12-17-1940 - Regular '`rrw► "wrr'' REGULAR MEETING OP THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD IN V.I .A. HALL ON DECEMBER 17, 1940. Meeting called to order at 7:35 P .M. by Mayor Councilman F.R.Renwick. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman. . '.R.Renwick. Present. Councilman. ': .T.Goodyear. Absent. Councilman. 0 .E.aouthard. Present. Clerk. alter C .Fuller. Present. Attorney. J.U.Gillespie. Present. • . arshall.. Horace King. Present. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the meetings of December 3rd and 10th were read whereupon Councilman Southard moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read; Clerks Miss. Cash, 03.10 J.O .Birch, Printing 46.50 J.C.M.Valentine, Yelcka 'Tarr. Plat #1.50 J.S.Bates , *1.36 Labor on Playgrounds, Leo King, *2.20 Henry Dixtn 42..20 Lenten Connell 01.40 Salaries , F.R.Renwick, 43.00 W.T.Goodyear, 41.00 O .E.Southard, .00 Horace King, Marshall for month of December 040.00 Walter C .Full`r, Clerk for month of December 050.00 Whitney Hardware Co , 41. 51 Roy Mills, street Signs , 06.30 Frank Lee, Abstractors Fee on Lots sold 44.00 Councilman Southard moved that these bills be approved, paid as read and be made a part of these minutes and that the Marshall and Clerk be paid after the 25th , seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The Mayor reported that he had met Mr. McBride of the State Highway Dept. and together they had noted those trees Which were dangerous to traffic. The Highway Dept. would remove those, if authorized to do so by Council. Mr. Durdeen was also seen in reference to caution signs and he suggested that amber cat eye lights be installed on the North and South Lanes of traffic in stead of painted diagonal lines. lie agreed to do this without any cost to the Town. Councilman Southard suggested that the property owners in front of whose property trees were to be removed be consulted before the work was done. Action was defered until Council could view the five trees located along the Highway from the Canal to Evergreen st. and pne opposite the Willcox property. The Marshall and mr. Brown were requested to move the Cautitn Signs to new locations,i.e. the north one to a postion just North of the concrete culvert and 111 from the edge of the paved road and the South one to a postion South of Palmway and close to a concrete culvert. At this time the regular order of business was suspended and Ordinances were declared in order. Ordinance No. 92 entitled "AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING HEALTH CERTIFICATES OF EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES IN CERTAIN PUBLIC PLACES AND FORBIDDING THE EMPIOYi ENT OF PERSONS WITH CONTAGIONS OR COMMUNICABLE DISEASES THEREIN AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIONS THEREOF." was read in full. Councilman Southard moved that Ordinance No. 92 be passed upon first readigg seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Nome eme Minutes of December 17 , 1940. Page 2. Councilman Southard moved that the requirement of reading Ordinance eo. 92 on second reading be waived and that said ordinance be placed upon final passage, seconded by councilman Aenwick and by vote declared unanimously CARRI 1. :hereupon it was moved by Councilman Southard, seconded by Councilman Renwick, that Ordinance No. 92 be passed and adopted and a roll call being taken on this motion resulted as follows; Ilayor Councilman. F.R.Renwick. yes. Councilman. i .T.Goodyear. Absent. Councilman. O .E.aouthard. Yes. Attorney Gillespie was requested to prepare an Ordinance limiting parking of automobiles in front of the Post Office to 19 minutes and present at the next meeting of Council. Also to prepare a tentative list of the maximum amounts the Town can charge in accordance with the State Law, for Occupational and Business Licenses. The regular order of .business was resumed. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The Clerk reported that only two owners had cleaned their lots in the section bounded by the Strand, Palmway, Park Place and Pine Bluff Street. de was re- quested to write the two owners who had not cleaned and advise them of the law governing in such cases. Progress was reported on Street signs and their probable completion before tie the next meeting of council. Shipment of Power Mower was made December 9th and the Traffic Light on Dec.16. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COTTEES . The Playground Committee reported an expenditure of 033.30 to date for equip- ment. That 3 horseshoe courts had been installed and that grounds and games were open every day for at least 5 hours. gar. Gunthrop reported that a per- menent committee should be appointed of which at least two should be members of Council. A considerable discussion was had as to the costs of materials for shuffe board, bowling and tennis courts and councilman Southard was delegated to obtain some definite information. Council agreed to pay Kay Lofton for one days work on erecting and placing equipment. COMMUNICATIONS . The Clerk reported having received a letter dated Dec. 9 , 1940 from Mary L. Ackley offering the Town some lots and that the letter was answered suggesting that she check with the clerk of Circuit Court to ascertain if they were not now owned by the State. UNFINISHED BUSINESS . The Clerk was authorized to delegate some person to look after the Town' s interest in Lot 16, :31. A, Sec. 3, Highland Shores Sub. when the auction of properties advertised took place in DeLand on January 6th, 1941. The Town's bid not to exceed 020.75. NEW BUSINESS. COUITCILM N Southard moved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a Contract to purchase for Gladys McMillan to purchase Lot 11, Block E , Sec. 1, Highland Shores Sub. for the sum of :e50.O0 , payable e10.00 down and .e8.00 per month for five months with 6% per annum on the unpaid balance , seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Southard moved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a deed for the e North 187' of the East 141' of Lot 39 F, Ass'rs Sub. G.Alvarez Grant"to Paul and Pauline Brewer as they had completed the payments for this property, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Minutes of December 17 , 1940. NEW BUSINESS Continued. Councilman Southard moved that the Clerk be authorized to issue a Permit to George L.Bailey to keep onepig on " N.3731 of W . 400' of Lot 4 L. , Assrs Sub. of G.Alvarez Grant." , seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote de- clared CARRIED. The offer of Geo. E Lear to purchase Lots 16, 17 and 18 , Bl. A, Sec. 3, Highland Shores for the sum of 4150.00 was rejected. Councilman Southard moved that the W. 125` of Lot 39 A. , Ass' rs Sub. of G. Alvarez Grant be sold to 'i` .u .Brown for the sum of 450.00 payable 45.00 down and : 5.00 per month for nine months with interest on the unpaid monthly balance at the rate of 6/ per annum, the Mayor and the Clerk being hereby authorized to sign a contract for purchase, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Southard moved that Mr. Brown be authorized to make a street drag at a cost not to exceed 46.00 , seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Southard moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 10:25 P .M. Mayor Councilman. e2 1c9 1;. Councilman. • Councilman. .A ��TTLST s CT1 • Town Clerk.