10-25-2012 CITY OF EDGEWATER RECREATION/CULTURAL SERVICES BOARD REGULAR MEETING Minutes October 25, 2012 6:30 P. M. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Tipton called to order the regular meeting of the Recreation/Cultural Services Board at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, October 25, 2012, in the Council Chambers, 102 N. Riverside Drive. ROLL CALL: Tom Tipton Present Michael Visconti Present Debra Sopko Present Walt Zakaluzny Excused Also present was Jack Corder, Director of Leisure Services, and Board Coordinator Barb Kowall. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the Regular Meeting of April 12, 2012, were presented for approval. MOTION by Mr. Visconti, SECOND by Ms. Sopko to approve the minutes of the Re,-ular Meetinz ofApril 12, 2012. MOTION PASSED 3-0 OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Visconti asked about the RR and Concession at Hawks Park and Mr. Corder explained it was ongoing and budgeted. Beautification Awards were discussed and the Board agreed to resume the awards next spring. NEW BUSINESS: Rail To Trails Trail Head—Rotary Park Mr. Corder spoke to the Board about the Rails to Trails, County Program. He explained the route which goes from the west part of the county, through Deltona, Mims and Osteen and ends at Dale St. across from Rotary Park. The Board discussed extensively making Rotary Park a Trail Head. This would help in upgrading the parking lot and restrooms and make Rotary more of an active park. MOTION by Mr. Visconti, SECOND by Ms. Sopko for the City to zo forward with promoting Rotary Park as a Trail Head for the Rails to Trails program. MOTION PASSED 3-0. Department Update Mr. Corder updated the Board members on the following: The Fall Festival and Haunted Forest with Trunk or Treat on October 27tH The 30th St. sidewalk/bikeway project is completed except for paperwork. City is pursuing a grant for sidewalks on U.S. 1. MISCELLANEOUS Mr. Tipton reminded everyone of the Christmas Parade on Dec. 8th on S.R. 442 at 10 a.m. He also wished to compliment Mr. Corder's Dept. for the fine job they do in the maintenance of the parks and feels the Dog Park at Rotary is a big hit. Mr. Corder noted that as of August 1st, the Animal Shelter is now run by the Glencoe Animal Hospital. Mr. Corder said that upcoming events would include "Rockin In The Park", a fund raiser for CUDAS UNHOOKED and a new event called "First Friday's Night Market" at Hawks Park. ADJOURNMENT The meeting ended at 7:30 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Barb Kowall