08-22-1934 - Special ‘41isse Nam" 0 Spy/ 1 MINUTES OF AU4ii4R MEETING OF THE T0WN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EnGEWATER VOLUSIA COUNTY FLORIDA MELD IN THE V. I . A. HALL WEDNESDAY AUGUST 22, 1934. Meeting was called to order by II ayor-Councilman F.R.Renwick at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Til yor-Councilman F.R.Renwick Present Councilman H.P.Wilkinson Absent Councilman E.A.Ely Present Clerk E. H.Lohman Present Ataokaeyo G.O.Rasco Present Councilman E.A.Ely made motion to waive reading minutes of last regular meeting. Motion seconded by Mayor-Councilman F.R.Renwick. Mayor-Councilman F.R.Renwick introduced a resolution for the removal of the City Gates, located on the Dixie Highway North. Resolution seconded by Councilman E.A.Ely the:^t City Gates be re Moved. Mayor-councilman "2.R.Renwick moved that Clerk be instructed to post notices advertising for sealed bids, for the removal of the two City Gates and their foundations, clean up and level ground to grade level. Bids to be received on or before 7:30 P.M. Wednesday September !1 in office of Town Clerk at which time they will be opened and read. Motion seconded by Councilman E.A.Ely. 'Mayor-Councilman F.R.Renwick moved that meeting be adjourned in order that tax equalization board meeting might be held. Motion seconded by Councilman E.A.Ely. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M. Mayor-Councilman ATTEST 0 C o un c i ian Clerk