1.08 2.73 947 Cunningham, A.m. 1.95 1.08 3.03 948 Bouchelle, L.8.dr. 1.65 1.08 2.73 949 highland shores, inc. 1.65 1.08 2.73 950 Lobenthal, L.B. 3160 1.08 4 .68 951 Brown, A•S• 3.30 1.08 4.38 952 Highland shores, inc. 1.65 1.08 2.73 953 highland shores, Inc. 3.90 1.08 4.98 954 Drown, n.S. 1.35 1.08 2.43 955 Drown, A.S. 1.35 1.08 2.43 959 Highland shores, inc. 1.35 1.08 2.43 960 highland shores, Inc. 27.40 1.08 28 .48 961 monson, m.ft. 1.65 1.08 2 .73 962 state Bank & Tr.Co. 1.35 1.08 2.43 963 highland shores, Inc. 4.15 1.08 5.23 964 highland shores, inc. 1.10 1.08 2.18 965 Monson, rv .7. 1.10 1.08 2.18 966 highland shores, inc. 4. 25 1.08 5.33 967 highland chores, inc. 7.15 1.08 8.23 968 i Loore i;.J . 11.40 1.38 12.78 9'71 i:_oore, x .J . 19 .55 1.38 20.93 9'72 nobinson, vv .A. 6.00 1.68 7 .68 973 skipper, w .h. dc u . 2.50 1.68 4 .18 974 nobinson, vv .A. 2.90 1.68 4. 58 975 nobinson, vv.A. 3.00 1.68 4.68 976 ono binson, v .A. 1.40 1.68 3.08 977 nobinson, vv .A. .15 1.68 1.83 978 Hubbell , noyal 6.65 1.38 8 .03 981 nirray, A. 12.65 1.08 13.73 987 Webster, .6•M• 11.00 1.68 12 .68 990 riildreth, Jessie F. 4.95 1.98 6.93 1011 craves, A.J . 2.75 .78 3.53 .30 .78 1.08 1013 �r ves, A..3 . 1015 .30 .78 1.08 Liraves ' A.J . 2.20 .'78 2.98 1016 c.raves , A.J . -323.50 108.24 4_31.74 A WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. Schedule 4 (Concluded Rag f e 15. 1 . • 1930 iAX SALE 07RTLL ICATES held by YURCHASEHS and ASS IG'`?.!ES Se tembcr• 30, 1932 I I uertir'icate r+umber lo whom Assessed bolder• Amount 1 Costs 914 .i igelow, .b.H. Whitford, Chas. X2.48 933 nigrilana shores, lnc. iii.Mk, Anast 3.94 934 highland snores, Inc . ltiick, Anast 4.53 935 highland shores , inc. iaick, Anast 3.38 956 smith, g) . YIom earns, i .H. 4.38 957 highland shores ,inc. cams , c .H. 4.38 958 highland shores, inc. cams, u .H. 15.53 x:38.62 I rage 16. schedule 5. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A., S.C. 1929 TAX BAL. u Y i r 10ATE held by OWN (Th EDUEWAT.Jh, rhOKh'A As At aeptember 30, 1932 Certificate 1 lvumber name Amount 788 Hubbell, royal .27 .16 793 zing. G. 3 .54 798 nurch, Dora v . 1.47 800 apencer Mildred . . 2.10 801 a_.)encer, mila.red r. 2.71 802 Durears, r..i . 2.71 804 Hubbell, noyal 3.53 80b Hubbell, royal 12.46 806 Hubbell, royal 8.76 807 nubbell , royal 31.27 808 Hubbell, royal 5.18 813 Hubbell & Mitchell 5.48 814 Hubbell, noyal 30.86 815 Hubbell, noyal 1.44 816 Hubbell, royal 2.16 817 nubbell, royal 4. 77 818 Hubbell, noyal 2.02 819 Aubbell , royal 2.02 820 Hubbell noyal 6.72 821 Mier, 2.J , 10.21 824 Turner, J.P. 2.16 825 xasselton, .iv . 2.16 826 turner, i:ettie v . 2.16 829 Johnson, Le x. 1.63 830 uhristensen, 'John 2.21 831 unknown 3.03 832 anider apencer uo. 2.43 833 anider apencer co. 2.70 837 anider apencer uo. 4.35 838 anicler apeneer Co. 2.33 840 Christensen, John 2.49 841 uhristensen, .john 2.49 843 Marsden, J .u . 