08-16-1933 - Regular • LLtiflJTES OF REGULAR =TING OF THE TOE+/I COUNCIL, TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA , HELD I EDITESDAY AUGUST 16TH A.D . 1933. (Meeting held in the V.I .A.Hall) nTETING called to orders at 7:30 O' clock P .M. by Mayor F.R.Renwick, with the following officers and members present: .yor-Councilman F.R.Rentrick, Councilman II.J.Francis , Clerk R.C .Fuller Attorney G.O .Rasco Members absent: Councilman M.P . Jilkinson, on vacation. T3ITTUTES of regular meeting held ':Iednesday August 2nd 1933, 2ere on motion by Councilman J.J.Francis, seconded by Councilman F.R.Renwick, a )-roved as read. Motion carried. 0 ' LCTTI CATI ONS : _,' Le :ter from J. x-aerican Tax Payers League requesting action towards a State Sales Tax, read and tabled. Letter from Marcus C. Fagg, Stilte Director of Federal Relief, under date of August 9t11, to Mayor Renwick, was read and discussed. Clerk R.C .Puller was instructed by Council to answer the letter giving Mr.Fagg the information desired, as nearly as possible. Letter from Governor David Sholtz in connection with Bederal Aid, wits read and tabled. REPORTS OF OFFICERS : Clerk' s Estimate of Revenue and ReceiJts other than from taxes levied, for the year beginning October 1st 1933 and ending Sept 30th 1933, was read and on MOTION by Councilman J.J.Francis, seconded by Councilman F.R.RenJ ick, ordered spread in full on these minutes. Motion carried. ( the report is attached as sheet 2 of these ninutes) BILLS AT'D ACCOUNTS : Clerk read the following bills : New Smyrna Abstract Co. . , ,) 12. 50 W.E .Bernhiemer 1.10 K. Loftin .90 C. Anderson, .90 LOTION by Council man J.J.Francis , seconded by Councilman F.R.Renwick, that the above namedbills be ordered paid as read. Motion carried. T'E'ad BUSINESS: Councilman J.J.Francis, introduced the following Resolution, and moved its adoption. The otion was seconded by Councilman F.R.+'enwick, and carried. ( the resolution is attached as sheet 3 of these minutes) Continued on sheet 2 L . Nolaw Sheet No ` Minutes of Regular Meeting of the To Council, Town of Edgewater ,Florida, Held Wednesday 16th day of August 1933- TOVN OF EDGEWATER ( VOLUSIA COUNTY ) FLORIDA . CLERK'S ESTIMATE OF REVENUE AND RECEIPTS ,OTHER THAN FROM TAXES LEVIED, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1ST. , A.D. 1933, and ENDING SEPTEMBER 30TH A.D. 1934. FROM BUSINESS LICENCES $ 40.00 FROM ALL OTHER SOURCES None Total estimated Revenue $ 40 .00 AEI. Town Clerk. STATE OF FL{ ?IDA COUNTY OF VOLUSIA Before me, and officer authorized to take oaths , personally appeared. R.C.FULLER, who, first beirg duly sworn, deposes and says; that he was dully will legally elected Tom Clerk and Auditor and is now serving as Tom Clerk andAuditor in and for the Toni of Edgewater , Volusia County, Florida , and the above estimate of revenues and receipts , other than for taxes, levied for the fiscal year, beginning October 1st A.D. 1933 and ending September 30th, A.D. 1934, are to the best of his information, knowledge and belief, true and correct. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and official seal at Edgewater, Volusia County , Florida on his 16th day of August A.D. 1933. seal Notary Public Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires June 13, 1934 Continued on sheet 3 1 1111k *100, 14771,11!