09-19-1939 - Regular I 1 REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA HELD IN V. I . A. HALL ON SEPTEMBER 19 , 1939. Meeting called to order at 7:35 P .M. by the Town Clerk at the request of the Councilman present. ROLL CALL-. Mayor Councilman. Ralph Adams. Absent. Councilman. C .D.Bartlett. Present. Councilman. F.R.Renwick. Present. Clerk. Walter C.Fuller. Present. Attorney. J.U.Gillespie. Present. Marshall. lhorace King. Present. By unanimous consent the regular order of business was suspended to introduce the following motion; Councilman Bartlett moved that Councilman F.R.Renwick be elected to act as Vice—Mayor Councilman, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. Whereupon Vice—Mayor Councilman Renwick presided, and regular order of business was resumed. READING OF MTNUTES . After a reading by the Clerk, Councilman Bartlett moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of Sept. 5th, 1939 be approved, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following Bills were read; Cleaning Streets; Labor Sept. 6th and 7th, 1939 , 216 Hrs. @ 20% 043.20 18 Hrs. Tractor 0 50% 9.00 18 Hrs. Mower @ 25% 4.50 Sept. 8 to 14 Inca. 641 Hrs. @ 20% 128.20 27 Hrs. Tractor @ 50% 13.50 27 Hrs. Mower 25% 6.75 McMillan Service Station, gas and oil 10.74 Bates Service Station, Gas and oil 6.56 Whitney Hardware CO. , files 1.00 Hall Machine Shop, Repairs to Tools . 50 H.C.Colee, Repairs to tools 2.90 Total 0226.85 Salaries. Ralph Adams 2 ,00 C.D.Bartlett 3.00 F.R.Renwick 3.00 Horace King, Extra Patrol 1st half August and all Sept. and Salary for Sept. 55.00 Total 113.00 Walter C.Fuiler Salary for all of wept. 50.00 Salaries Clerks Miss. Cash, Telegram, Stamps, and services of Notary 2.15 R.E.Fuller, Trip to Oakhill, hauling Mower and 3 trips for Operator 2.00 J.U.Gillespie, fees for collecting Delinquent Taxes 24.48 Frank Lee, Abstractors Fees on Properties Sold 10.00 Clerks Miss. Cash in payment of nine men called on emergency 1.80 Councilmen Bartlett moved that the bills be approved, made a part of the minutes and paid as read, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The Clerk reported that the contract let for cleaning the Ditch from Park Ave. North had never been completed nor any work done on sane. He also reported that the necessary legislation had not been completed relative to the naming of Sutton Terrace. ,4s. Minutes of September 19,1939. Page 2. Marshall King reported on a tree being blown down at the corner of Ridg- wood Ave. and Evergreen St, and his having called nine men to Clear the Highway so traffic could pass. The County Convits came along when he was ready to start and they took over the job. He also reported on a continued investigation of the fire at Park and Flagler Ayes. and that a bridge repair was necessary oO Highland Ave. He also reported that there were some holes on the Strand that needed filling and that the pipes at the flow well at Strand and Park Ave. needed repairs. ORDINANCES. Councilman Bartlett moved that Ordinance No. 80 entitled w AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE KEEPING OF BEES IN THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOFV be placed on second reading and put on final passage, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote unanimously CARRIED. Ordinance No, 80 having been read in full , Councilman Bartlett moved that Ordinance No. 80 be adopted, seconded by Councilman Renwick and unanimously passed the vote of the Council being as follows; Vice-Mayor Councilman F.R.Renwick Yes. Councilman C.D.Bartlett Yes. Councilman Bartlett moved that the Town Attorney be requested to draw an Ordinance rescinding Sections one (1) to eleven ( 11) Inclusive of and all of Article XIII ( 13) Drivers Licenses of Ordinance NO. 75, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vrbte declared CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS . By unanimous consent the Marshall was ordered to have a new bridge made at the sidewalk on the North side of Highland Ave. and to repair the flow well pipes at the Strand and Park Aves, and the Clerk to pay the men Balled the sum of 20 cents each. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter of thanks for the use of the mower to Mr. Horace Bennett County Commissioner at Oak Hill. NEW BUSINESS . Councilman Bartlett moved that the Clerk be authorized to surrender to the Bank of New Smyrna Certificates of deposit numbered 5 and 6 of date October 1, 1938 and maturing September 30 , 1939 and of a total sum of 4778.40 for a new Certificate of Deposit of a value of 4800.(Eight Hundred Dollars) dated October 1, 1939 and maturing September 30 , 1940. The interest on Certificates 5 and 6 being 415.56 as of October 1, 1939 the Clerk is authorized to pay the sum of 16.04 from the Permanent Ii- prmve_ment Checking account to the Bank to make the total amount of t800. seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. Councilman Bartlett moved that the Town Clerk and Tresurer be authorized to transfer from the Permanent Improvement Fund Checking Account the sum of 4147.00 to the General Fund to reimburse the General Fund for the cost of the shelling of Sutton Terrace and the purchase of permanent street marker signs, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared UARRI:E]:, Councilman Bartlett moved that the balance on hand in the Special Delinquent Tax Fund at the end of the Fiscal Year 1938-1939 , i.e. Sept. 30th, 1939, be allocated to and continued in this Fund during the Fiscal Year 1939 - 1940 for the purposes stated in the Resolution passed Sept. 20th, 1938 establishing the Delinquent Tax Fund, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. Councilman Bartlett moved that the Property Transfer Service of the New Smyrna Abstract Co. be continued for the year October 1, 1939 to Sept. 30th, 1940 at their price of $25.00 as paid for the past year and that the Clerk so notify the Abstract Co. , seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vmte declared CARRIED. • • , a . r w Minutes of September 19 ,1939. Page 3. Councilman Bartlett moved that the Sale of the following Properties be approved and confirmed; Lot 2i Edgewater Highlands Sub, of G.Alvarez Grant Sec. 52, TIT. 17, S34E, to Ann Norris for the sum of $40.00 , and Lot 11 Sheppard and Sanchez Grant, Sec.50 , Twp.17, S.34E, to E.H. and Maybelle Lohman for the sum of 4125.00 , and Lot 22, 'Alkinson Sub., G.Alvarez Grant,Sec. 52, 'r'iP. 17 , S .34E. to Emma B .Richards for the sum of $350.00 ; t ' seeonded by Councilman Renwick'.ant byzvote ded.ared unanimously CARRIED. Councilman Bartlett moved that we do adjourn, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 9 :15 P.M. Mayor Councilman - Councilman �JQJC llrvwcn t.�c� 4 / . Councilman / - Y�/i -" ah.4 - ATTEST: 0 I -< Town Clerk.