1.03 844 iarsden, d .u. 2.54 845 >r,roswell, .r.mary a. 2.33 850 Hate.:,, ±1.H.. 9.71 1 851 Hatch, n.H. 9 .03 852 natch, list.. 2.16 853 natch n.h. 3.53 856 natch, tl.H. .76 857 natch, H.H. .76 8b8 natch, n.n. 1.61 8o9 paten, 11,11. 5. 29 860 natch, H.H. 2.16 861 natch, H.H. 1.61 862 hatch, A.H. 2 .33 864 Alden, u .J .u . 2.46 86b ,arrutners, r.1�. ....1.. 1.20 ,-,'245.22 rage 17 . 6chedule 6. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A.. S.C. ?IF 1929 TAX 6ALB t:EhT1p'1QATES BDu.LwATEh, ra)hivA held by PUta-AiAb.6R6 and A661uNLE6 eptember 30, 1902 Liertificate . umber TO whom Assigned. Owner Amount de uost 828 riuettich, n.u. Osborne , Ei.h.elen ,p16.30 848 Asendorf, praneis M. t)lerk, 1.77 849 Asendorf, .6r3ncis m. Owen, 1.77 iFT,19 .84 1: chelballe V. 2age 18. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. 1_ --- . . 1928 TAX SALE uEHT1r'Iux.ri6 held by Amu u r L4. WA` h , x•Lui- ii.A September 30, 1932 uertiiicate I number fame mount 642 x urray .ist. of tr.j . i30.78 643 smith cx Wilson 5.88 644 unknown 2.88 648 (Albert w .A. 5.2$ 6b5 .iowden Shirley 7 .98 685 Highland shores , inc. 3.33 686 highland shores, Inc. 3.18 687 Highland shores, inc. 1.68 688 Haskell, W.L. 1.53 . 689 Highland shores, inc. 2.13 690 smith c:6 uo. tt•L• .93 691 Haskell W.L. 1.38 692 smith dc uo. x.L. 1.68 693 highlans Shores, inc . 2.13 698 coffin A.W. W .U. 2.58 699 coffin n.W . cc W .u-. 2.28 701 Sapp e .A. 1.38 703 Bennett L..1 . 1.98 704 wnurmana uhas. 4.53 700 r aughl , .0.J . 4.03 I 706 nlipstein; rred 4.68 . li stern rred 707 r_ p , 1.38 708 hlipstezn rrecz 1.38 709 Sennett, L.0 . 1.98 710 uolby .asst . of i . 9 .78 711 uofi in w.u-. 7 .38 712 uhristenson, L.rs.A. 2.43 713 uhristenson, Mrs.A. 2.43 716-'l17 unknown 2.76 718 unknown 1.38 719 uofiin w .u. 1.08 720 coffin, W .U. 1.03 722 uofIin, w .u.. 2.88 723 ..offin or unknown 5.66 720 uolby .Lst . of .) .2. 10.38 726 nickman .Jessie A. 3.03 728 wanner 6 hobinson 10.68 730 roller h.E. 7.15 732 culler B.P . 10.83 733 culler h.E. 1.68 736 rilkinso1i, A•15• 2.28 737 unknown 2.8 8 738 rorster D. 2 .28 739 rorster D. 4.2 .228 740 rorster , D. 1.98 743 rope waiter a. 1.98 750 ± ainton, e •b• 1. 36 701-752 unknown 1.86 703-704 semis, d •r • .93 700 uurran, L.T. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A.. S.C. Page 19. schedule 8 .continued) . z _ P w- �_..a _ _...r e w _ ___—-- -- - --_- -- .- )4 1928 T.A.1. s :,. ul]ttTirlu. Tr;a held by 10WJN ur ID KihW k'1'Ett, r LUtt ljiA aeptem ber 30, 1932 -� uontinued from sage 19. 1 certificate INumber lY and e Amount 756 uurran, r;. T. pp1.08 766 hoover, 11. 4. 1.38 767 calmer , n..u. 1.68 768 nel ly, n.n. 1.38 770 unknown 1.08 771 1,acharach, Hilda 1i. 1.68 772 uleveland, ...r;. 1.98 773 nelly, iL.ri. 1.98 774 r ixen, Laura A. 1.08 7'75 Denson, A.M. 1.38 777 Denson, n.r;_. 1.98 782 rorster .6_ary belle 4.38 1. 0 ,� 784 uhisholm, ,. . 1.03 780 1,.cuabe, . st . of vvm. 6. 