11-19-1940 - Regular rir.
NOVEMBER 19 , 1940.
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.m. by Mayor Councilman F.R.Renwick.
ayor Councilman. F.R.Renwick. Present.
Councilman. VT .Goodyear. Absent.
Councilman. O .E.Southard. Present .
Clerk. Walter C.Fuller. Present.
Attorney. J.U.Gillespie. Present.
Marshall. Horace King. Present.
The minutes of the two meetings of November 5th were read, whereupon
Councilman Southard moved that they be approved as read , seconded by
Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED .
The following bills were read;
Salaries;F.R.Renwick $4.00
C .D.Bartlett 2.00
W.T.Goodyear 2.00
O .E.Southard 2.00
Horace King. 20.00
: alter C.Fuller 25.00
Cleaning Streets: Nov. 2 to Nov. 15 Incl.
Alfred Hay 1.00
Kay Lofton. 11.60
Ray Ballantyne 1.00
Eugene Swiney. 2.60
will McLane. 7.40
C .T.King,Jr. 12.20
Henry Dixon. 12 ,80
Leo King. 12.60
Bertton Dixon. 4.80
Earle Vandergrifft. 2.60
Smalls Insurance Agency, Premium on Clerks Bond. 30.00
Clerk' s Miss. Cash, Typing Service on Property Index 4.00
T .C.Brown, Sims for Edgewater 25.00
Councilman Southard moved that the these bills be approved, paid as read,
and be made a part of these minutes , seconded by Councilman Renwick and
by vote declared CARRIED.
The Clerk reported the forwarding to the State Comptroller of the Financial
Report as required by Law.
Marshall King reported the survey cif Fire Extinguishers was not Completed.
Council authorized the Marshall to have the Office Fire Extinguisher hang
in the Entrance Hall. The Marshall forther reported the completion of the
Street Cleaning.
The Clerk was requested to write Commissioner Bennett and thank him for the
use of the Street Hower.
At this time the regular order of business was suspended and Miss Helen
,;ilcox was given the privelge of the flog. She presehted to Council a
Petition signed by the Youth of Edgewater to the number of 50 , requestsdg
that action be taken to provide and equip a playgroup* and recreation center
Several of the signers spoke in favor of the request and that some of the
residents would make donations of labor and some would contribute funds.
Attorney Gillespie advised that properties owned by the Town could be set
aside as Parks. Council promised consideration and deceision as soon as
t •4
Minutes of Nov. 19, 1940 Page 2.
Yr. Carl Foley spoke as to some difficulty in the parking of attomobiles
in the Business District. E.J.Nilleox also made some remarks.
The regular order of business was resumed.
Councilman Southard reported on the progress made on Edgewater's Road Signs
During a conference with Mr. Durdeen,(State Highway Dept.) the location of
the two signs as regards the paved roadway was determined and also it was
reported that the committee expected to have the signs completed by the end
of the week. Councilman Southard wished to thank Mr. T .C.Brown for his work
and the supplying of materials at cost.
A letter from I .Walter Hawkins, dated Nov. 1, 1940 in reference to Health
Certificates required to be furnished by persons handling Food and drinks
was read in full. Council requested the Attorney to prepare an Ordinance
for passage at the next meeting of Council.
A letter from Mr. J.H.Strickland dated Nov.15, 1940 was read and the Clerk
was instructed to write Mr. Strickland that he would have to have the per-
mission of the property owner before Council could grant permission for
him to erect a fruit stand on the Strand Road where it intersects the State
Highway and that the Stand must be off the State Right of jay.
Councilman Southard moved that the Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to
purchase for the Town and have erected at Ridgewood and Park Aires. one
three light traffic Signal from '<'.S .Darley and Co. , it being their No. C811
with a timing o cle of 40-5-20 seconds and that the two light signal be
returned to them for an allowance of $25.00 , the Town to pay the freight,
the total cost not to exceed $65.00 , seconded by Councilman Renwick and by
vote declared CARRIED.
The clerk was requested to write the Jacobsen Manufacturing Co. to ascertain
if they could arrange a demonstration of their mower scythe.
Councilman Southard moved that the 1940 State and Ca;unty Taxes be paid on
the following Town owned lots;
Knapp Sub. , Lot 5. G. Alvarez Grant, Lot 35 AA
Raulerson Sub. , Lot 5. G. Alvarez Grant , Lots 35M and 35N.
Yelcka Terr, Sub. , Lots 1 and 2, B l.A. G.Alvarez grant,Lots 35E to 35L Incl
Yelcka Terr. Sub. , Lots 1 and 2, B 1.B. G.Alvarez Grant,Lots 35-0 to 351 Inc.
G.Alvarez Grant,E.141'of N.187'Lot 39F and W.135' of Lot 39A.
Fernald and Chadwick Replat, Lots 19 , 19A and 20.
Hart Sub. ,Lots 4 and 5, B1.. 1.
Highland Shores Sub. , Lot 3,Bl.A,Sec.1,Lot 1, Bl.C,Sec.1,Lots 4,5,6, and 7,
B1.B Sec.2, Lots 9 ,11 to 15 Incl. ,B1.B ,Sec.2, Lots 1:3,6,7 and 10 ,B1.C,Sec.2
Lot 8,B1 .D. ,Sec.2,Lots 4,6 and 7,B1.E,Sec.2, Lots 17 and 18 ,B1.A,Sec. ,
S.1/3 Lots4,5 and 6,Lots 13 and 14,B1.B ,Sec.3,Lots 4 ,5,19 ,20 and 21, Bl.C,
and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign vouchers in the sums of
;63.03 and$95.86 for this payment, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by
vote declared CARRIED.
Councilman Southard moved that the Clerk be authorized to procure from the
County Clerk's Office a certified copy of the plat of yelcka Terrace Sub. ,
to complete the Plat Book File of Yelcka Torr. Sub. , seconded by Council-
man Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED.
Councilman Southard moved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to procure
from the State title to Lot 16, Block A, Sec. 3, Highland Shores Sub. ,
seconded by Councilman Renwick and by Vote declared CARRIED.
Cr, a- ter.
Minutes of November 19 , 1940. Page 3.
The condition of vacant lots was discussed and the Clerk was instructed to
write to the owners of the properties located East of Park Place and
between Pine Bluff Street and Palmway and request these property Owners to
clean their lots to elimanate n fire hazzard.
The condition of Riverview Drive was discussed and the building of a road
by Marl and Shell.
Councilman Southard moved that three yards of Marl be bought and shell be
hauled from the Long Dock to repair the road or a small portion of it as
an experiment to determine whether this would be a satisfactory repair,
seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED.
Councilman Southard moved that we do adjourn, seconded by Councilman
Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 10:30 P .M.
Mayor Councilman. R !�
Town Clerk.