04-01-1941 - Regular REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA HELD IN V.I.A. HALL ON APRIL 1, 1941. Meeting called to order at 7:38 P .M. by Mayor Councilman F.R.Renwick. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman. F.R.Renwick. Present. Councilman. w .T.Goodyear. Present. Councilman. O .E.Southard. Present. Clerk. Walter C .Fuller. Present. Attorney. J.U.Gillespie. Present. Marshall. Horace King. Present. READING OF MINUTES . The minutes of the meeting of March 18, 1941 were road whereupon Councilman Southard moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Councilman Goadyear and by vote declared CARRIED. BILLS AIW ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read: City of New Smyrna Beach, Street Lights for April $75.2 Hall Lights to March 19 2.04 New Smyrna Beach News 3.00 Southern Bell Telephone Co. , Clerks Phone 2.71 Marshalls Phone 2.48 ,c:65 Clerks Miss. Cosh, 5.70 Fire Call ParkA Park Place, J.S .Bates and Ray B^1lantyne 2.00 T .C .Brown, Labor and Truck Mar. 19 to Apr. 2 50.00 J.U.Gillespie, Retainer Fee for year 100.00 George O .Gunthrop 3.50 Councilman Goodyear moved that these bills be approved, paid and be made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. REPORTS OF OFFICERS . The Mayor presented a report of the trees to be removed from the Highway as being dangerous to traffic. A copy of the report is attacked and forms a part of these minutes. The Clerk read his bash Statement and a Statement of Budget Appropriations for the period March let to March 30th, 1941. Councilman Southard moved that these reports be approved and be made a part of these minutes , seconded by Councilman Goodyear and by vote declared CARRIED. The Mayor reported the service of Summons numbered 5299 returnable April 7th, 1941 in the suit of K.G.Lofton vs The Town of Edgewater. The Town Attorney Mr. J.U.Gillespie was given the summons and requested to handle at the proper time. The Marshall reported that he had a complaint about noise made by Chickens and was informed that this was no nuisance and that Council had no authority. The Marshall also asked about the painting of the Road Scraper and he was in- structed to have this done after the strand and Park Ave. had been scraped. Council instructed Mr. Brown to grade the Strand and Park Ave. when these streets were in the proper condition. The Marshall also reported to Council that Mrs. Swinney had requested a donation on the part of the Town for the Nursery School and particularly so that the five children from Edgewater could have transportation. Councilman Goodyear moved that A00 be contributed for April if not already otherwise for the month of May, seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. ." 4 • Minutes April 1, 1941, Page 2. The Clerk reported that all persons appointed on the Recreation Board had consented to serve but one. Council appointed Horace King and he accepted.. Council ordered payment of $3.50 to Mr. George Gunthrop as a contribution towards his expenses incurred in attending State meetings of Recreational Directors. Mr. E .J.Miller offered to supply shell to the Town delivered on Streets for $1.00 per yard. Mr. J.A.Babkirk residing on the Old County Road spoke on the necissity of making repairs South of Park Ave. so that this road is passable and safe to trazgl. Council agreed to view the conditions and consider at the next meeting. Mr. Brown was to see Perry Chapman about removal of logs on 'tpilkinson St. ORDINANCES . A Resolution relating to the removal of certain described and located trees on the Highway was read in full. Action was defered until the next . meeting. A Resolution creating a SPECIAL FORECLOSED PROPERTY FUND and canceling a resolution of Spetember 20, 1938 creating a Special Delinquent Tax Fund was read in full. Councilman Goodyear moved the adoption of the Resolution seconded by Council man Southard and passed unanimously the vote of the Council being as follows Mayor Councilmah. F.R.Renwick. Yes. Councilman. .W.T.Goodyear. Yes. Q ��,,�� d� " a �Councilman. O .E.Southard• Yes. Ordinance No. 95 entitle "AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PERMITS TO BE OBTAINED ._ FROM THE TOWN CLERK PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF AMT DITCHES, THE ERECTION OF ANY POLES . WIRES. OR THE INSTALLATION OF ANY PIPE OR DRAINS ON, ALONG OR UNDER ANY OF THE STREETS OR THOROUGHFARES OF THE TOXIN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, BY ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION AND LIKEWISE REQUIRING SUCH PERMITS PRIOR TO THE ERECTION OF ANY TEMPORARY STRUCTURE OF ANY KIND ON OR. ALONG SAID STREETS AND THOROUGHFARES AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF." was read in full. Councilman Goodyear moved that Ordinance No. 95 be passed upon first reading seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Goodyear moved that the requirement of reading Ordinance No. 95 on second reading be waived and that said Ordnance be placed upon final passage, seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. Whereupon it. was moved by Councilman Goodyear, seconded by Councilman Southard, that Ordinance NO. 95 be passed and adopted and a roll call being taken on this motion resulted as follows: Mayor Councilman. F.R.Renwick. Yes. Councilman. W.T.Goodyear. Yes. Councilman. O .E.Southard. Yes . Ordinance No. 96 entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ECTION SIX OF ARTICLE XV OF ORDINANCE NO. 75, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 84 OF THE