01-18-1989 4
January 18, 1989 7:00 p.m.
The meeting of the Screening Cammittee of January 18, 1989 was called to order
by the Chairman, Thomas Sheridan, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Conference
Members present were Dominick Fazzone, James Bonneville, William, Hoffart,
Wallace Trickey and 'Iharas Sheridan. Also present was Harry Jones, a member
of the Merit Board of the City of Edgewater.
Mr. Sheridan announced the purpose of the meeting this evening would be to
interview the two applicants for consideration of the vacancy on the Merit Board.
Mr. Sheridan explained the interviews were to have been held previously but
were cancelled due to illness of same members whereby a quorum would not be
present. Mr. Sheridan asked Mr. Jones his purpose for attending the meeting
and he explained he did want to listen in an the interviews so he could get to
know them as a possible member and perhaps help than to understand the duties of
the Board. The Committee agreed he could do this but the Screening Committee
would follow its usual procedure for interviews. A discussion was held as to
possible news items concerning disbandment of the Merit Board, and the
Caimittee agreed these items would not be discussed at this time and the
Committee would go on with the interviews.
Mr. Sheridan explained the procedure followed by the secretary and the Committee
in informing applicants who may be interested in serving on the various Boards
and Carmittees of the City.
The first applicant, Mrs. Darlene Vann, was called -in'for interview and
introduced to the Caron ttee me bers. Mr. Sheridan asked her to state her
reason for wanting to serve on the Board , which was answered on her res'rre
that she would like to be involved as a citizen in her government and help it
continue in a professional and positive manner and to grow in an organized
fashion. Mr. Sheridan asked the question of a pet project of hers being shot
down by the other marbers, and Mrs. Vann stated if they had good reasons to
Show why they wouldn't consider it, the majority would have to rule. Mrs. Vann
also stated being a real estate broker she would have to disqualify herself if
a question of a piece of property being pursued by the City would present itself.
There being no further questions from the Committee, Mrs. Vann was thanked for
caning in to be interviewed.
Mr. Marvin Owens was then introduced to the Committee. Mr.O wens stated he always
had an interest in the City, has lived here since 1978 and worked for the City
from 1979 to 1981 as a certified water treatment operator and was also a
voluntary fireman. He also stated he has worker] as a supervisor at times when
the supervisor was absent and is. very familiar with grievances of employees
as handled by the Merit Board. Mr. Owens also stated the City of Daytona does
not have a union; they have a Civil Service Board. The question of an issue to
Which he had spent a great deal of tire being rejected by the Board was asked of
Mr. Owens and he answered he weld look into the reasons for the resection and if
he felt very strongly about it may take further stcp6. Aitc :urther discussion,
Mr. Sheridan thanked Mr. Owens for corning in to be interviewed.
An in- depth discussion followed concerning the propriety of consent Agendas
and whether or not the Merit Board could be disbanded. The Chairman asked the
Committee to get back to the selection of an applicant for recarmendatian to
the Council to fill a vacancy on the Merit Board. The vote was in favor of
Mrs. Darlene Vann, 3-2 and the secretary was asked to send this recommendation
to Council.
Mr. Sheridan informed the Committee he would like to discuss a subject
concerning a letter dated July 22, 1988 fram Dennis W. Kelly, Interim
City Manager. The subject was "Council Action, Charter Review Carmittee"
and went on to state the July 18th, 1988 meeting of City Council had
accepted the recommendation of an ad hoc Charter Revision Carmitt.ee regarding
proposed amendments to the Chartc r and the Screening Ccrrrnittee was requested
to reccuuend five to seven members for the Charter Review Carruttee. It also
stated these citizens would be appointed for the purpose of researching and
recommending to City Council revisions necessary to the City Charter to bring
it up to date with the Florida Laws of local ordinances. The letter also
stated once a carrittee is appointed, a chairman will be selected and a
schedule developed to accomplish this objective with a plan to submit these
amendments to a referendum in April or May of 1989. Mr. Kelly continued
any questions concerning this subject were to be forwarded to him. Mr. Kelly
also suggested going with seven and two alternates if any of the seven should
drop vat at a later date.
Mr. Sheridan went on to explain Mr. Kelly, in the meantime, left the City and
Mr. Sheridan discussed this letter with Mr. Powers, who has an entirely
different idea and informed Mr. Sheridan the Screening Committee will not
screen anyone; that has been taken away from the Committee. Mr. Sheridan stated
he believes this is not right and he wants this on the record, as they should
have the cannon decency to send a letter to the Carrnittee that their services
were not needed.
Mr. Fazzone said he was at a Council meeting where three people were selected,
the City Manager, the City Attorney, and Gi Gi Bennington, Councilwoman; that
these three were then to select two citizens. After a serious discussion
as to why the Screening Committee is capable of selecting people for the
various Boards, why are they not capable of screening people for the
Charter Review Ccarnittee. Mr. Fazzone then moved a memo be sent to Mr.
William, Powers, City Manager, asking why the Screening Carrnittee has been
by-passed for selection of two citizens to the Charter Review Carri ttee, and
ask, also, this memo be read into the minutes of record. Nation was seconded by
Mr. Hoffart and CARRIED 5-0. The secretary was then instructed to send said
mere to the City Manager. Mr. Sheridan continued the Screening Carrsttee was
formed to take all the pressure from City Council but it sees that is not the
case as of today.
Mr. Jones explained to the Committee after the first of the yPa r, he had an
agreement with Mr. Powers he was to be given access to the records and go over
employment, procedures, advertising, how applications were received, etc. but
as of today, the Merit Board is to have nothing to do with the procedure
coming up as a consortium is to be formed to carry an this work.
The secretary was then instructed to send a letter of regret to Mr. Owen, stating
he will most certainly remain in the files for future recommendation. The
secretary also reminded the Ca ittee February is election month; a new Chairman
and Vice Chairman to be selected.
The secretary then informed the Carrittee there would be two vacancies on the
Land Development Regulatory Agency and two vacancies on the Industrial Board and
these vacancies would be advertised during the weeks of February 7th and February 1
14th, with February 21st being set for reviewing applications and February 28th
being set to interview applicants. This will have to be confirmed as to
There being no further business before the Carmittee, Mr. Bonneville moved the
meeting adjourn, seconded by Mr. Fazzone. The meeting then adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Minutes su, pitted by -2- Minutes of the January 18,
Dorothy C. Garrity, 1989 Meeting of the
Secretary Screening Committee
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