08-19-1941 - Regular `r■..- tip, + _ ,� REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OP THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD IN V.I .A. HALL ON AUGUST 19, 1941. Meeting called to order at 7:33 P .M. by Mayor Councilman '.R.Renwick. ROMS, CALL. Mayor Councilman. F.R.Renwiek. Present. Councilman. ' .T.Goodyear. Absent. Councilman. O .E .Southard. Present. Clerk. Walter C .Fuller. Present. Attorney. J.u.Gillespie. Present Marshall. Horace King. Present. READING OF MINUTES . The minutes of the meeting of August 5th were read whereupon Councilman Southard moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote dedlared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS . The following bills were read: New Smyrna Hardware Co. , 41.80 Mowing Streets and hauling Shell. Leo King,Aug.6 to Aug.19 17.13 William H.Sharpe, Aug.6 to Aug.19 14.73 Frank Lee, Mimeographing 3.75 Clerks Miss. Cash. 4.02 Horace King, Phone. 2.4o dlorida East Coast Railway. 1.00 Salaries: F.R.Renwick. .00 O.E.aouthard. 3.00 `,';alter Culler 50.00 Horace King. 40.00 New Smyrna Sheet Metal Works 2.50 Sears Roebuck and Co. 8.01 Jacobsen Manufacturing Co, 9 .47 Day Nursery 4.00 New Smyrna Daily news. 1.90 J.S .Bates. 5.45 J.U.Gillespie. 75.00 Councilman Southard moved that the bills be approved , paid and be made a part of these minutes, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declar- ed CARRIED. OFFICERS REPORTS . The Mayor reported that Engineer Gunn would survey Park Ave. and set grade stakes for the sum of 415.00, that progress was being made on the filling of holes in the streets. he instructed the Marshall to remove a limb on Knapp Ave. East of the highway. It was decided to obtain an estimate for a survey of Knapp Ave. , Lamont Street and Park Ave. The Clerk was instructed to write gar. Thomas, .:Laintenance Engineer, State Highway Dept. , in reference to a broken Post at Lamont Street and Ridgewood Ave. and to holes it the edges of the paved road opposite the Post Office. The Marshall reported that Mower parts ordered had not been received. he requested information of Council as to the cleaning up of the cut grass and weeds; whether to rake up and haul off or to burn. He also reported that the roof on the Emma Brady property was half shingles and half iron. The Attorney reported that he,after a complete investigation, had reached the conclusion that the best way to control the Dog nuisance was by means of a Dog License and to forbid the running at large of vicious dogs or female dogs in heat. He reported that the Engineer for the Mosquito Control would have to have more time to prepare a drainage plan. M r Minutes of August 19 , 1941, Page 2. ORDINANCES . Ordinance iio. 98 entitled " AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TOW COUNCIL TO DECLARE CERTAIN BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES NUISANCES AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE DESTRUCTION AND REMOVAL OF THE SAME, IN THE TOWN OF EDGE' ATER, FLORIDA AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION 'HEREOF." was read in full. Councilman Southard moved that Ordinance loo. 98 be passed upon first readiig sCConded by councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Douthard Moved that the requirement of reading Ordinance No. 98 on second reading be waived and that said Ordinance be placed on final passage, seconded by councilman Renwick and by vote declared unanimously CArd{IED. '.'hereupon it was moved by Councilman Southard, seconded by Councilman Renwick, that Ordinance Igo. 98 be passed and adopted and a roll call being taken on this motion resulted as follows; Mayor Councilman. F.R.xenwick. Yes. Councilman. O .E .Southard. des. Councilman. W.T .Goodyear. Absent. UNFINISHED BUSINESS . Attorney Gillespie reported that all the Right Of Way Contracts had been signed except eight. The Clerk reported on the cost of changing the name on the Street signs on Riverside Drive. councilman Southard moved that the clerk be authorized to have the street signs repainted and relettered at a cost not to exceed x6.00, seconded by Council man Renwick and by vote declared cARk(IED. NEW BUSINESS . Council received reports on the stealing of chickens from the Sargent pro- pertyfrom F.C.Cory , the aarshall and J.S.ibates. Attempt was made Aug.l7th. councilman Southard moved that the Clerk be authorized to purchase 500 lax Roll forms from the Commercial Printing Co. at a cost not to exceed 47.00, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. MISSCELLAIvEOUS BUSINESS . Attorney Gillespie filed a letter dated August 18th in which he advised Council that the case of K.G.Lofton vs 'Town Of Edgewater was closed in that the court had entered an Order of Dismissal. The Council instructed the Marshall to burn the heavy weeds cut and to leave the light weeds lay. Councilman Southard moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 10:30 P .M. Mayor Councilman. /. 4-10,7,/ councilman. Councilman. -' J'0' ATTEST: lir Town Clerk.