07-20-1937 - Regular }MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF TOWN COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA held in V.I.A. HALL JULY 20th, 1937. Meeting was called of order at 8:10 P .M. by Mayor Councilman C .D.3artlett. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman C.D.Bartlett. Present Councilman H.L.Haughton Present Councilman Ralph Adams Absent. Attorney J.U.Gillespie. Present Clerk. Walter C. Fuller. Present Reading of Minutes. The minutes of the regular meejting of July 6th, 1937 were read and upon motion made by Mr. Haughton, seconded by Mr. Bartlett were approved as read. Carried. Bills and Accounts. The following Bills were presented: I . :'alter Hawkins, Recording Town of Edgewater Tax Sale 41.85 Walter C. Fuller, Advertising fax Sale, :faking and recording 20 Tax Sale Certificates 10.95 Joseph Beleckas , 13 Gal. of Gas for tractor 2.60 Robert : .Fuller, 10 hours labor with tractor 5.00 Salaries for July to be paid after July 25th. , C .D.Bartlett 0 7X00 H.L.Haughton �pp Ralph Adams 7. T .A.Swann 040.00 ' altax C.Fuller 50.00 T.A.Swann July Allowance for extra Patrol 10 .00 119.00 Clerks Petty Cash Account; Typing 16 hours 20/ 3.20 Moved by Mr. Haughton, seconded by Mr. Bartlett that the bills be approved and paid as read. Carried. Reports of Officers. The Tax collector read the following report for the period 1ov. 4th, 1936. to June 5th, 1937. 1936 Tax Roll, Total Amount 43098.27 1936 Taxes collected on account of Prior Delinquent Taxes being paid 90.18 Difference between Detail Figures and Recapulation Totals on 1936 Tax Roll .08 Total to be Accounted for '43188.53 1936 'Taxes (collected $3028.15 Taxes not Collected 137• Homestead ,exemptions allowed after Tax Roll Approved 22.80 Total as above to be accounted for 43188. 53 Discount allowed 461.97 or 2 1/10 joof Taxes Collected. 95 55/100 % of Total Tex Roll Collected. The Maximum Amount Collected was in the month of ,ovember. The Report was Received andorderedmade a part of the minutes of this Meeting. 1.iew Business. It was moved by Mr. Haughton, seconded by Mr. Bartlett that the Marshall be directed to erect a Street sign at each end of Turgot Ave. , and that the Orange Ave. Signs now on Turgot Ave. be taken down and erected ak Orange Ave. Carried. • July 20th, 1937. Unfinished Business. Mr. Gillespie reported the result of a conference with Mrs. Francis Assendorf in regard to her letter read at the meeting of July 6th, 1937. It was deceided by Council that they would clean Palmetto Ave. after the present delinquent Taxes had been paid on Blocks Three ( 3 ) and .Four ( 4 ) now owned by Mrs. Assendorf, in Totem Park Sub. Marshall Swann reported that the Fire Siren would be delivered during the week of July 21st to July 28th. ::r. Swann was authorized to obtain prices for a pole, placing same and the necessary wiring, and then to have the work done at the best price obtainable. Mr. Haughton moved that we do now Adjourn, seconded by Mr.. Bartlett and upon vote declared carried. lime 9:30 P .M. '4d57 Mayor councilman - C2Oka-l -m uouncilman dl.,-.4% .dire .r%CouncLiman '_/ •. ,,_ .•_ attest: 145-11, ----- gthe,t- Clerk.