05-17-1938 - Regular REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER FLORIDA, WELD IN V.I .A. HALL ON MAY 17, 1938. Meeting called to order. at 7:42 P.T . by Mayor Councilman H.L.Haughton. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman H.L.Haughton Present. Councilman Ralph Adams. Present. Councilman C .D.Bartlett. Present. Clerk WalterC .Fuller. Present. Attorney J.U.Gillespie.Present. Marshall. T .A.Swann. Present. READING OF LaNUTES , The minutes of the regular meeting of May 4th, 1938 were. read and upon motion made by Councilman Bartlett ,seconded by Councilman Adams, these minutes were accepted as read. CARRIED. BI TJ.S AND ACCOUNTS. The following were read; I .Walter Hawkins, Recording 6 Lot Liens $6.30 T.A.Swann, -Telephone Apr.26 to May 26 3.01 Police Calls .80 3.8-1 May Salaries; H.L.Haughton $2.00 Ralph Adams 1.00 C .D.Bartlett 2.00 Walter C.Fuller 50.00 T .A.Swann 40.00 95.00 Mack Harbin, Cleaning Lots Hawks Park Sub. Lots 445,446,491,492,246,493 and 447. 20.00 T .A.Swann, 65 Gals. Oil for Street 62O 1.30 S.L.DeLoach Transfer Co. , 5 Cu. yards coquina shell 7.50 Cleaning Ditches; Labor Ira Graham 50 Hrs. $10.00 Ned Massey, 48 Hrs 10 on Knapp Ave 38 Ditch 9.60 Boots Loftin, 24 Hrs. 4.80 A.M.Gibson, 38 Hrs. 7.60 Kay Loftin, 10 Hrs. 2.00 H.M.Harbin, Jr. , 53 Hrs. 10.60 44.60 H.M.Harbin , Jr. , Labor on Knapp Ave. , 10Hrs. 2.00 Trucking 5 Hrs 50% 2.50 4.50 Councilman Bartlett moved that the Bills be approved and paid as read, seconded by Councilman Adams, and by vote declared CARRIED. NE-: BUSINESS . Mrs. Anna C.Ellwanger addressed Council and requested that a pile of wood on the lot West of Mr. Cory' s house on Park Ave. be cleaned up and removed, and that some tile and a tank on the Town Lot '; est of her home on Park Ave. be moved back to the rear of the lot. Councilman Bartlett moved that the Marshall be instructed to burn the wood and move the tile back, seconded by Councilman Adams, and by vote declared CARRIED. By unamious consent Council agreed to sell the Tank . Council agreed to meet on May 28th, 1938 at 8 P .M. to consider the Town Administration Code.. Action on J.U.Gillespie' s bill for typing service on the- Code and upon extra compensation for the Marshall was defered. Eay,, 17, 1938. The Clerk as Tax Collector reported that he would hold a Sale of Delinquent Tax Property on Monday June 64h, 1938 at 12 O' clock noon at the front door of the V.I .A. Hall. There being no further busines to come before Council, Councilman Bartlett moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Adams and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 8:25 P .M. Mayor Councilman a i. or Councilman 0i / P ce" //1 Councilman ! ATTEST: f 4 Town Clerk.