01-07-1941 - Regular -.' Ire+ I / REGULAR MEETING OF THE .TOWJN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGE': ATER, FLORIDA, IIEID IN V.I .A. HALL ON JANUARY 7th, 1941. Feeting called to order at 7:30 P .M. by Mayor Councilman F.R.Renwick.. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman. F.R.Renwick.. Present . Vouncilman. T.Goodyear. ( resent . Councilman. O .E .Southard. Absent. - Clerk. Walter C. 'uller. Present . Attorney. S.U.Gillespie. Present. Marshall. Horace King. Present. READING OF (LUTES . The minutes of the meeting of December 17th, 1940 were read whereupon Councilman Renwick moved that they he approved as read, seconded by Councilman Goodyear and. by vote declared CARRIED. BILIS AD ACCOUNTS . . The following Bills were read ; J.O .Birch, Printing, $3.50 T .C.Brown, Labor and Truck on Street ::ork,Dec.l6 to 31st ,$50.00 S .J.Colee ,.Jaterial and work for road scraper $7 .50 Z.Nowicki , Gas and Oil for Power Mower $2.03 hitney Hardware Co. , Herds,are for Traffic switch box and( $1.62 street signs ( Clerks Miss. Cash, Freight , Nails , Lettering, Postage and Notary $8.76 Sears , Roebuck and Co. , Breif Case 45.16 Southern Bell Telephone Co. , Clerk' s Phone and Tolls 43.16 Horace king, Marshall' s Phone to Jan.26th $2.55 City of New Smyrna Beach, StreetLights for January , 75.23 Hall Lights to Dec . 18 2.04 $77.27 C.S.Pa.ul, County Tax Collector,1940 Taxes on Lots llE ,12C and 23D ,Sec.1,H.S . aub. :;;4.03 J.J.Lofton, Placing and Erecting 10 Street Sign Posts $3.50 Yew Smyrna News Co . , Office Supplies . 4 1.00 Councilman Goodyear moved that these bills be approved, paid as read and be made a part of these minutes , seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The Mayor reported a case in Court for Drunkenness and sentence passed as 10 Days in Jail; also reported on materials "to patch Streets . The Clerk read his Statement of C.nsh Received and Disbursed and a Budget Statement for the Month of December 1940. Councilman Goodyear moved thatthese reports be approved and be made a part of these minutes , seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared Carried . The Clerk further reported thht the new street signs were 95% complete , that the new traffic light was hung in place on Monday December 30th, 1940 and that Special Switch for the amber light was- placed in operation on January 5th, 1941. Also that the balance of the lots in the area bounded by Park Place , The Strand, Palmway and Pine Bluff Streetswere being cleaned by the Owners in accordance with Council' s request. The Marshall reported that the newTraffic Light was causing a better obser- Vance of the law at the Highway and Park Ave. He suggested that the signs and the lines on the Highway be repainted and that the Fire Lanes in the South end of Town be disced. Council ordered the Marshall to have the signs painted and the Fire Lanes Disced , the paint to be bought locally. ■ Minutes of January 7, 1941, Page 2 . OFFICERS REPORTS continued. The Attorney reported on his investigation of State Law regarding Occupation- al Licenses and presented. a list of the amounts the State charged for these Licenses with the provision that the Town could charge 50% of the amount charged by the State. The List forms a part of these minutes. CO LLLL"t NI CATIONS . Letter dated Jan. 6 , from ', .D.Arnettwas read requesting that drainage ditch thru the Lutz property be cleaned to relieve the water on his property. Councilman Goodyear moved that the Marshall investigate and if two days work will do the job then he is authorized to have the work done , seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. ORDINANCES . Ordinance No. 93 entitled "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE PARKING OF MOTOR VEHICLES ON RIDGE IOOD AVENUE IN EDGE WATER., FLORIDA AND PR+'SCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS . " was read in full. Councilman Goodyear mowed that Ordinance No. 93 be passed upon first reading, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Goodyear moved that the requirement of reading Ordinance No. 93 on second reading be waived and that said Ordinance be placed upon final passage , seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. Whereupon it Was moved by Councilman Goodyear, seconded by Councilman Renwick, that Ordinance No. 93 be passed and adopted and a roll call being taken on this motion resulted as follows ; Mayor Councilman. F.R.Renwick. Yes. Councilman. W.T .Goodyear. Yes. Councilman. O.E.Southard. .absent. ORDINANCE NO . 