03-14-2001 ..... 'WI CITY OF EDGEW ATER Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting Wednesday, March 14, 2001 6:30 p.rn. Chairman Garthwaite called to order the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board at 6:30 p.m., March 14, 2001 in the Community Center, 102 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida. ROLL CALL Members present were Mr. Masso, Mr. Hellsten, Mr. Mullen, Mr. Vopelak, Chairman Garthwaite, and Mrs. Zeese. Mr. Y oukon was absent. Also present were Lynne Plaskett, Planning Director; Bonnie Wenzel, Planning Secretary; Pat Drosten, Board Coordinator; Tracy Crowe, Land Design Innovations. AFPROV AL OF MINUTES Mr. Masso made a motion to approve the minutes of February 14, 2001. Mr. Vopelak seconded. Motion PASSED 6-0. OLD BUSINESS VA-0005; VA-0006; VA-0007 - Friendly Shores Home Owner's Association, seeking a variance for lots 3, 17, and 33,2201 S. Ridgewood Avenue, Friendly Shores Mobile Home Park. This was a continuation from the December 13, 2000, January 10, 2001 and February 14, 2001 meetings. Staff is requesting a continuation to the April 11, 2001 meeting. Chairman Garthwaite asked if there were any questions or comments. There were no questions and the applicant was not in attendance. Mr. Masso made a motion to continue this case to the April 11, 2001 meeting. Mr. Hellsten seconded. The MOTION PASSED 6-0. RZ-oOOlp Louis Sage, authorized agent, requesting rezoning for property located at 108 Thomas Avenue; 1403 4th Street; and 1409 4th Street from R-3 single family residential to RP, residential professional office. Staff recommends continuance until April 11, 2001 meeting. Chairman Garthwaite asked if anyone had any questions for staff. There were no questions. Ms. Plaskett stated the staff was suggesting a continuance to next month as staff would ask the applicant to withdraw his petition to the Board. Mr. Mullen made a motion to continue to the April 11, 2001 meeting. Mr. Hellsten seconded. The MOTION PASSED 6-0. Planning & Zoning Board 03-14-01 1 ~ ...., NEW BUSINESS CU-0102. Jerry Finley, P.E., authorized agent, is requesting a conditional use for property located on the west side of N. Ridgewood Avenue, south of Pearl Street to allow construction of office buildings, mini-warehouses, and temporary outdoor storage facilities. Chairman Garthwaite opened the Public Hearing. Ms. Plaskett gave the staff report and background of this request. Mr. Vopelak asked what the esthetics of the project would be. Ms. Plaskett stated, she did not have any pictures to show the Board, but the owner has another facility in New Smyrna Beach and the buildings, and landscaping are very nice. