FEBRUARY 6 , 1940.
Meeting Balled to order at 7:30 P .1. by Mayor Councilman F.R.Renwick.
Layor Councilman. ?.R.Renwick. Present.
Councilman. C .D.Bartlett. Present.
Councilman. W.T.Goodyear. Present.
Clerk. Walter C .Fuller.Present.
Attorney. J.U.Gillespie. Present.
Marshall. Horace King. Present.
The minutes of the meeting of January 16, 1940 were read whereupon Council-
man Bartlett moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Councilman
Goodyear and by vote declared CARRITAD.
The following bills were read;
City of New Smyrna Beach, street Lights for February x75.23
V.I .A. Hall lights to Jan. 19 , 2.04
Dump Signs , Bond-Howell Lumber Co. , 2.54
,.L.Shea, Painting and Lettering, 4.50
C. Howard Hunt Co. , Pendil Sharpener part .70
Salaries for the last half of January, ';'alter C.Fuller, 25.00
Horace King, 20 .00
Clerks Miss. Cash, P .O .Box Rent .25, Nails .50 , Stamps 1.00 1.75
Repairs to Bridge and setting stpp sign, Leo King, 5 Mrs. 1.00
Horace King, Telephone to Feb. 26, - of $5.10 2.55
I .Walter Hawkins , State Taxes on Lot 2, Bl. B , Sec. 2, highland 13.09
Shores Sub,
Haynes Office Machine Co. , repairs and Cleaning Monroe Calculator
Southern Bell Telephone Co. , Clerks Phone to Feb. 26
Toll Call to DeLand 2.q6
Fire Calls. Jan. 21, Ocean Ave. West of Highway.
Robert Houston $1.00, Ray Ballentyne $1.00 ,, C .T .King,Jr. $1.00
and Horace King $1.00 'Total$ 4.00
Jan. 27 , Flagler Ave. West of Paint Factory.
J.S .Bates $1.00, Horace King $1.00 Total $ 2.00
J.U.Gillespie , Fee on Lots sold, Lot 2 , Bl.B , Sec.2 10% of
Lot 31, B1.D, Sec.1 $53.90
Frank Lee, Abstractor' s Fee on Same lots as above 5 30
Councilman Goodyear moved that the bills be approved as read, be paid
and be made a part of these minutes, seconded by Councilman Bartlett
and by vote declared CARRIED.
The Clerk read a Cash Satement and a Budget Appropriations Report for the
period January 1 to January 31, 1940.
Councilman Bartlett moved that these reports be approved and be made a part
of these minutes , seconded by Councilman Goodyear and by vote declared
The Clerk read a list of Town owned properties upon which the State and
County Taxes for 1939 were due and payable before April 1, 1940. This list
had been checked by the Attorney and the Clerk. Councilman Goodyear moved
that the Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to pay these Taxes and that
the list form a part of the minutes of this meeting, seconded by Council-
man Bartlett and by vote declared unanimously CARRI NAT).
The Clerk reported that the County Tax Assessor is requiring of new residents
Minutes of February 6, 1940. Page Two.
applying for Homestead Exemption a declaration of Citzenship on forms supplied
by the State Comptroller. The Clerk recommended that the Town Council legalize
a declaration of citizenship from new residents making applications for
Homestead Exemption in the Town of Edgewater.
Councilman Goodyear moved that the Town Clerk acting as Town Tax Assessor is
hereby directed and authorized to require of new residents of the Town of
Edgewater a declaration of Citizenship when applying for Homestead Exemption,
and that he prepare the necessary form, have a supply mim.ographed and place th
this requirement in effect, seconded by Councilman Bartlett and by vote declar
ed unanimously CARRIED.
Council at this time set aside the regular order of business and gave Mr.
P .B .Dick the privelege of the flog. Mr. Dick requested that Council consider
vacating Dixwood Ave. and Dick' s sub. of Lot 6 Sheppard and Sanchez Grant and
turning this Subdivision into one tract. He was of the opinion that it would
be sold and improved if it was bin one tract instead of small lots and there-
fore be of greater value to the Town. Attorney Gillespie explained to Council
the metod of procedure when a subdivision was vacated.