78 786 omith m nelson 1.68 231.61 Total schedule 8 tuoncludea) 1928 TAIL bALE OPE4-Tir1v La 1A i.EWn'TtA, fLaIt iVA held by rurIu.t .ai tta and 6biu lihMb ;,eptember 30, 1932 j certificate I ivumler i ame holder mount 721 n_owen, tt. bchuyler, L. : 1.53 724 shackhamer, is. sehuyler, L. 2.88 727 shaekhamer, b. Schuyler , L. 3.03 747 ttogers, S.A. Patch, L.H. 3.63 §11.07 schedule 9 Sage 20. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. 4_. E a 4 • 1101000" W. 1927 WAY SALE CERTIFICATES held by "T'0WY OF EDGFWATER, FLORIDA _.__r.� September 30, 1932 _ __ _ certificate Amount ivumb_e r lv am e �--- 459 Cuthbert Phillip 0..38 461 ivurray past. of T.J . 30.78 464 rsogan, x. V. 2.88 474 bowden, Shirley 7 .98 511 hubbell, ttoyal 2.43 512 highland shores, inc. 3.03 513 highland shores, inc . 2.88 514 highland shores, inc. 1.83 515 highland shores, inc. 1.38 516 haskell, W .L. 1.23 517 Smith, h.L.0o. .93 518 haskell, w .L. 1.08 519 smith M.L.Co. 1.38 520 highland shores , inc. 1.83 526 Colb J .P. Trustee 10.08 y 528 J3allant ne A. & G.T. 1.38 529 Colby, .P.T'rustee , 4.20 531 r'enn, vJ .R. 1.98 532 ±1ipstein, 14r. 4. 23 533 ttaughl, L.J. 4.23 534 nlipstein, fred.. 4.38 535 i6.licstein, Fred 1.38 .1.38 536 Thurmond, uhas. 1.68 537 Bennett, L.F. 538 uolby, J.P.'i'rustee, 9 .48 540 uhristenson, hrs. A.C. 4.08 542 unknown 1.38 543 unknown 1.38 544 unknown .38 545 unknown 1 1.08 550 unknown 5 .28 553 wanner & Robinson 9 .38 559 unknown 1.38 560 r'orster , l,avis 3.48 561 , liavis 1.48 562 rope, Walter S. . 8 .cove 565 uottier, Lar'ayette 1.93 566 Curran, B.F. 1.68 587 nacharach, hilda 1.68 Cleveland, A.E.588 1.38 589 hoover, A.G. 1.38 590 Palmer, A.D. 1.38 591 .elly, A•H• .78 592 unknown 1.98 593 telly, A.H. .78 594 r itkin, Laura H. 1.38 595 15ensen, H.E. 1.98 597 Ealmer, h.D. Schedule 10 (Continued.) Page 21. WILLIAM O. GENTRY. C.P.A.. S.C. I Y 1927 TAX SALE, CERTIFICATES held by TO OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA September 30, 1932 __ Continued from Page 21. 1 certificate Dumber luame .amount 601 Forster, n1.B. a-4.08 602 ulinton, M.D. 6 .58 603 Clinton, m.D. 4.08 604 Forster, D. 10.98 605 Forster, D. 5.58 606 mount, J.J. 5.78 608 Lamon, Amelia 1.53 609 laorman . . G. 4 .38 610 uhisholm, L.C. 1.23 613 uastorine, j os. 1.53 614 ulark, Lst. of L.C . 1.98 615 ulark, tst. of L.C. 1.98 616 McCabe, r,st. of Wm. 1.38 617 amith c 'F '4 ilson 618 Forster, L. 3.03 619 uarramanna, Felice 3. 48 1 2 .58 620 Rowley, 0 .E. 621 wilcox, j ane, 1. 38 622 !'ark, W.G. 1. 38 623 Park, vv .G. 1.08 . 624 Park, W .G. .85 625 Fullerton, ueo. 1. .93 626 Fullerton, Geo. 1. 1.38 627 Fullerton, ueo. 1. 1.38 628 .moore, F.1. 1.08 629 Fullerton, Geo. i. 1.23 630 (.Moore, F.L. .93 631 Dams, u •H• 1.23 632 aawyer 60 Haynes 2.73 633 aawyer r; Baynes 3.90 634 Lraddock, w .J. 1.92 638 amith, y.?. 1.08 640 Rogers, u.H. 2.94 3.24 641 Rogers, U.H. __----- 251.83 Total ------ Page 22. 