08-23-1933 - Adjourned Alit MINUTES OF .ADJOURNED T:!. STING OF THE TGWN COUNCIL, TOVN OF EDGES°dA'kER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HELD WEDNESDAY AUGUST 23rd A .D. 1933, in the V.I .A. HALL. STING called to order at 7:30 O' clock P .17. wit. the following Officers and members present: Mayor-Councilman F.R.Renwick, Councilman J.J.Francis , Clerk, R.C.Fuller Attorney G.O.Rasco. MINUTES of regular meeting held ,'ednesday August 16th A.D. 1933, were on motion by Councilman J.J. Francis , seconded by Councilman F.R.Renwick, approved as read. Motion carried. ThL iNISHED BUSINESS : Clerk reported that information request by M.C.Fagg, State Director of Unemployed Relief, had been replied to and information furn- ished, as ordered by the council. Copy of letter ordered filed. i RvatmatRx.ofltalrenrszotwAndY i±g (Continuedon sheet 2) Balance of this sheet left blank intentionally- jr Sheet 2 Minutes o adjourned meeting of the Town,,, Council, Town of Edgewater , Volusia County, Florida, held ' ednesday August 23rd 1933- T O W N O F ED GETATER, VOLUS IA COUNTY, FLORIDA. I;OTION by Council: ian P.R.Renwick, seconded by Coundil- man J.J.Francis , that the following Tentative Budget, be adopted ""'va 'reTrt.'at-ive--B- get and same be ordered posted in accordance with law. Motion unanimously carried- ESTIMATE OF NECESSARY AND ORDINARY EXPENSES , AND ESTIMATE OF SPECIAL MD) EXTRAORDINARY EXPENSES ,CONTEEPLATED, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1ST A.D . 1933, !DID ENDING SEPTEMBER 30TH 1934, GENERAL FUND: 1.- Street Eaintenence, repair and construction,& drainage $ 800.00 2, Street Lighting $ 945.00 3- Salaries : Clerk, Marshall, and Council Members 800.00 4- Legal and Election Expense, including legal advertising, recording, all election expenses etc. , Q 300.00 • 5- Office Expense: Stationery, equipment, lights, fuel, postage and supplies $ 100.00 6- Emmergency or Contingent: For all purposes not included in the above, including Fines and Ftrfeitures, Municipal Court expenses not otherwise provided for $ 500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE OF EXPENSE GENERAL FUND 3,445.00 PERMANENT I Iu7PRO VELMNT FUND: 1- All Permanent Improvement projects,including Debt Retirement on Permanent Improvements previously made $ 1,000.00 GRAND TOTAL OF ALL EXPENSES ESTI MATED TO OCCUR $ 4,445.00 Continued on sheet 3 Sheet 3 Minutes of adjourned meeting of the Town Council, Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, held Wednesday August 23rd 1933-- ORDINANCES: Motion by Councilman. J.J.}`Francis , that Ordinance Number 47, entitled, " AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE PAYMENT OF POLL TAX FOR THE TOWN OF DGE TATER,VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR THE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE NINETEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER A.D. 1933, be passed to the second and final reading. Motion seconded by Councilman F.R.Renwick, and carried the vote of the council being as follows: Councilman J.J.Francis, Yes Councilman F.R.Renwick, Yes . :OTION by Councilman J.J.Francis, seconded by Councilman F.R.Renwick, to adjourn . Motion carried and council adjourned sine die. Signed d'0.0A0A.0 Mayo r-CCi lman TEST: Aeut-o-eis e.,o ,rcibran r If -. .in Clerk. Councilman • Nor, Norow The foregoing Estimate of Necessary and Ordinary, Special and Extraordinary expenses for the Operation of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, for the Fiscal year beginning October 1st A.D. 1933 and ending September 30th A.D 1934, was adopted in Open Session of the Town Council, of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, on the 23rd day of August, A.D . 1931, and ordered posted in acdordance with law made and pro- vided. ORDERED DONE THIS 23rd Day of AUGUST A.D. 1933: THE TOWN COUNCIL, TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY Mayo r- AT IT: Toy - ucri ' or and Clerk. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I , R.C.Fuller, Town Auditor and Clerk, of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida , hereby Certify that on the 28th. Day of August, • AO . 1933, I posted four copies of the above and Foregoing Estimate of Necessary and Ordi- nary, Special and Extraordinary Expenses , contemplated for the Fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 1933 and ending Gept. 30th 1934. , one at the V.I .A.Hall and two?rwther public places in the Town of Edgewater,Volusia County,Plorida. Dated at Edgewate.; ,Volusia County,Florida, this 28th Day of A :• :t A.D . 1933. /i/ Signed ' � I , Town Auditor & Clerk .