10-15-1940 - Regular va REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL", OF THE TOWN OF FnGEWATER, FLORIDA HELD IN V.I .A. HALL ON OCTOBER 15, 1940. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P .M. by Mayor Councilman 2.R.Rsnwick. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman. F.R.Renwick. Present. Councilman. C .D.Bartlett. Present. Councilman. W.T.Goodyear. Present. Clerk. Walter C.Fuller. Present. Attorney. J.U.Gillespie. Present. Marshall. Horace King. Present. READING OF MINUTES. the minutes of the meeting of October 1, 1940 were read whereupon Council- Man Bartlett moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Councilman Goodyear and by vote declared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS . The following bills were read; Haynes Office Machine Co. , 4 55 Horace King, Phone to Oct. 26 2. Southern Bell Telephone Co. , Clerks phone to Oct. 26and Tolls 3.36 SALARIES. F.R.Renwick, 3.00 C .D.Bartlett, 3.00 .T.Goodyear, 2.00 Falter C. Fuller, first half of Oct. 25.00 hprace King, first half of Oct. 20.00 Pentland and Robertson, Audit 60.00 Kay Loftin, Labor 1.550 Bob Chivers, Operating Grader 4.25 Robert E .Fuller, 17 Hrs. use of Tractor 17.00 Clerks Miss. Cash, 1.15 J.U.Gillespie, Attorney' s Retainer to "eb.1, 1941. 37. 50 Councilman Bartlett moved that these bills be approved, paid and be made a part of these minutes subject to correction as to Councilmen' s Salaries due to attebdance at meeting to be held on October 16, 1940 , seconded by Councilman Doodysar and by vote declared CARRIED. REPORTS OF 0 FFI CERS. The Marshal reported that Ao Woodyard would take the Trees on Wilkinson St. for the wood and remove them below ground level. He was requested to ascertain the cost of removal. The Attorney reported the correspondance between Judge Couchman and his office as tp the payment of Delinquent Taxes on the E. 150' of Lot 25 Ass'rs Sub. of G. Alvarez Grant. A request for a decease in Valuation was tabled for consideration of the Board of ;Aqualization. RESOLUTIONS. A Resolution entitled" A RESOLUTION ORDERING AN ANNUAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, IN THE YEAR A.D. 1940; PRESCRIBING THY TIME AND PEACE FOR HOLDING SUCH ELECTION; PRESCRIBING THE RULES BY '(JHICHSUCH ELECTION SHALL BE GOVERNED; PRESERIBING THE TIME THE POLLS SHALL BE OPENED AND CLOSED; AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICES OF SUCH ELECTION." was read in full. Councilman Goodyear moved the adoption of the Resolution, seconded by councilman Bartlett and adopted the vote of the Council being as follows; ayor Councilman. F.R.Renwick. Yes. Councilman. C .D.Bartlett. Yes. Councilman. W.T.Goodyear. Yes . A copy of the resolution and the notice of election forms a part of these minutes. • , inutes of meeting of October 15, 1940. Page 2. RESOLUTIONS . Continued. " A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A CLERK AND THREE INSPECTORS OF ELECTION FOR THE ANNUAL TOWN ELECTION TO BR HELD IN THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLIJSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY THE FIFTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, A,D. 1940." was read in full, whereupon Councilman Goodyear moved the adoption of the Resolution, seconded by Councilman Bartlett and adopted the vote of the Council being as follows; Mayor Councilman. F.R.Renwick. Yes. Councilman. C.D.Bartlett. Yes. Councilman. ` .T.Goodyear. Yes. NEW BUSINESS . THE QUESTION of the Annual Fall Cleanup of Streets was discussed and it was decided that the work should start on Wednesday the 16th or as soon as possible thereafter. The Town to pay the operator of the Mower 25% per hour The Clerk was instructed to provide meals for the Election Board the cost to be 50% per plate and Hestairants who had Town Licenses to be given preference. The Clerk asked that a price for rental for six months be set on lot no. 3, :B1. A. , Sec. 1, Highland Shores Sub. as inquiry had been made for this information. After some discussion is was agreed that a price of X30.00 without any refund for a lest time. Any temporary building erected to be in keeping with the surrouding properties. The Clerk was instructed to write and ascertain what would be the cost for a three light Traffic Signal and the allowance for the present two way light Councilman Goodyear moved that we do adjourn, seconded by Councilman Bartlett and by vote declared CARRIED. `rime 8:45 P.M. Mayor Councilman. e&A„,),, Councilman. Councilman. ATTEST: (A3_1117T1 TOWN CLERK. 4.001"" 1 *lb Stir '41.0" I, %.ALT.1.-Z C. FULL,.. , Town Clark of the Town of Volusia County, Florida, do hereby certiiy that on the 15th day of October, A. D. 1:; 0, 1 posted three true and correct copies of the above nEscLuTicz entitled " A 22SCLUTICZ CIDI.;:.:IhG ,EL: fLbCTIOi. and P:A_VIDIl.("i AiZ -:„Ll'ICL;J One of saia colAes beinj osted at the front door of the V. I. A. hall and tha otLer two bein posted in two other l'ublic : Ices. Dated at -idL;ewater, Volusia County, rloidda, this the 16th day of Cct6Jer, A. D. 1940. • • Lire 'S01100 '48100 :OTI E OF AhZUAL ELEC`_'ICh Notice is hereby , iven that the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, under and by virtue of the authority vested in it by the laws of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the Town of Edg ewater, Volusia County,Florida, has ordered an annual election to be held on Tuesday, the Fifth day of h;overuber, A. D. 1940, at the Town :all (otherwise known as the Community or V. I. ::all) for the pi.r.;o;se of electing one Councilman for a term of three yeats and for a Town Clerk for a term of one year, or until his or their successoz are duly elected and L ua1if'ied. 'he 9o1 _s will o ::en at 8:00 o 'clock .. : . and will close at s:n-down, Eastern Standard Time, on the day of the said Election. Said election shell be held in substantial conformity with. •v,, rules a .L licab1e to general elections held under the lays of the state of Florida and subject to the Ordinances of the Town of Ea ewater, Florida. `OWI ; c OF �,1) ��':s.ly . ?, VOLL ,IL COUNTY, FL O2=—. . uyor Town Clerk. T, -:'alter C. Fuller, Town Clerk of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, hereby certify that I gave public notice of the annual election as ordered by the !own Council of the Town of Edgewater by _posting three (3) coe ies of the above and foregoing notice on the 16th day of ucto eer, D. 194-0, said notices being posted in three different, co _s �icuous and public :;laces in said Town, one of which said places was at the front door of the V. I. i. hail in said Town of Edgewater. Dated at d`ewater, Volusia County, 'florida, this 16th day of October, ;i. D. if 0. Town Clerk, `..'Own of d,:ewuter, Volusia County, Florida. isPiN 44111Me * 141111110001 '111110/ *14.01 C:;RTII1ChiTE CF I, LLTR C. FULL3R, Town Clerk of he '2o.wn of Ed[:ewater, Volusia County, 21orida, do iHereby c2ptify that on the lcn day of October, LtO, I posted three true and correct co .ies of th,e auove '. esolution, one of se,ira co ies osted at the front door of the V. I. hall and the other two oeinL: _ cstd in two other 21aces in said To-,:n 01 Ede-dater. Dated at - 5.,gewater, Volusia County, Zlorida, this the 16th any of '-ctober, i,. D. 1940. r • own