94 entitled " AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE PUNISHMENT OF THOSE CONVICTED OF VIOLATING TO''=N ORDINANCES AND AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYMENT AT MANUAL LABOR OF PERSONS SO CONVICTED ." was read in full. Councilman Goodyear moved that -Ordinance No. 94 be passed upon first reading, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Goodyear moved. that the requirement of reading Ordinance No. 94 on second reading be waived and that said Ordinance be placed upon final passage, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. Thereupon it was moved by Councilman Goodyear, seconded by Councilman Renwick, that Ordinance No. 94 be passed and adopted and a roll call being taken on this motion resulted as follows; Mayor Councilman. F.R.Renwick. Yes. Councilman. V. .T .Goodyear. Yes. Councilman. 0 .E.Southard. Absent. A Resolution autorizing the Town Clerk to cancel 1940 Town Taxes on lots 12, Block C and 28 , Block D in Sec. 1, Highland Shores Sub. was introduced and read in Full. Councilman Goodyear moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Renwick and adopted the roll call being as follows ; Mayor Councilman. F.R.Renwick. Yes. Councilman. W.T .Goodyear. Yes. Councilman. O .E .Southard. Absent . A copy of the Resolution is attached and forms a part of these minutes. MAPINISHED BUSINESS . The Mayor reported that all the property owners along the Highway in front of whose property trees were to be removed as dangerous to traffic, had not been seen and the matter was continued until the next meeting. In the matter of tree removal on the right of way of :>eilkinson Street , the Marshall was instructed to see Yr. Percy Longstead and yr. R.tHubbell about the removal of trees for the wood tith the provision that the stump also be removed. Jsnutes of January 7th, 1941. Page 3.' UNFIN SHED BUSINESS . Continued. A letter dated Jan. 2, 1941 from. Jarties F. Costello , Treas . of the Jacobsen Manufacturing Co. was read. It was reported that the machine sent for demon- stration had been fully tested and that it was suitable for the work to be done. Councilman Goodyear moved that the Power Mower Scythe be purchased from the Jacobsen Manufacturing Co. at their price of $285.00 less 10% for cash plus the freight , seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared unamiously CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS . Councilman Goodyear moved that the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to sign a quit Claim Deed to Lot 15, Block A, Sec . 3, '-highland Shores Sub. to George E. Lear for the sum of 25.00 cash, seconded by Council man Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Council instructed the Clerk to write Mr. McBride, State Highway Dept. Ma.in- tence Engineer, requesting that the turn outs from the Highway to Lamont St. , Park Ave. , Turgot Ave. , and a hole on the East Side of the Highway South of Sanchez Ave. be repaired to eliminate a dangerous condition. Councilman Goodyear moved that the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to sign a contract to purchase by James F. and Veronia Godward for Lots 8 ,9 and 22, Block D, Sec. 1, Highland Shores Sub. , for the sum of $150.00 payable $50.00 Down and the balance in monthly, payments with 6% on . the unpaid balance, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared. CARRIED. Councilman Goodyear moved that we have the roof of the V.I .A. Hall repaired at a cost