03-18-1941 - Regular REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA HELD IN V. I . A. HALL ON MARCH 18, 1941. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P .M. by Vice-Mayor W.T.Goodyear. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman. H.R.Renwick. Absent. Councilman. W.T .Goodyear. Present. Councilman. O .E.Southard. Present. , Clerk. Walter C .Fuller. Present. Attorney. J.U.Gillespie. Present. Marshall. Horace King. Present. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the meeting of March4, 1941 were read. Councilman Southard moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Councilman Goodyear and by vote declared CARRIED. BITLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read: Clerks Miss. Cash, $2.25 H.B .Mayer, Rebuilding 18" Underwood Typewritter $12.00 Salaries; F.R.Renwick 1.00 W.T .Goodyear. 2.00 0 .E.Southard ' Horace King, month of March $40.00 Walter C.Fuller, month of March $50 .00 Cleaning up papers on Highway, H.Sharp, 1.10 T .C.Brown, Labor and Truck,Mar.l to 15th $50.00 Councilman Southard moved that these bills be approved, paid and be made a part of these minutes , seconded by Councilman Goodyear and by vote de- clared CARRIED. REPORTS OF OFFICERS . The Clerk reported that he had heard from three persons invited to serve on the Recreation Board and that they had accepted. He was instructed to invite Mrs. A.R.Hoyt to serve. ORDINANCES. The Attorney read an ordinance. relative to digging up .Streets and he was instructed, after a discussion, to rewrite so that no bond would be required. Lists showing Classifactions and maximum prices allowed to be charged by the Town for Occupational Licenses under the State Law were given each member of Council. The question of a Sanitary Code was tabled until the next meeting of Council. UNFINISHED BUSINESS . The matter of cleaning the Drainage Ditch was held over to the next meeting. Councilman Southard moved that the Clerk send a ten day notice to clean lots,to the owners of Lot 9 , Block D, Yelcka Terr. Sub. , Lots 201 to 207 Incl. , Hawks Park Land Co. Sub. , and that if owners do not clean that the Town have these lots cleaned and the cost charged against the properties in accordance with the Ordinances of the Town, seconded by Councilman Goodyear and by vote declared CARRIED. �� ouncilman Southard moved that the Clerk be authorized to send to the property . n Ridgewood Ave. letters requesting them to remove all advertising signs v46 on their properties, with a return card authorizing the Town to remove signs if necessary, seconded by Councilman Goodyear and by vote declared Carried. T .C .Brown reported on work done for the three months period that he had served the Town. The report was received and ordered made a part of the minutes. This report is attached. J . •. 4 Vey . Minutes March 18, 1941. Page 2. NEW BUSINESS. Councilman Southard moved that Mr. T .C .Brown be employed for a further period of one month at the same amount per month, seconded by Councilman Goodyear and by vote declared CARRIED. The Clerk was requested to obtain prices on the cleaning of Town Lots where such lots are thickly grown up with underbrush. Cpuncilman Southard moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Goodyear and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 9:16 P.M. Mayor Councilman. !� Councilman. 1-/� Councilman. ATTEST: _ l/ Town Clerk. „,,,„„t:ef , ,. A , ,, ,w.,,,,,5„,,,,,„ i F.-4,” 4,..4 4 * r i 1 ' ' 4 ' D I ° 04 i. 1ry ir _ / 94e/ II aA.,...44.‘ vt.....4,- .2,4..4 ,.., 3 e ,a.„46.....5 /mit, , c: i edit( a4,4.)„..014.4,5, 4 - ,i--A,-." iirkilv--m- . / -a ,, . , ! , r , , 61.1A:tdej,t,d, Aigj rh.‘...4_ tr-tcs ) ---------- 6 % aZgi,„,„.,. "-Z...,/ T ,, . 061-4-0.4,A.v5 , 3'#:417 G _ 0_ ems. o ,V 0, / r , /„.,,,,/ �,,. 0 k' 0 3, 9Jf cerg A- 0 .., nrivoin . rte' • 3 3 1 a4A-'dva-1,f Aid(en .0.4%,..eeli fiinthriAv?' /2,A.,. 1.4,a, 1 I *CIA q.,,,,.4., L4, a 3 r' j_avt,/ 1-16 ,A. /-14- o disti. 6 / ti -j.-- -A---i-A.4) Se y „„ . . . , ... ,.....? 9 I