12-21-1932 - Regular I .t ( �. MINUTES OF REGULAR .,FETING OF THE TOWN COUNCT L, TOWN OF EDGEWATER "T VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HELD WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21 A.D. 1932. MBETING called to order at 7:30 O' clock P.M. by Mayor F.R.Renwick, with the following officers present . Mayor-Councilman F.R.Renwick, Councilman H.P .tlilkinson, Councilman J.J.Francis Clerk R.C .Fuller. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY MEMBER 7th A.D. 1932, were ; on MOTION by Councilman H .P. Wilkinson, seconded by Councilman J.J.Francis , ap_)roved as read. Motion unanimously carried. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS: Clerk read the following bills: A.L.Bolton, v 5.88 l ar. No. 122 Hibbard Hdwe Co. , 1.70 '' 1228 W,T .Goodyear 9.75 " 1229 H.P .`Yilkinson, 7.: 0 " 1230 H.B .Ashc raf t 7.00 1231 LOTION by Councilman J.J. +'rancis , seconded by Councilman H.P .'. ilkinson, that the above named bills be ordered paid as read. Motion unanimously carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS : Report of Ijrarshall C .T .King, covering Street and other work done for the period ending December 15th 1932, total&tee labor cost of $4.58 , was read , and the report ordered filed,on MOTION by Councilman H.P .':lilkinson, seconded by Councilman J.J.Francis . The motion unanimously carried. NEW BUSINESS: MOTION by Councilman J.J.Prancis , seconded by Councilman H.P .°:ilkinson, that Councilman H.P . ilkinson, be authorized to have a drag constructed , for use in dragging streets . Motion unanimously carried. MOTION by Councilman J.J.Francis , seconded by Councilman H. . ilkinson, to adj ,;unn,sine die. Motion carried and Council adjourned. Mayo r- ` 3T° u ' &• Councilman •// ,,,L, ., Councilman Cr A, . .�,,_/ / , I 1 1AL Councilman / / To Clerk. i