Councilman Bartlett moved that Attorney Gillespie prepare the necessary
resolution to vacate this subdivision , that P .B .Dick assume all expenses of
the change , seconded by Councilman Goodyear and by vote declared CARRIED.
The Regular order of Business was resumed.
The Clerk reported that complains had been made by Ir. Hewitt that Lots 2 ,3
and 4 of the Colby and Jepson Sub, were a fire thazard to his property and
asked Council that these lots be cleaned.
Council instructed the Clerk to write the owner of the lots and request him
to co-operate by having the lots cleaned.
The Clerk reported that Mr. Leonard a resident on Highland Ave. reported two
planks of the bridge on that street in bad shape.
The Clerk reported n request from Mr. J.J.Lofton that he be allowed to cut
down two pine trees in front of his property on park Ave. and close to his
property line.
Councilman Bartlett moved that J.J.Lofton be given per i.ssion to cut down two
pine trees in front of his property on Park Ave, seconded ' by Councilman
Goodyear and by vote declared CARRIED.
The Clerk reported having an offer,for the purchase of four lots, from Charles
F.McCormick in the sum of $260.00 payable 0100.00 now and balance in June.
Councilman Bartlett molted that a price of 4300.00 would be the least to be
acceptable for Lots 7 , 9 10 and 11, Sec. 3, Block B, Highland Shores Sub. and
if Mr. Charles McCormick would purchase at that price that the Mayor is and he
is hereby authorized to sign a contractfb:at purchase at the price of $300.00
with the terms of $100.00 payable upon delivery of Contract and $100.0c
payable June 1 and 4100. December 1, 1940 with 6% interest on the unpaid
balance, seconded by Councilman Goodyear and by vote declared CARRIED.
The Clerk reported that H.H.Hatch had requested information as to the bill
he had sent Council for Shell taken from his property.
Council requested the Marshall to measure the road at the point or place
from which the shell was taken and to report at the next meeting.
The Clerk reported that the lease of Lot 35 AA Ass'rs Sub. of G.Alvarez Grant
to Mrs. Frances F.Wood had not been signed or called for by Mrs. Wood. This
lease was authorized by Council at the meeting of December 19, 1939.
The Marshall reported on the bad condition of Highland Ave. bridge , the
abatement of the trouble of boys using sling shots and that he had the stop
sign on Park Ave. East of the Highway reset. He also reported that the Dump
No Trash signs were ready to be set in locations as directed.
R P.
Minutes of February 6, 1940. Page three
Councilman Goodyear moved that the Marshall be authorized to obtain bids for
the painting and lettering of 9 small and 2 large road Highway signs , that he
repair and replace Warning sign on Highway near North Town Line, that he
repair bridge on Highland Ave. , and that he place the Six "Dump No Trash"
signs at the following locations , Strand and South Canal,
Strand and Dixwood Ave. ,
Strand South of Riverview Drive,
Strand at Park Ave. ,
Strand near Merrimac Ave. ,
Turgott Ave. near Fernald Street.
seconded by Councilman Bartlett and by vote declared CARRIED.
The Marshall reported that the Strand needed grading.
Council instructed the Clerk to post requests for bids for cleaning of the
Drainage Ditch from the South Canal to Park Ave. and the connecting ditch
West to the Old County Road, the work when completed to be approved by Council
and the bids to be received on February 20, 1940.
Councilman Goodyear spoke in favor of Zoning the Strand and ±iver Front to
prevent the erection of undesireable buildings , and after some discussion
Attorney Gillespie was requested to report the necessary prodeedure provided
for the enactment of a Zoning Ordinance.
Councilman Goodyear moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman
Bartlett and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 9:40 P .M.
Mayor Councilman a7 4 -r-4. -
Councilman ( Ze
Town Clerk.
FOR THE PERIOD: January 1 to January 31, 1940.
Cash on hand and in Bank January 1, 1940.