6chedule 10 (Concluded ) WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A.. S.C. 14110 "*NOW 1927 TAX SALE CE,RT'IFI(ATES i DGEWATER, irL0K IDA held by SV!ICHriab,E'RS and AS S IGL ES eptember 30, 1932 _ _ certificate number Blame riolder Amount 1 462 amith a, vvilson Ledden, : .D. :;5.28 547 . oven, A. Schuyler, L. .90 564 nogers, A. ,Patch, A.R. 3.00 635 ulauser, i .A. Schuyler, I. 1.05 I 639 iiradd.ock, w .J . achuyler, L. 3.15 Total x,13.38 1 I I Page 23. achedule 11 WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A., S.C. r . . Amoy- 'now 1926 TAX SALE CERrTIFICATES held by TUWL Or ELAAWAT Uh, rLOhiDA ceptember 30, 1932 certificate number i' ame Amount 75 Murray r,st. of .j .J . x;70.13 79 rope , waiter a. 1.37 87 unknown 3.64 112 hoover, A.S. 1.46 113 _calmer, n.1. 1.78 114 x.e11y, A.H. 1.46 115 unknown .85 116 rsacharach, nilda 1.78 117 uleveland, A.E. 2.09 118 r.elly, A.ti. 1 .79 119 r ixen, Laura r . .85 120 xsensen, ti.Rrl. 1.46 ! 122 Palmer, n.1. 3.48 135 uurran, E.G. 1.04 136 uurran, .8.i+'. 1.04 i 137 uurran, r,.r'. .89 138 uurran, B.F. .89 167 smith, d .`.OM. 8 .18 168 uuthbert, Phillip 2.09 169 Mccabe , r,st. of w .L. 1.25 338-358 inc. highland shores], inc. t94ci each) 19.74 359 highland shores, inc. .98 ! 360 highland chores, inc. 361-372 inc. highland shores, inc. t94c1 each) 11.28 373 high and shores, inc. .97 374-377 inc. highland shores, inc . kr4 each) 3.76 378 naskell, w .L. .94 379 naskell, w`4i .L. 380 haskell, W .L. .91 381 Smith, n.L.Uo. .92 382 naskell, d .L. .94 383 naskell, w .L. .94 384-387 inc. smith, n.h.Co. c94j each) 3 .76 388-394 inc. highland shores, inc. t94;:' each) 6.58 396 uhristensen, 14.1-s. A. 4.19 400 rslount , J .J . 9 .23 402 uhristensen, L.C. 1.66 405 nraddock, w ..I . 6.08 406 Clouser, C.A. 2.93 407 Teague, A•14 • 2.18 408 smith, y•P• 1.88 409 .braddock, yv .t1 . 12.83 410 unknown 1.67 411 yLlipstein r-red 3.44 412 nlipstein, r�red 4.0 4.07 7 413 r enn, W .R. 13.96 414 Colby, d .P.Trustee, 1.67 416 .oallar_tyne, A. de G.r'. rage 24. Schedule 12 (Continued) WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A., S.C. F 31 'IMP 1926 TAX SALE C ERih1! IOAT'ES held by TU4ri' OF LDUE'KA`Wntt, .L0h1 A September 36, 1932 _ continued from Page 24. t,ertificate r1ount number lame 417 Colby, . .P.'Trustee 1,5.55 420 uol Y, b o .P.Wrustee 13.13 423 Jmith et Wilson 2.0 9 424 i cuabe, , state 12.17 427 Lamon, Amelia 1.88 428 mercadante , T. 4. 61 429 Mercadante, T. 1.85 430 mercadante , T. 8 .39 431 Mercadante, 1. 1.74 432 ivtercadante , T. 2.06 433ercadante, 'r. 7.13 434 nercadante , T. 2.20 435 Mercadante , T. 2. 27 436 Mercadante , T. 7 .13 437 Mercadante , T. 1.46 438 1 ercadante, T. 1.57 439 nI!ercadante , T. 1.74 440 rercadante , 1. 1 .74 441 mercadant e , T. 4.29 443 mercadante , T. 1.84 444 Lercadante, T. 1.74 445 kercadante , .1.•• 1.74 ' 446 mercadante , T. 4.61 447 iviercadante , T. 1.75 448 mercadante , T. .55 449 Mercadante , T. .64 450 ulinton, M.D. 16.73 451 ulinton, i .i. 6.65 6.54 452 norman, A. 5.44 455 Mercadante, T. 5.03 457 unknown 364.34 rots.l rage 25. achedule 12 tuoncluded) WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. A.,,..