( Sheet 3 , 7in'Ites of Recula.2 ,A.eetin3 o the Town Council , Town of Edewater , Volusia County, Florida, held. Wednesr.:L: Au2:ust 16th 1933- RESOLUTIO N. WriErEAS, the lown of Edgewater, Volusia Co-nty, Florida, did enter into a contract for the pur- pose of depositing spoilage on certain areas of the West ban1 of the Indian River, North, lying and being within the corporate limits of the Town of Edgewater; and wHEREAS, the cost of depositing said spoilage on the said bank of the Indian River, North, amounts to t e sum of five thousand five hundred dollars ( 45,500.00) , which sum is now due and payable ; and WHEREAS, the said Town of Edgewater, volusia County, Florida, does ",'ot have sutficient funds in the Town treasury to pay said debt of five thousand five hun- dred dollars t05,500.00) ; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, deem it necessary, proper and to the best interests of the said Town to borrow ' the sum of five thousand five hundred dollars (45,5oo.oa or to issue notes therefor, for the purpose of pay- ing and discharging said debt ; and WHEREAS, under Section 3008 C.G.L. of 1927, the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Flo- . rida, must have the approval of a majority of the Continut.d on 9„_eet 4 1 (Iiii; s i - L400/ ")heet 4 ::Thutes of regular ..2eeting of the Town C: uncill Town of E(1e'„ater,Voll15ia County, Florida held Wednesday Au:ust 16th 1933-- registered voters of the Town now residing therein, who have paid their taxes for the year last due there- on, and actually voting thereon to borrow money or contract loans for the use of the Town. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that an election be called for the purpose of voting for or against the issuance of notes or the borrowing of money by the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, in the amount of five thousand five hundred dollars (45,500.00) for the purpose of raising money to be used to pay and discharge the said debt, now due and payable, in- curred from the depositing of spoilage on certain areas, within the corporate limits of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, on the est Bank , of the Indian River, North, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said election be held on the third Tuesday of September 1933, to-wit the Igth Day of September A.D. 1933 ; and that due notice of election be given in accordance with the laws of Florida, in such cases made and provided. This esolut on being presented by Councilman 4. . i ),., , , seconded by Coun- / 4 — ciLnan ?a • • . -/A./V•1.:e.4 , this day of August A.D . , 1933, arid the vote being -Is follows : Mayor- Co-ncilman. II AA ..4.1 / / Councilman. Councilman. Continued on --c_1e ,: 5 t . , I 1 1 kNO) -0 Sheet 5, Minutes of Re,•ular mee ing of the Torn Council, Toun of Edgewater, Volusia • County, Florida , held Wednesday August 16th 1933- - Tax: As se por :R:.0 I+'uller, .tendered,the preliminary tax asZes;went roll for the -gear 1933. After en amination by the Council, Councilman J.J.Francis Moved that the 1933 Preliminary Tax Assessment Roll be accepted. Motion seconded by Co nciiaan P.R.Renwick and carried. MOTION by Councilman J.J.Francis , seconded by Council ]an F.R.Renwick, to adjourn until 7:30 O' clock P .:.:. August 2mt 23rd 1933. :otion carried and meeting adjourned. S ine d 3 _..� "TEST: Kayos-C cil m?an C ,nc i loran To, . Clerk. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF Ti- TOWN OP )GE`IATER, FLORIDA, BOARD OF TAX EQUALIZATION, 'HELD 'NEON ESDAy AUGUST 16th 1933- METING called to order by Mayor-councilman F.'J.Renyrick, with the following members present: Mayor-Councilman F.R.Renwick, Councilman J.J.Francis , Clerk R.C .Fuller Attorney G.O .Rasco. MINUTES of adjourned meeting held Wednesday August 2nd 1933, were, on Notion by Councilman J.J.Francis , seconded by Council- man F.R.Renwick, a proved as read. Mayor- E R.Ren,° ick, declared the meeting open for hearing complaints on property assessed for the year 1933. ?o complaints made by property owners , and Councilman J.J. rancis moved that the Town Board of Equalization , adjourn sine die . Motion seconded by Councilman F.R.Renwick and carried. Signed 1 4Aw)A1,0 :.Mayor-Cco .cil Sian ft(C'i .�. .ir an) mrtr'nn rr. Axtattid / C l c i TmIan 1-