11-29-1932 - Special 1 NNW • iNUTE OF SPECIAL METING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF EDGEWATER, • VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HEIR TDE- SDAY NOVETMER 29TH ' .D . 1932. METING called to order at 8 O' clock P .M. by Mayor F.R.Renwick, with the following members present: i:ayor-Councilman F.R.Renwick, Councilman H.P .'Iilkinson, Councilman J.J.Francis , Clerk R.C .Fuller. IAYOR F .R.Renwick read the call for the meeting, as follows : A special meeting of the Town Council, Town of Edgewater,Plorida is called for the pu.rpose of securing the services of an engineer to prepare maps and other data, so as to render the assistance necesst ary to the War Department of the United States , with relation to disposal of dredged material or spoils from the Intra-Coastal Waterway or Canal, thru the Town of Edgewater. MOTION by Councilman J.J.Prancis seconded by Council- man H.P .Wilkinson, that the Town of Edgewater retain r.R.S .Fee as Town Engineer at a retaining fee of Fifty Dollars per anum, beginning November 29th A.D. 1932 and that the Clerk be authorized to draw a war- rant for the sure of Fifty Dollars payable to Mr.R.3. .Fee , as a retaining fee. Motion unanimously carried. MOTION by Councilman H.P .': ilkinson seconded by Councf- man J.J.Francis to authorize the Clerk to draw a warrant payable to in the amount of seventy five cents , for z days labors on Strand Boulevard. '.lotion unanimously carried. MOTION by Councilman J.J.Francis seconded by Council- man H.P.Jilkinson, to adjourn. Notion carried and Council adjourned sine die. SIGNED d et/„^-,'€',-- May o r-C o uri c ilnian — �— OF r.hcilman " {ST: Councilman Tow Clerk. L