01-18-1933 - Regular 1 Norie Negri i -- TENUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUl'ICIL TOWN OF EDGEWATsR, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HELD WEDNESDAY JAaUARY 18 A.D. 1933. MEETING called to order at 7:30 O' clock P.M. by Mayor P.R.Renwick, with the following members present: Mayor Councilman P.R.Renwick, Councilman H.P .Wilkins on, Clerk R.C.Fuller, Councilman J.J.Pra.ncis was absent. MINUTES of regular meeting held Wednesday January 4th A.D. 1933 was, on Motion by Councilman Is. � .` ilkinson, seconded by Councilman P.R.Renwick, a proved as read. Notion unanimously carried. BIT•LS AND ACCOUNTS : Clerk read the following bills: Smyrna Hardware Co. , 8.10 'itar.Ho . 1251 Hibbard Hdwe Co. , 5.40 " 1252 New Smyrna Novelty Wks 19.58 " 1244 Bond Howell Lbr Co. , 2.50 " 1248 MOTION by Councilman H.P.' ilkinson, seconded by Council- man F.R.Renwick, that the above named bills be ordered paid as read. Motion unanimously carried. REPORTS OF OFFT CERS : Clerk tead report of Marshall C.T .Kitg covering street work period -ending January 7th 1933. Mot ion by Councilman H.P .,.'.ilkinson, seconded by Councilman F.R.Renwick, that the report be received 2nd Ducata filed. Motion unanimously carried. REPORTS OP SPECIAL CO=TTEES: The Committee on Canal Spoilage projeb thru its chairman Mr.E.A.Lembeck, made a verbal report of its activities, stating that cutting of brush along the river front had progressed nicely but that further work along this line was recar,•miended. , naming several points where additional work could well be done. The Clerk was ordered to furnish the Committee with a list of lots whit. adjoined buildings , and which the Town held Tax Certifi- cates covering, with a possible view towards securing Federal aid in clearing the lots up and eliminating fire hazard. NEW BUSINESS: Mayor-Councilman F.R .Renwick made a MOTION that the salary of the Town Marshall be abolished effect- ive February first 1933. Motion seconded by Councilman H•P .Wilkinson, and unanimously carried. MOTION by Councilman H.P .' ilkinson, seconded by Councilman F.R.Renwick to adjourn. Motion carried and Council adjourned sine die. SIGNM /_L 4 ,:taaczA g or(Councilman" / �� .:_ • • (77A7LGG'-1i° Councilman To Jerk.