07-21-1937 - Public Notice w-E-
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Notice is loreb7 7ivea tilat toe Torn '',0.-1_,Ic'il of
t :f-. .1201 of ..:-Cc-e.,-pter, Floric'P, -i ' 1 eet, H. c,-..c .23-1-..
Clerk of sPiel Tov-n, P.,.6 sit o.s alT, eour.lization boprd rt
t'..e Cou_lcil OJP .ber ic He 7. I. A. Hell, Fderter , 171orida,
on 0&- 1eso.077, tie 21st ap- of Jul7, 1937, at tee hour of
7: 0 P. M. , for tJe -)...ir-lose of :epri--1,c! co=laints P.,-Id re
ceivi.--,,r---: testi2r-lony Ps to the 7/Plus of en7 --,runert7, reel 72
'ri_er'-: of s-': '--r-r , -cti . -
,..,ss6ssor c,..lereof, f--,IL ftr ; e nar-,ose of T,---,,rject:11, ,
revie-i:2'7,- EAC: ecunLi.ziAF ike soid assess :tent,
Cou .cil , -ilt co-atin,Je in session for '._
to d-_7 for o,-...e -,e,,,-,-7,1-, or ye 10-'1.7 :,''F' E ;f:'...1.1. be ..lecess: -2-, .c.1
for .1c.„Pril!-_ P -eals for 1707:esterd r,xen-tion.
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Sallee to twarebtr giewt, ;hit the Tem 'lomat:di 'f
vlo Togn of Mapater, MAO* *III set, eith tho Tole
ruorlt of lintel 4***1,, v.43 !alt et el elmetirettiyc ?),!,, 4% et
elo r,:oulril, t'7,-mrober PI Vie V. 2. A. !tt 11 a '''' ,•714'. kof,'. noritts•
on "iiiinectiety. the nit Ur of MI, 193; ot the hams of
7 re) re ii,, for Vie -nirpcse of -*keit* ceyritatilet, on, re-
ceiving teetintawr !r:1 t 0 VA iftlUie qf &AT iprr,*ay, rettt or
tAorsoa41, $,* fiaotl tAle Terve •Imek of *IV I'ven, letiv .
to ,kokt, nor thereof, ,-try? VI' t'wr ounce* If rerre,ltIngo
revieet.og tod equolisists tho sold 0,„eoettoforatt ..ed t')41, 7,1.4
r.ournett -tetil. enntinne in acestor. ?or ?Mt Nr*,,Vi frog 4:0
to iv for an 44.. -,1- kk: Laug g.11 elan be scall 1:14
/47 twirl*. A',T011)111 for ilammillami issoptlea.
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Par,r-tiettrd I felt,
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