08-16-1938 - Regular vlo, .n. • s REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD IN V.I .A. HALL ON AUGUST 16, 19 38. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P .M. by Mayor Councilman H.L.Haughton. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman H.L.Haughton. Present. Councilman Ralph Adams. Present. Councilman C.D.Bartlett . Absent. Clerk. WalterC.Fuller Present. Attorney. J.U.Gillespie. Present. :Iarshall. T .A.3 ann. Present. READING OF MINUTES . The minutes of the meeting of August 2nd, 1938 were read and upon motion made by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Haughton, were accepted as read. Upon vote the motion was declared CARRIED. BIT.r.S AND ACCOUNTS. Grading and shelling Strand and Grading and repairing Streets from Hamilton Ave. to New Hampshire Ave. R.E .Fuller, 39 Hrs. with Tractor : 19. 50 Ira Graham, 58Hrs. Labor $11.60 Ned Massey, 51 Hrs. Labor $10.20 Paul Brewer, 38 Hrs. Labor 7.60 George Gillis 58 Hrs. with Truck $29.00 Kay Lofton, 42 Hrs. Labor $ 8.40 J.J.Lofton 38 Hrs. Labor $7.60 H.D.Harris, 5 Gals. Gas and 1 qt. Oil for Tractor 20% 1.25 Kash, 62 Gals Gas 20/ and 7 ,Its. Oil t % $13.80 August Salaries. H.L.Haughton 5.00 Ralph Adams 5.00 Walter C.Fuller $50.00 T.A.Swann, Regular salary $40.00 Extra Comp ensation$10.00 $50.00 Haynes Office ".?achine Company, cleaning, Adjusting Typewriter 3.75 C .B.Jones , M.D. , attendance for J.A.Mook, C.D. 125 $ 2.00 Councilman Adams moved that the bills be accepted and paid as read, seconded by Councilman Haughton, and by vote declared CARRIED. COMMITTEE REPORTS . The Attorney reported for the Delinquent 'tax Committee and a copy of the report forms a part of these minutes. NAIVE BUSINESS . Councilman Adams moved fine shell be placed over the coarse oyster shell on the Strand just North of Rio Vista Drive in order to complete the work just recently done at that place, seconded by Councilman Haughton, and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Adams moved that the Delinquent Tax Roll be placed in the hands of the Town Attorney for collection, sceonded by Councilman Haughton, and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED . Councilman Adams moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Naughton and byvote declared CARRIED. Time 8:38 P.M. Mayor Councilman', la ,_,....r, ii r ATT ST: L&. L �/ / , Councilman �i b,„ __ , Town Clerk. The Attorney for the Town reported that he had investigated the results obtained in other communities by forclosure on delinquent taxes. The practice has been for the delinquent tax list to be placed in the hands of the Attorney for collection and the Attorney then notifies the property owners for the purpose of obtain- ing as many payments as possible without forclosure. The practice has resulted in the collection of as high as 25% of the delinquent taxes, without suit. The experience of Coronado Beach last year was very satisfactory, a substantial proportion of the taxes being collected without suit and their annual audit shows a net profit to the Town of app- roximately $700.00 over and above taxes! penalties and costs from the sale of properties which that City had taken by forclosures. ;'hereupon it was properly moved and seconded that the entire delinquent tax roll be placed in the hands of the Town attorney with instructions for him to write each of the property owners urging them to make payment. . . . Motion carried unanimously.