Cash on Hand 0 136.31
General Fund in Bank 3a80.02
Total General Fund. *3516.33
Permanent Improvement Fund (Certificates) 0800.00
Permanent Improvement Fund ( checking ) 31.96
Delinquent Tax Fund 7.02
Total Cash on Hand and in Bank 04355.31
durrent Taxes 0 172.13
Delinquent Taxes ---
Interest on Delinquent Taxes ---
Taxes not on Roll ---
Licenses 19.00
Fines and Forfeitures ---
Fees 2.25
Lot Cleaning ---
Sale of Property. 82.50
Total Collections 275.88
Total to be accounted for : 4631.19
Streets 0 29.53
Street Lighting 75.23
Salaries 95.00
Legal and Elections ---
Mayors Court 2.5
Office Expense 6.38
Emergency 81.35
Fire Department 4.00
Lot Cleaning ----
Permanent Improvements ----
Fines and Forfeitures ----
Fees ----
Special Delinquent Fund ----
Discount on Taxes 3.42
Kotal Disbursements 0 297.46
Cash on Hand and in Bank January 31, 1940.
Cash on Hand * 157.35
General Fund in Bank 0 3337.40
Permanent Improvement Fund 831.96
Delinquent Tax Fund 7.02
Total Cash on Hand and in Bank 40333.73
Total to be Accounted for 046631.19
Of the General Fund in Bank there has been set aside for:
Special Delinquent Tax Fund. 0911.61
Lot gleaning 8800
Town Clerk.
I 1 I
- 4 - ..-
Nome ' ‘041 imp/ ,,,I si I 01 -■aseeoe
,‘Qoort for the perioL. January 1 to January 31, 1940.
ItCCC----M1. AP7ROPRIAT3D. , ,
4 te a
1, STR 'ETS. $800.00 4 40.10 o 759.90
2, STRET LIGHTING* $935.00 4 300.92 634.08
3. SALARIES. 1250.00 0 344.00 906.00
4* LEGAL AND ELECTIONS. P300.00 0 64.25 235.75
5. AAMA'S COURT. 50.00 0 10.20 39.80
6. OF,710.1-; EXPENSE. 275.00 0 145.71 129.29
7. E°:EGENCY. 300.00 0 81.35 218.65
8. FIR DEPART9ENT. 150,00 0 16.00 134.00
TOTALS t14060.00 01002.53 03057.47
Tovin Clerk
Knapp Sub, Lot 5. certificates outstanding and 1939 Tax. *27.73
G. Alvarez Grant.
hv. 187'ufE. 141' of Lot 39-20) Certificates and 1939 Wax. *21,95
W. 135' of Lot 39-2.
highland Shores Sub.
Section 1, Block A, Lot 3. 1939 Tax. 5.47
" 2, " B , 4 and 5 1939. Tax. 10.94
" 2, " B , 7 1939 Tax. 1.37
" 2, " B , 6 1939.Tax. 5.47
" 2, " F, Lots 24,25,26,27,28,29 ,30 and 31. 1939 Tax. 58080
" 2, " F, Lot 22. 1939 Tax. 1.37
Edgewater Highlands dub.
Lot 1 except W.75' of S .110' certificates and 1939 Tax. 50.60
i dgewater highlands JUL).
Lots 6 and 7 certificates and 1939 Tax. 12.31
Total 096.06
'Vow' 4.4111111e
Form.-6011p--10M 1-6-40.
(`fin the ate mat ( mitt tax cAssessnr:
County, jiXnxitra.
Dear Sir:
I wish to confirm my conversation with you of today that I was formerly a legal resident of
, and that I resided at
(City) (State) (Street and Number)
However, I decided to and have changed my domicile to the State of Florida and I reside at
, Florida,
(Street and Number) (City) (County)
and I wish this statement to be taken as my declaration of citizenship, actual legal residence and
domicile in the State of Florida.
(Insert here any pertinent facts, such as sale of property or business, or relinquishment of employment at
former domicile, removal of family to new domicile, purchase of home, etc.)
I FURTHER CERTIFY that I will register at my local address when the registration books re-
open, provided I have been in Florida one year and the County six months, and comply with all other
requirements of a legal resident of this State.
I FURTHER CERTIFY that I have no intention to return to my former domicile, and I intend
to remain in , , Florida, permanently.
(City) (County)
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
day of , A. D. 19
Notary Public State of Florida at Large
My Commission expires:
Furnished by the Comptroller of the State of Florida as Commissioner of Revenue