03-21-1939 - Regular Nftril
MARCH 21,1939.
Meeting called to order at 7:30 F.::. by =_.:ayor Councilman Ralph Adams.
"ayor Councilman. Ralph Adams. : resent.
Councilman. C .D.Bartlett. :resent.
Councilman. Horace King. `'resent.
Clerk. Walter C.Fuller. Present.
Attorney. J.U.Gill.espie. Present.
:::arsnali. T.A.Swann. Absent.
Vice . iarshall.Jack Bender. Present.
The ..:mutes of the meeting of March 7 ,1939 were read and upon
motion made by Councilman 73artlett,seconded by Councilmaning,werc
approved as read. By vote. the motion was declared carried.
The following bills were read;
:shelling Sutton Terrace.
.M.Harbin,Jr. with truck
3/. 10 to 3/16 57 1/2 hrs. .50 28.75
Alfred Hay
3/10 3/11 15 1/2 irs.lauor • 2(4 3.10
Harvey Edge
3/13 to 3/18 46 hrs.labor 20% 9.20
'oseph Hewitt
3/11 13 14 15 17 18 30 gal.gas ,2qts.oil truck 6.30
Clerks ;{iss.Cash
Postage stamps , cleaning Council room 1..75
(`(arch Salaries
Ralph Adams 1,00
C.D.Bartlett 2.00
Horace King 2.00
Walter C.Fuller 50.00
Jack 3ender,Vice :arshall 40.00
80 Street Sign Boards painted Alum,2 coats and
drilled with holes for fastening 17.60
I Walter Hawkins
Town of Edgewater vs.White Additional deposit 15.00
Councilman King4of the Committee on Sutton Terrace ,reported the shelling
of tue street was completed.
A petition for the naming of a new street "button Terrace" was read and
is attached. 3y unanimous consent Council requested that information
as to dimensions and a legal description of this new street,be furnished
the Town Attorney so that ne could prepare the necessary legislation.
Insert. Bills and Accounts.
Councilman Bartlett moved that the bills be paid as read and ::lade a part
of the minutes ,seconded by Councilman King,and by vote declared carried.
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A bill of A.M.Gibson for 43.00 as reported on Feb...21.1939 was
brought up. After a discussion Councilman moved that this
bill be paid ,seconded by Councilman Adams and upon demand a roll •
call. resulted as follows;
Councilman Adams yes
Councilman Bartlett No
Councilman King es
The chair declared the motion carried.
Attorney Gillespie reported that on account of attending the sessions .
of the State Legialature,tLlat he -would be away for two months ,and if
agreeable to Council,Attorney Herbert Fuller would act in his place
and that pie would personally compensate Attorney Fuller for .his work.
Councilman King moved that Attorney Fuller be accepted as Town Attor-
ney during the absence of J.U.Gillespie for two mantas. Seconded by
Councilman Bartlett and by vote carried.
Councilman King moved that K.r.J,.U,.Gillespie be retained as Town Attar-
ney for the year Hay 1.1939 to Tay 1,1940 at the same retainer fee
and salary basis as during the past year. 3econded by Councilman
Bartlett and by vote declared carried.
Councilman King moved that Town Attorney Gillespie be paid his re-
tainer fee at this time for the year ray 1,1939 to a.y 1,1940 .
The motion was seconded by Councilman Adams and a roll call being
demanded resulted as follows ;
Councilman Adams es
Councilman Bartlett 7tot voting
Councilman King es
The chair declared the motion carried.
Attorney Gillespie reported that .iarshall. Swann would not come back
to Edgewater. It developed that his leave of absence expired on
April 3rd and that some of the Town property had been returned to
the Clerk and receipted for by hici,whereupon Councilman Bartlett
moved that the Clerk write to Marshall Swann requesting information
as to his intention of returning or if not whether he intended to
present his resignation as Town Marshall. Further to request the
return of all Town properties held by him. This motion was seconded
by Councilman King and upon vote declared carried.
Attorney Herbert 2uller addressed Council in regard to the purchase
of certain tax sale certificates held by the Town og Edgewater on
several lots in Highland Shores Subdivision. He advised that it
was within the province of Council to accept or reject any offer
made for such certificates. After some discussion it was agreed
by Council to meet on Friday March 24,1939 at 3 i .K. to canvass the
delinquet properties listed under the name of ,i.J.3igelow.
Tr.Robert Cash addressed council as to garbage disposal and collection
of garbage,after considerable discussion as to ways and :ceans ,it was
decided by unanimous consent of Council,that the Town Attorney have
a typed form made so that the Karshall could canvass the electors
to obtain their opinion regarding this project. Councilman King
was appointed a committee of one to look into the garbage collection
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Councilman Bartlett moved that the Clerk be authorized to obtain
prices and specifications for a traffic light to be located at
Park and Ridgewood Avenue ,seconded b Councilman jang and 14 vote
declared carried.
Councilman Bartlett moved that we do now adjourn,seconded by #
Councilman ping nd by vote declared carried.
Time 9:12 P.1.
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