04-18-1939 - Regular * dec fir..► ..r✓ REGULAR !FETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEiWATER HELD IN V.I .A. HALL ON APRIL 18 , 1939 . Meeting called to order at 7 :30 P.M. by M? yor Councilman Ralph Adams . ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman Ralph Adams . Present. Councilman C..e.Bartlett . Present . Clerk. ,alter C.Fuller. Present . acting Attorney. Herbert Fuller. Present . :Marshall . Horace king. Presen0 . READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the meztinP' of April 4th, 1939 , were read and upon motile. made by eouncilmaan Bartlett, seconded by Councilman Adams , were approved as read . Upon vote the motion we declared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read ; H.L.DeLaxey, Shertff Hendry County , Service 10 .10 Robert '.Fuller, Apr.11 2 Hrs . with Tractor 1.00 " " 2 " Labor .40 " 12 3 " with Truck 1.5_0_ _ 2 .90 Hall Machine Shop, Repairs for Town Mower 2.50 I.Nalter Hawkins, Recording Deed 2.00 Franklin Stamp and stationary Co . , Rubber Stamp 2 .85 April Salaries, Ralph Adams 3 .00 C.D.Bartlett 3 .00 Horace :ping 2 .00 Welter C.Fuller, Clerk. 50.00 Horace Ming, Marshall 40.00 Clerks Miss . Cash Account , Stamps for Deed 2.00 Cleaning Marshells Cap .35 2 .35 Councilman Bartlett moved that the bills be made as, part of the minutes and that they oe paid with the exception of earshr111 ing' s salary as Marshall. This was oojected to by Councilman Adams but he later with- drew his objection , seconded the motion, and a roll call resulted in the following; Councilman Adams . Yes. Councilman Bartlett. Ye: . OFFICERS REPORTS. The Clerk reported that ha had received tha Masters Dead to the Town of ,dgewaterfor certain properties and which seed was dated April 3, 19.59 . That this Deed was recorded on April 10, 1939 . He also reported that as of April 14 , 1939 there had bean collected 90 .; of the Tex Roll . REPORTS OF COWITTEES. Clerk Fuller reported that a two light traffic signal would cost delivered im ';dgewater X69 .50. The installation of this signal would cost $10.00 . Its operation per month would Cost : 2 ,50 Whereupon Councilman Bartlett moved that th-; "lork be authorized to purchase from . S.Darley and Co . one traffic signal light for the sum of 69 .50 F.O.B.'dgewater, that he have the same installed at a cost not to oxce :d $10.00 and that this traffic light replace the present strut light hung over the center of the intersection of Ridgewood and Park Avenues , seconded by Councilman Adams , and by vote declared CARRIED. w . a A °n wifr • 'fir' Vii �' Minutes of April 19 , 1939 . Marshall King renorte. that the City of Port Orange made a Garbage Collection twice n week in a city owned truck and that the man who operated the truck also worked on the Stripers . The cost of man and truck for a year ran to 41200.00 . The renert was received and ordered filed for future reference . Marshall King-reported that the ',Marino Paint Company had requested that Railroad Street in front of their nroperty be nut in a usable condition . The Councilmen agreed to look over the ground to see what was required . Councilman Bartlett requested that the Clerk obtain prices on heavy coarse oyster shell delivered to Railroad Street South of Park Ave . Marshall King was requested to find out if a hole in the Old county Road South of Park Ave . was on Town Property and if so to find out who was respenible for the making of this hole and have them fill it . UNFINISHEL BUSINESS. A Resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING A SPECOAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, ON MAY 16TH, A.D. 1939; PRESCRIBING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HOLDING SUCH ELECTION; PRESCRIBING THE RULES BY WHICH SUCH ELECTION SHALL BE GOVERNED; PRESRIBING THE TIME THE POLLS SHALL BE OPENED AND CLOSER ; AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICES OF SUCH ELECTION. " was read in full. Councilman Bartlett moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Council- man Adams , the vote of the 9ouncil being as follows; Mayer Councilman Ralph Adams . Yes . Councilman C.D.Bartlett . Yes . Councilman Bartlett moved that Council meet on Tuesday April 25, 1939 at 7:30 P.M. to receive Petitions of Canidates for the unexpired term of Councilman due to the resignation of Horace King,secended by Councilman Adams, and by vote declared CARRIED. The Committee of Councilman Bartlett , Town Attorney Gillespie and Town Clerk Fuller were embowered to fix the Selling Price of all properties which the Town acquired during the present Foreclosure Sale . NE d BUSINESS. The Marshall and Clerk requested that the Town suaoly them with Telephones in order expedite the transcation of the Town' s business . Beth Phones it was reverted would cost a total of 44 .71 per month. Councilman Bartlett requested that the matter by held overuntil a future meeting. Clerk Fuller was requested to ascertain, if possible what became of the Sireen purchased by the Town on April 13, 193w. Voucher 1622, for the Town Marshall . Councilman Bartlett moved that we de now adj urn to meet Tuesday April 25 , 1939 at 7 :30 P.M. , seconded. by Councilman Adams , and upon vote declared Carried . Time 9 :01 P.M. M Mayer Councilman. f Councilman. ATTEST Tows Clerk. 