TOWN OF EDGE WATER, FLORIDA, SO AS TO PRESCRIBE THE AMOUNT OF LICENSE TOBE PAID TO THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER FOR ALL TIMES OF BUSINESS CONDUCTED IN OR OPERATING IN THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, EXCEPTING DEALERS IN MILK, WATER, ICE, NEWS- - PAPERS, AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE RAISED BY THE SELTFR AND SOLD BY HIM." was read in full. Councilman Southard moved that Ordinance No. 96 be passed upon first reading seconded by Councilman Goodyear and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Southard moved that the requirement of reading Ordinance No.. 96 on second reading be waived and that said Ordinance be played upon final passage , seconded byCouncilman Goodyear and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. • Minutes of April 1, 1941, Page 3. ORDINANCES .Continued. Whereupon it was moved by Councilman Southard, seconded by Councilman Goodyear, that Ordinance No. 96 be passed and adopted and a roll call being taken on this motion resulted as follows: Mayor Councilman. F.R.Renwick. Yes. Councilman. W.T.Goodyear. Yes. Councilman. O.E .Southard. Yes. NEW BUSINESS. Councilman Goodyear moved that J.U.Gillespie be retained as Town Attorney for the year May 1, 1941 to May 1, 1942 at a salary of $250.00cpayable $100.00 now and $37,50 on Maylst, August 1st, November 1st and February 1st 1942 and that Mr. Herbert Fuller be accepted as his substitute while Mr. Gillespie is attending sessions of the State Legislature, it being under- stood that Mr. Gillespie would reimburse Mr. Fuller for his services, seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. Councilman Goodyear moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 11:08 P .M. Mayor Councilman. a?? Councilman« « Counci lman. ATTEST: Lkr-tLt ".- Ajft4. ,_"� Town Clerk. • • 100 TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERKS CASH STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD OF MARCH 1st to 30th, Incl, 1941 Cash on hand General Fund in Bank 45 . 2 Total General Fund $34717.8 2 X3571.32 Delinquent Tax Fund $ 6.77 fatal Cash on Hand and in Bank $3578.09 COLLECTIONS Current Taxes $ 189.48 Delinquent Taxes 2 $ 1.2g Interest on Delinquent Taxes Taxes not on Roll 5 Licenses 16.00 Fines and Forfeitures 25.00 Fees 3.34 Lot Cleaning Property Sales and Contracts 39.74 Interest on Sales Contracts .98 Mis. . Income. (Leas4 3.75 Cost of Del. Property 9.57 Total Collections $ 290.14 Total to be Accounted for $3868.23 DISBURSEMENTS Streets $ 103.98 Street Lighting 75.�3 Salaries 95.00 Legal and Elections Mayors Court 2.55 Office Expense 20.00 Emergency .50 Fire Department 5.00 Lot Cleaning Fines and Forfeitures 19.00 Fees 1.00 Special Delinquent Tax Fund 173.90 Discount on Taxes Tax Certificate Redeemed 3.74 Total Disbursements $ 500.70 Cash on Hand and in Bank at Closing Cash on Hand $ 139.98 General Fund in Bank $3218.44 Delinquent Tax Fund 9.11 Total Cash on Hand and in Bank $3367. 53 Total $3868.23 Of the General Fund in Bank there has been set aside for; Special Delinquent Tax Fund $944.57 ATTEST: t.-{ Town Clerk ,k • • MAW APP3014111 ATM Aeport ror the porta March 1st to 30th Incl. , 1941. 4120—Z=f1. le Iltreete* . $1017.28 $ 82.72 J. ;trent 1444:ting* $ 965.0o $ 451.38 $ 513.62 30 n3arte3. $ 578.00 $ 742.00 4* Latrl nna •kaectiom* t *3004,40 $ 113.75 $ 186.25 • '71kyors ':;ourt. 50000 $ 15.30 $ 34.70 6* Off-T.c.,;; ,275.W4 $ 217.53 $ 57.47 7. ..;;imergeric;* 400•00 $ 89.26 3 310.74 Arso "epyrtuotte 25O, C 3 12.00 3 138.00 9* Lot tlevIing* $ ---- 3 (5220_,L,) Tottae* $2494.50 $2115.50 TtrAu Clot. SUILIOWIR9 LIDT ABU Weill: lt7I 1JJ =brio L.IjWW. THE HIGHWA?, THAT WE CONSIDER DANGEROUS AND HAZARDOUS TO MOTORISTS: Lies oak tree, 157 Peet south of South Canal, west side Of mit 22 inches from pavement. Water Oak tree, 63 Peet north of Knapp Avenue, west side of roan 40 Inches from edge of pavement. Palmetto tree on southwest corner of SMapp Avenue about 36 inches from pavement. Cedar tree, 44 Peet south of Knapp Avenue, west side of row 54 inches from pavement . Palmetto tree, 168 Peet south of Knapp Avenue, west side of road, 18 inches from pavement. Palmetto tree, 168 feet south of Knapp Avenue, east s e of road, 18 inehes from pavement. 4r Hickory tree, 175 Peet south of Tea . t to at '10010 road, 8 Inches from pavement. Water Oak tree , 205 Feet south of e, east , , e of road, 34 inches from pay Hickory tree, 30 feet a: ':rth of ,erg , Street , west side of road, 18 in - om 'vement. Taz Water 0• aces (Head) ; 8 Pe orth of Avergteen 4treet, west side of d. Although • k e is not close enough to pavement to be c ' dered a zero, , limbs have fallen from this tree obstruct 1. traff on two previous occasions. Hickory Tree, feet north of Zvergrees Street, east sir3e of road, 28 Inches from pavement . Bay Tree, 42 Net North of 2vergreet4 Street , Sast side of road 23 inches from pavement . Water Oak (Center Decayed) about 250 feet south of Everp een St. east side of road, in front of E. H. Lohman property. Although this tree is not close enough to edge of pavement to be consid- ered hazardous, however, the decayed condition of this tree liable to fall across the highway during a high wind, we deem it advisable to remove this tree. Palm Tree, about 150 feet south of Pune Bluff Street , east side 34 inches from pavement . Pine Tree, just south of Culvert south of Pine Bluff Street, east side, 32 inches from pavement . rge pins tree west site of road in front of Wilcox property Just south of above pine tree.