12-19-1934 - Regular 11: . - 'Su)k40011 MITUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUTCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA HELD IN THE V.1 .A. HALL, DECEMB-itil 19TH, A.D. ,1934. Meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. , by Mayor-Councilman E.A.Ely. ROLL CALL Mayor-Councilman E.A.Ely Present Councilman H.P.Wilkinson Present Councilman C.D.Bartlett Present Clerk . E.H.Lohman Present Attorney E.W.Gautier Present READING OF MINUTES Minutes of Regular Meeting held December 5th were read and approved as corrected on motion by Councilman H.P.Wilkinson, seconded by Councilman C.D.Bartlett. BILLS AYD ACCOUNTS e The following bills were presented: New Smyrna News , 1$19. 55 for Post Card Notices , Tax Receipts , Box of seals and dozen pencils; E. H. Lohman $1.84eor stamps ; D. F. Bartlett , $.75"e for hauling oil for road use; E. H. Lohman, $53.35Cor 359 Delinquent Tax Certificates issued. Motion was made by Councilman H.P. Wilkinson, seconded by- Councilman C.D. Bartlett that these bills be paid. Warrants #1565 to 1568 inclusive were issued. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mayor-Councilman E.A.Ely reported that the first bridge west of the railroad on 7'ark Avenue is badly in need of repair, and that temporary repairs had been made. It was suggested that the mill on the DeLand road be called on for prices on bridge timbers. Notion by Councilman C.D. Bartlett, seconded by Councilman H.P.Wilkinson, that J.T. Loftin be employed Road Supervisor of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, at a salary of 10/ per hour in addition to 20/ per hour which he shall be paid when actually engaged in the construction or repair of roads , bridges , etc. , The duty of said supervisor shall consist of receiv- ing applications from all men who are residents of the Town of Edgewater who wish to obtain employment in the construction and repair of roads and bridges in said town, and to divide the work as nearly as possible equally among such men, provided they do a fair days' work. The supervisor shall be the judge of such work and shall have full power and authority to hire and discharge • the men employed by him.. The supervisor shall oversee and supervise the construction, maintenance and repair of the roads , bridges and other public improvements of the Town of Edgewater. The supervisor shall report to the Town Council of the said town, if possible at times :7.nd -,21ces of their regular meetings. Motion by Councilman H.P.Wilkinson, seconded by Mtyor- /i,04 Councilman E. .El' that a letter be written to E.7.1.&lIbach, a grocer of New Smyrna, informing him of the ordinance imposing a license fee of 1f25.00 for peddling groceries within the Town of Edgewater, instructing the Marshall to deliver the letter. It was moved by Councilman H.P.Wilkinson, seconded by CoanciLaan C.D.Bartlett that materials be purchased to repair the old Town Dock, and thatE.P.Wilkinson be employed as superintendent to supervise the work without salary. . , I I I I ‘11101 ,.. *s414.1111 ,s04000 ST-4= TWO, MINUTES OP REGULAR IMTIT'G OP TILE TO ..1: COUNTCIL OF TIM TO.77`.1. OP EDGEWATER, 1TOLUSTA COTT"'17, FL0FU:0A, HELD IN TITE, V.I .:`,. HALL, DECT _.' _ ' .D. , 2934. No further business to come before the Board , it was moved. by Councilman C.D. Bartlett, jeconded b T-".P.Wilkinson that ineetinz adjourn. Meetine; adjourned at 10:00 P.M. S. S ----- 7 -1 , r-....C ,.,,„'(.... il r 2-'.... a ,,,unoillaLn ATTEST 7 '_ ____ To C.,..-12k , 4 TV ecombor 20, 1)34, 4. U. Jehlbuok 7,ehloack 4rocer , 1ew Jnyrna, Florida, .0ear air: fie have ut,ex informou that t.4:tur aelng notified that the of gettr i;„po. ea licenae two of Twenty-five on JJ. peUi. r , you have continued. to ,eddle your goodo in The aecl,iun ol the uro .fneatoe which h,d aeon rt. 1.4y pusited uy the tun and whluh we have infurueu in lalwerauk; other cudoa la -6 follows : "ke dlt.rs and traveling dealers, who ah Li ourguin to iL any gouda, wares, or merohfudise uy auLfle or other ...unner for prof-0'A or future delivery, to an peraoh, whoms .ever, fur hIn.self or u.,:ent following ufter to deliver 1114 collect, shall be deemed a ped- dler under this section ami eh, 11 oa b lieense tux of TNkenty-five dollars (.:25,00) . " The penalty for viulation, of this ort: Ir.r.fee IL set i4 f; , e riot exceediLg ' to-c-rIve dollars ($25.:)0 ) and cosi , or -)rie .nrnent lot c; ceedina. Uirt? (Joys, or !1:v fine i.nu -. : :-on7rent, in the :4E;werttion of ae Corrt.. Lindly construe this letter ' s fIrl formal n lice to ob- t-in y )or licerye. If this ieon. e ie not out9ini. nrIcz ou ountinue t 0d010 1rr roods in . d-rew.t, r, It yill be neocesury for us to 1, force our ordiGe . ce ac ;; to Luv , Tf.fry trul. Oler4.