4 . p 4 • %We 4411111, CERTIFIC,ATE OF l'OJTING. I, 1L.LER C. FULLER, Town Clerk of the 'ow- of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, do hereby certify that on the 18th day of 4rill A. D. 1939, I posted three true and correct copies of the above 2.ELLTION entitled "A REE:.L,TION cam.]RirG A SPECIAL ELECTION and POV1DING FOR Yer?ICE:i OF SUCH ELECTION." one of said copies being posted at the front door of the V. I. A. Hall and the other two being posted in two other public i-laces. Dated at Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, this the 1015 - aay of _4420 7 A. D. 1939. btrit■Wi'-tw-.171/1(1,624` Town Clerk. I' Or 4 ' . ‘*41004 N OTICE . YOTICE IS HEREBY GIN TAT THE TLWIL4 C. UNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, F-...0„IDA, !ILL MBET AT THE V. I. A. HAL. IN SAID TLWK ON TUESDAY, '-1 -E 25th DAY OF ArRIL, A. D. 1939, AT 7130 O' CI,OCK, P. M. OF JAID DAY, FR TL.L P;.1...POSE OF UECEIVING PETITIO7S OF CANDIDATES FOR THE OFFICE OF TOWN COUNCIL:7AN. NOTICE 13 FURTHER GIVEN THAT SAID 25th DAY OF A.ano 1939, WILL BE TEE LAST DAY UPON Wr.IFT. I-ETITIONS TO 1_::1E CANDIDATES' NAL,AES PUNTED ON THE JALLOT AT THE SPp,CIAL EL-CT ON IN 3AID TOWN' ON MAY 16th 1939, WILL BE RECEIVED. THIS NOiICE IS GIVEN PURST7ANT TL ACTION O. THE TOWN COUNCIL OF SAID TOWN AT ITS M ,ETING FELD A1=RIL 18th, 1939) AND PURSUANT TO THE GENERAL LAWS Or THE STATE 0:: FIJO,..IDA. 411, TOW' ' C ,'WATIIIiiiDA. B1 ,,,AVARBEr P. . - L. yo -CoE un -Ean. ATTEST; _ I . "I*own Clerk Dated at Edgewater, Florida, this the 18th day of April, A. D. 1939. i N O T I C E TO 'ACM IT .. :: CONCERN: CE IS t'L i BY GIVEN That the Town Registration Books of the Town of : dgewater, Volusia County, Florida, are now open and will be kept open for registration of electors of said Town from 2:00 o'clock, P. L. to 4:00 o' clock, P. M. on each I.Ionday, '.iednesday and Friday and on Saturday, the 6th day of lay, D. 1939, following the date of this i otice and ending on said 6th day of May, 1939, at which time said Registration Books shall be closed. 'IL .'33 my hand at Edgewater, Florida, this �0 day of April, A. D. 1939. {)--thtt."( . '\i'A,a/Lt gown Clerk and Registration C°. ficer 'own of Edgewater, Florida. I, alter C. Fuller, as Town Clerk and _ egistration Orficer of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, hereby certify that on the 18th day of Rpril, 1939, i >osted four true and correct copies of the above and foregoing Notice in four different and conspisuous pl _ces in sziu Town of Edgewater, Florida, one of the said Fotices being posted at the front door of the V. I . . .all in said Town. Dated at Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, ,,_ i.s 18th day of April, A. D. 1939. Town Clerk and Registration Ofi is er Town of Edgewater, .Florida. NOTICE TO ROM IT MAY CONCAINg NOTICE IS Hi0.4BY GIVEK That the Town Registrotion Books of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, are now open and will be kept open for rezistration of electors of said Town from 2100 o'clock, P. r. to 4:00 o'clock, P. M. on each conday, Wednesday and Friday and on Saturday, the 6th day of Way, A. D. 1939, following the data of this i4otioe and ending on said 6th day of May, 1939, at which time said Aegistration Books shall be closed. id * -ITUL3 my hand at : dgewater, Florida, this 10 -- day of April, A, D. 1939. bt)---zakt-,( Town Clerk and Kegistrntion Officer Town of Edgewater, Florida, I, Walter C. Fuller, as Town Clerk and registration Officer of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, hereby certify that on the 18th day of April, 19J9, I posted four true and correct copies of the bove and foregoing Notice in four different and conspisuous pl'.ces in said Town of k;dgewater, Florida, one of the said notices being posted at the front door of the V. I . A. Hall in said Town. Dated at L'dgewater, Volusia County, Florida, tiis 18th day of April, A. D. 1939. 4 '7 Town 'jerk and Registration Officer Town of gewater, Florida. R } a-OTICE OF SPECIAL, TC+IN EL CT-ON Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, under and by virtue of ghe authority vested in it by the laws of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater, V_,lusia County, Florida, has ordered a Special selection to be held on Tuesday the 16th day of May, A. D. 1939, in the Town fall ( otherwise known as the Community or V. I. A. Fall) for the arpose of electing one Councilman to serve for the unexpired term of I orace ::ing, or until his successor is duly elected and ualified. The polls will open at 8:00 o'clock, A. M. and will close at sun-down, Eastern Standard Time, on the day of the said election. Said election shall oe held in substantial con- formity with the rules applicable to ;general elections held under the laws of the State of Florida and subject to the Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater, Florida. T ., h OF EDGE JAT'.R, VCLJaIA C uITTY, FLO:1.I1C1.. 3Y: i' ,�G�_ ��! �,� , Mayor r � 1 I Town Clerk. I, -J alter C. Fuller, Town Clerk of the ''own of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, hereby certify that I gave public notice of the a: .nual election as ordered by the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater by posting three (3) copies of the above and foregoing notice on the 18th day of n. D. 1939, said notices be- ing posted in three different, conspicuous and public pl_.ces in s. id Town, one of which said places was at the front door of the V. I. A. hall in said Town of Edgewater. Dated a t Ed .ewa ter Volusia Count his i 0 day of Du at � � , 7 Y> Florida,> Y . pril, D. 1939. Town Clerk, Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida.