12-06-1988 CITY OF EDGE WATER SCREENING C SI'ri'tl: December 6, 1988 7:00 p.m. CITY HALL MINUTES The meeting of the Screening Committee of the City of Edgewater was called to order by the Chairman, Thomas Sheridan, at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference ROOM of City Hall. ROLL CALL Members present were: Wallace Mickey, Dominick Fazzone, James W. Bonneville, William C. Hof fart and 'Thomas L. Sheridan. Also present during the course of the evening were applicants for the various openings on the Board, including Mrs. Jean Haughwout, Mrs. Lilian Bond-Nelson, Mrs. Nancy J. Swiney, Mr. Joseph Martin, Mr. Galen R. McClain, Mr. David R. Koch, Mrs. Karen Grasberger and Mrs. Daneen E. Read. Mr. Sheridan announced the first applicant is for reappointment to the Library Board, Mrs. Jean Haughwout. Mr. Sheridan asked if Mrs. Haughwout had any long range plans for the Library and she answered she doesn't at this point; that the brand new library has to be put in operation and work out any kinks there may be. Mrs. Haughwout said the library has more than doubled. Mrs. Haughwout also said the children are using the library more and more because of its new location. The Carinittee agreed Mrs. Haughwout certainly has an impressive record as to her work with the library. Mrs. Lilian Bond-Nelson was called next and Mrs. Bond-Nelson is also being considered for reappointment to the Library Board. Mr. Sheridan stated he wanted to thank Mrs. Bond-Nelson and all the ladies for the wonderful job they are doing at the library. Mr. Sheridan asked if there are any programs to be exapnded to take care of the younger children and Mrs. Bond-Nelson said she didn't think so, as the more children there are it automatically expands; that there has been an incredible increase in the use by the children. Mrs. Bond-Nelson stated the new building should be sufficient for the present but it is impossible to foresee and we will just hope for the best. There being no further questions by the Committee, the secretary announced Mrs. Daneen H. Read, a third applicant for the Board, will be interviewed later this evening, as she had to attend a class before caning in to be interviewed. Mr.Sheridan announced the next applicant is Mrs. Nancy J. Swiney, who is being con- sidered for reappointment to the Police Pension Board. Mr. Sheridan welcomed Mrs. Swiney to the interview and asked if she could see any way in improving or making better the conditions and Mrs. Swiney stated she believes the Board's function as she sees it is to help the Council in making any recommendations, and her personal goal is to see the benefit structure and plans for the police officers are improved as we lost too many good people, after training them and breaking them in; that they go on to better paying jabs, not only better paying but better benefits in the long run. Quite a discussion continued as to attracting the best caliber people and retaining them. Mrs. Swiney also stated she believes the Chief deserves a lot of credit, as he has helped the morale and is doing his level best to provide the right working atmosphere. Mrs. Swiney said she believes the Pension Board 's goal is to try and make the best canbination of the funds that are available to provide the right kind of benefits needed on an immediate basis as to health insurance, disability insurance, and that type of thing. Mr. Sheridan then thanked Mts. Swiney for caning in. Mr. Sheridan announced Mr. Borzner is also available for reappointment, but due to the fact he had just been interviewed it was not necessary to interview him again. Mr. Galen R. McClain was then introduced by Mr. Sheridan to the Committee. Mr. Sheridan asked Mr. McClain his reason for wanting to serve on the Industrial Board, and Mr. McClain said he hasn't seen too many industries cane into town and he believes he.can help. Mr. Sheridan asked Mr. MMClain's opinion as to annexing land as an incentive to bring in non-polluting industries, and Mr. McClain said he would have to look into living conditions for employees, school conditions, etc. r Mr. McClain explained to the Committee various ways several states have of trying to bring industry into a community, such as tax write-offs and tax incentives. Being a newspaper man, Mr. McClain stated he would be very familiar with marketing research . Mr. Sheridan said he understands the Industrial Board is preparing a package to present to the Mayor and Council for Industrial Development which is supposed to be very interesting. Quite a discussion followed as to various industries in large cities. There being no further questions of Mr. McClain, Mr. Sheridan thanked him for caning in to be interviewed. Mr. David R. Koch was then introduced by Mr. Sheridan to the Committee and Mr. Sheridan asked of Mr. Koch just why he would be interested in serving on the Industrial Board. Mr. Koch stated he would like to be active in the community where he works and believes he might be helpful in bringing jobs into the community because of his background. Mr. Koch said he does not live in the community but plans to do so when his wife has completed her schooling. Mr. Koch says he does not have any long range plans for the community but does wish there would be more of the Boston Whaler type of industry but once he got on the Board he would work hard to bring about any improvements. Mr. Sheridan then asked Mr. Koch's opinion as to a very important idea of Mr. Koch's being shot dawn by the Board, just how would he react, and Mr. Koch said he would have to go along with the majority, once a decision had been reached; he would not fight or bicker with the members. A discussion continued as to various ideas for bringing industry to the area, and Mr. Koch stated he could envision a company with 100 or 150 employees; that would be his target. Mr. Sheridan thanked Mr. Koch for caning in to be interviewed. Karen Grasberger was then introduced by Mr. Sheridan. Mr. Sheridan asked Karen's reason for serving on the Merit Board, and she stated her personal reasons are, people who have problems deserve to have someone listen, and she understands the Merit Board is here for the employees if a problem arises. Mr. Sheridan explained the Merit Board has to do with the wage structure, benefits, the whole thing dawn the line as far as the employees are concerned and believes it is very, very important when employees have complaints they get with the right people . Mr. Sheridan then asked the question of Mrs. Grasberger's concept of a plan being rejected and Mrs. Grasberger said she would ask for other suggestions to make it acceptable, and would not take the rejection personally. She also stated being in the banking business, she can see no conflict of interest serving on the Board other than if the Board insisted on meeting on a regular basis during banking hours; otherwise, she could see no conflict. Mr. Sheridan thanked Mrs. Grasberger for caning in to be interviewed. Mr. Joseph D. Martin was introduced by Mr. Sheridan and asked his reasons for wanting to serve on the Industrial Board and he answered he understands the Industrial Board is to try and attract industries to the area and with an engineering background he believes he can be very helpful. Discussion continued as to the types of industry, including electronics; what type of transportation can be had for moving goods such as rail and waterway. Mr. Martin stated he believes Park Avenue would be very attractive because of the available land in that area; that he is very familiar with Massey Airport as he owns one of the industrial lots and is trying to get the County to let him put up a structure. He also stated he is very familiar with the County's requirements and D.E.R. and site plans, structures and storm water management. He stated again the Park Avenue area is one of the best to develop industrialwise because of available land, the abandoned railwy is there; and it would keep heavy traffic away from 442. The Committee agreed we do need members with vision and after discussion, Mr. Sheridan thanked Mr. Martin for caning in to be interviewed. Mrs. Daneen H. Read was introduced to the Committee by Mr. Sheridan who asked Mrs. Read to discuss her reason for wanting to serve on the Library Board. Mrs. Read stated she would like to became involved with things around the City which affect her and her children, as she has three school age children. She also stated she believes the Library has been very helpful with the children. Mr. Sheridan stated Mrs. Read's background seamed very suitable for the Library Board. Mrs. Read stated there is a lot of roan for expansion and during the few weeks • they have been opened quite a lot has been done. There being no further questions, Mr. Sheridan thanked Mrs. Read for coming in to be interviewed. Minutes submitted by Minutes of the Screening Dorothy C. Garrity, Committee Meeting of Secretary December 6, 1988 -2- 7— The Screening Committee had a short discussion on the excellence of all applicants applying for the various openings. Voting then commenced as follows: Library Board - Mrs. Jean Haughwaout and Mrs. Lilian D. Bond-Nelson were reappointed to serve on this Board. Police Pension Board - Mr. John Borzner and Mrs. Nancy J. Swiney were reappointed to serve on this Board. Industrial Board - Mr. Joseph D. Martin was selected to serve on this Board. Merit Board - Mrs. Karen Jean Grasberger was selected to serve on this Board. The secretary was asked to send these recommendations to Council for their approval. There being no further business before the Committee, Mr. Hoffart moved the meeting adjourn, seconded by Mr. Bonneville. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. i'. Minutes submitted by Minutes of the Screening Dorothy C. Garrity, Committee Meeting of Secretary December 6, 1988 -3- }