08-15-1934 - Cancelled • r r LP/ ‘441d 40), MI/METES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COtJNC1Z OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER VOLUSIA COUNTY FLORIDA HELD IN THE V. I.A. HALL WEDNESDAY AUGUST I5th 1934 Meeting was called to order by Councilman E.A.Ely at 7.30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor - Councilmam P .R.Renwick Absett Councilman H.P.Wiikinson Absent Councilman E.A.Ely Present Clerk E .H.Lohman Present attorney G.O.Rasco Present On August 15th 1934 Town Council meeting could not be held due to the fact that only one Councilmaan was present ,yamely Councilman E.A.Ely because of a lack of a quorum. Councilman _E. .Ely ad joune." t!e meeting untill .ugust 22nd WhIp a meeting will-.be held at which time a quorum, is expected to be present Clerk