not to exceed $35.00 , the Clerk to make the necessary arrangements , seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Goodyear moved that the Clerk purchasethree flares at a cost not to exceed 87 cents each, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Council requested the Clerk to write T .E . ioore to have his lot cleaned and also ordered the bridge on Oakridge Ave. to be repaired by Mr. Brown. Councilman Renwick moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Good- year and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 10:02 P .M. Mayor Councilman. Councilman. _ ■ , . ATTEST: . Councilman. Town Clerk. TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERKtS CASH STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD OF .DEC . 1st to 31st, 1940. Cash on hand 492.1 General Fund in Bank $3467.30 Total General Fund *355 . 5 Delinquent Tax Fund p 6.52 _ Total Cash on Hand and in Bank ___- '"356 .9" COLLECTIONS Current Taxes $ 376.68 Delinquent Taxes 4. 50 Interest on Delinquent Taxes .47 Taxes not on Roll Licenses $ 11.50 Fines and Forfeitures Fees 0 3.00 Lot Cleaning $ 14.60 Property Sales and Contracts ; 55.00 Interest on Sales Contracts -.10 _ iss. income 1.74 Total Collections 467. 59 Total to be Accounted for 34033. 56 DISBURSEMENTS Streets $ 63.27 Street Lighting $ 75.23 Salaries 142.00 Legal and Elections 11.75 Mayors Court 2. 55 Office Expense 28.84 Emergency 58.76 Fire Department Lot Cleaning 1.05 Fines and Forfeitures Fees .50 Special Delinquent Tax Fund 4.00 Discount on Taxes 12.10 Total Disbursements 400.05 Cash on Hand and in Bank at Closing December 31, 1940. Cash on Hand $ 141.79 General Fund in Bank 43486.25 Delinquent Tax Fund 5.47 Total Cash on Hand and in Bank $3633.51 Total $4033.56 Of the General Fund in Bank there has been set aside for; Special Delinquent Tax Fund 0912.94 ATTEST: Town Clerk P ii # siiiiiiii) BUDGET s"PPROP RIj 1 :.6 . Report for the period: December 1st to 31st , 1940. ACCOUNT. APPROPRIATED. EMENDED. =MENDED. 1. STREETS . 41100.00 4 411.11 $ 688.89 2. STREET LIGHTING. 965.00 4 225.69 4 739.31 3. SALARIES . 1320.00 v 295.00 : 1025.00 4. LEGAL AND LECTL)N . 300.00 4 70. 50 $ 229.50 5. I:A.{ORS COURT . 50.00 q; 7.65 $ 42.35 6. OFFICE E ESE. 275.00 4 162.94 4 112.06 7. EL RGENCY. 400.00 v 83.76 4 316.24 6. FIRE DEPAx'1Z ; :`1. 150.00 0 5.00 3 145.0o 9. LOT CI . I G. 50.00 4 ---- 4 50.00 TOTAL. 44610.00 41261.65 43348.35 ATTEST: GOZULA-1- "(------E-7 . Town Clerk. • , SCHEDULE. OF LIUNBES AS PROVIDED BY THE STATE LAW :;ellers of tangible personal property $25.00 Personal service -- $10.00 Manufacturing ------ $15.00 plus $1.00 for each person in excess of 10 employed and not over $100.00. Maintaining or operating agricultural enter- prise for another person $10.00 plus $1.00 for each person in excess of 5 employee and not over $25.00. Dealing in intangible personal property $25.00 Professions ------ ------ ------ $10.00 Contracting ----------- $25.00 Private schools ,;10.00 Renting advertising space on vehicles -$1.00 per Conducting a bankrupt sale $250.00 Itinerail* junk_Waxars7---- $10.00 Coin operated machines -$6.00 Sod each machine operated alone; $2.00 each if operated in connection with the business. Amusement devices 5.00 each Boarding houses and hotels for ten or more persons , $.50 for each room. Fortune tellers - $100.00 Dance floors $100.00 Real estate brokers $10.00 plus $5.00 for each salesman Gas plants $25.00 Junk Dealers - $50.00 Pawn brokers shows $26.00 per day when admission charge is $.50 or more. 315.00 per day when admission is betw,n 250 and 500-..$10.00 per day - hen leas than 260 (reserved seat charge included) I 'mow• Circuses, etc. , dmission includink:, re- served soate between 260 and 5OØ--- - $7.50 Less thin 250 ---$5.00. Theatrical show in ith regard to shows, Act o ' 1937 auti;orizes the tax to be calculated on baaie of 2op- ulation of municipality within five Therefore Ldgewater comes within the bracket c 3nyrna peach. Any other shows up to ', (s3.00