- 3V 1926 ,rAXSAL;J OERTIr'IU. 2ES EDt EWAWii , rLORIDA held by rURUHAER5 and ASSIGNEES September 30 , 1932 uert _ficate ivumber rdarne r_older amount 81 nogers, S.A. .hatch, A.h. x03.16 86 unknown rorster, D. 1.38 131 craves, A.d • nasch, uurtis 34.19 166 amith Wilson Leddin, n.A.de P.D. 7 .13 275 riighland ,chores, Inc. Simpson, luina iii. 3.14 403 *raves, r..d • Easch, uurtis 6.68 404 unknown Doyle , E.J. 2 .09 Total '57.77 achedule 13. 1925 TAX SALE; t1Ei =rlr luATES held by TO str' Or EDGE WATER,, r'Lutt IDA 1 September 30, 1932 certificate lrurgber , lease Amount 2 v.cuabe , Est. of v m. 01.28 15 Dolby, Est. of e .2. 10.95 18 Dolby, Est. of J .P. 13.50 20 uolby, Est. of it.P. 16.20 35 noberts, L.L. 1.28 62 Hoover, A.G. 1.50 63 calmer , A.D. 2.33 64 nelly, A.H. 1.20 65 unknown .98 66 nacharach, nilda M. 2.33 67 rLelly, A.H. 2.85 68 vixen, Laura h. .98 69 nensen, A.M. 1.80 71 calmer, A.D. 2.85 Total -60.03 ochedule 14. rage 26. WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A.. S.C. • m, Suladtiff OY uUTSTAsiDlING TA. . SALE 0ERTIfiUATES and. L;OSTS EDGEWATh, rIOXIDA aeptember 30, 1932 held by held by Town 2ur. Asgn. Total Tax aale, June 1932 for 1931 Tax .,J236.36 236.36 Tax oale, June 1931 for 1930 Tax 431.74 ii)38.62 470.36 Tax oale, June 1930 for 1929 Tax 245.22 19.84 260.06 Tax aale, dune 1929 for 1928 Tax 231.61 11.07 242.68 Tax oale, June 1928 for 1927 Tax 251.83 13.38 260.21 Tax oale, June 1927 for 1926 Tax 364.34 57.77 422.11 Tax oale, June 1926 for 192b Tax 60 .03 60.03 1 4,821.13 440.68 4,961.81 1 rage27. Exhibit "G" WILLIAM 0. GENTRY. C.P.A., S.C. • 'Now' )-(' nuDULw uOMPAhlsOE r 7GEWATErt, rLOxiDA --r September 30, 1931 _ Actual Old balance Ex end- balance rurpose budget uollection-tteaport'nd Total itures kxctual uash) streets 9 1150.00 1068.28 8o0.00 1918.28 1063.24 855.04 street .Lights 900.00 836.88 100.00 936.88 915.00 21.88 Drainage a Docks 500.00 462.79 462.79 153.14 309 .65 salaries 900,00 836.88 836.88 860.00 - 23.12'x* 0fiice Expense 100.00 92.56 150 .00 242.56 226.98 15 .58 Legal a Elect. 500.00 466.66 466.66 419 .17 47.49 Emergency 100.00 92.56 1151.02 1243.58 846.16* 397 .42 Totals 4150.00 3856.61 2251.02 6107 .63 4483.69 1623.94 *includes Loss in ridelity bank of 0513.52. **Expenditures in excess or amount appropriated, and collected i UBGET t;0 PArtI80N ;vuEWATEtt, r'LOR lJA September 30, 1932 Actual Old .balance Expend.- balance rurpose budget uollection -eaportrnd Dotal itures kActual uash) streets 01000.00 614.70 400.00 1014.70 554.15 46O.55`' � street Lights 915.00 561.70 200.00 761.70 903.78 Drainage a Docks 250.00 151.02 100,00 251.02 51.03 199 .99 Salaries 900.00 553.76 400.00 953.76 852.00 101.76 Legal a Elect. 500.00 307 .35 300.00 607 .35 482.32 125.03 Office ,,xpense 250.00 153.67 150.00 303.67 105.69 197.98 Emergency 500,00 307 .35 73.94 381.29 166.73 214.56 Totals 4315.00 2649 .55 1623.94 4273.49 3115.70 1157 .79 * Expenditures in excess of amount collected and appropriated. xage 28. Exhibit IIHIT WILLIAM 0. GENTRY, C.P.A.. S.C.