05-17-1933 - Regular 1 I -c SLEET No 1 11INtJTESOF REGULAR TEETITTG OP THE TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA • - HE'IM IN THE V.I .A. HALL AT EDGE .AT.4IR, FLORIDA, . , ON 4JEDNESDAY TEE 17TH DAY OF MAY A.D. 1933 T51WiTING called to order at 7:30 O' clock P .7% by Mayor P.R. Renwick, with the following members and officers present: Mayor-Councilman F.R.Renw ick, Councilman,H.P.Wilkinson, Councilman J.J.Francis , Clerk,R.C .Fuiler Attorney, G.O .Rasco. TTINUTES of- regular meeting held Wednesdyyy May 3rd 1933, were, on Motion of Councilman H.P.Wilkinson, seconded by Councilman J.J.Francis , approved as read. CO's fMICATIONS : Clerk read letter from :.r.H .H.Sams , dated May 16th, 1933, with reference to his bill of s 11.76 covering Bond premium for the To in Clerk for period 'I ove_iber 14th 1932 to ay 6th 1933. Council decided that action on this would be taken up under the head of Bills and Accounts. BIIIS AND ACCOU:`TS : Clerk read the following bills: New Smyrna Insurance Agency, j 30.00 `.'Try. McLane, 6.40 .'+.S .Cowart , . 50 Motion by Councilman H.P .lilki nson, seconded by • Councilman J.J.Pra.ncis, that bills of `:`.m. McLane for 66.40 and hd ordered,ptid from the General Fund, and that bill of New Smyrna Insurance gency for :; 30.00 be ordered paid from the General fund, if after investigation by Mayor-Renwick, the bill era found to be correct. Motion unanimously carried. Clerk read the following additional bills and accounts : ":fit, « ' Labor Pay Roil Numbers 8 and 9 , totalling 7.50 and f 44.09, respectivelly. '.:lotion by Councilman s.B .Bil kinson seconded by Councilman J .J.Francis , that the above named bills be ordered paid as read, from the Permanent Improvement Fund. Motion unanimously carried. Bill of H.H.San for $11.76, was read by the Clerk. After a general discussion by the Council as to the merits of the bill, it was ordered tabled, and the Clerk was instructed to write .:r.Sams, with a copy to the Royal Indemnity Co. ,setting forth the objections of the council to the bill as rendered, said objections being breifly that the bill should have been rendered November 30th 1932, xila on the anniversary of the Bond and that the Bond was cancelled on May 6th 193i without the con- sent of the Town Council, due to no negligence on the part of the Town Clerk, but entirely for the convenience of the Royal Indemnity Co. , that by reason of the cancellation the Town had been put to additional expense in order to secure a bond with another Company. NEW BUSINESS: :.:a-yor Renwick stated that he had asked for Federal Relief Force aid in clearing up the main drainage ditch thru the tom, and expected to get the aid requested. continued on sheet 2 '44■11sre ‘41141011 Sheet 2 Minutes of May 17th 1933- ORDINANCES: Ordinance Number 46 entitled, " AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX TO BE PAID BY ANY PERSON,PARTHER- SHIP OR CO-PART:i;ERSHIP OR. CORPORATION ENGAGED IN THE BUSINESS OF MANUFACTURING, SELLING, BARTERING OR EXCHATGING, OR IN ANY WISE DEALING IN OR CAUSING OR BEING CONCERNED IN TEE IA.HUFACT- URE, SALE, BARTER OR EXCHANGE OF ANY MALT OR VINIOUS BEVERAGE, COI:HONLY KNOWN AS BEER, PORT, ALE, WINE OR FRUIT JUICES CONTAINING ANY ALCHOLLC CONTENT" was introduced by Councilman J.J.Francis , who moved that Ordin.an_geA6 be' pased to its second and final reading, the motion being seconded by Councilman H.P.-:i•lk±1son and unanimously carried the vote of the council being as follows: Mayor-Councilman, F.R.Renwick, Yes Councilman J.J.Francis , Yes Councilman H.P .Wilkinson, Yes. LOTION by Councilman J.J.Francis , seconded by Councilman H.P . ' ilkin_son to adjourn sine die. Motion carried and Council adjourned, at 10 O' clock P.M. Signed IV 11___ 1Iayor-Councilman Attest: -Aire •772.2�u eLO Councilman � ,e ' ' ' Councilman v: n ._er .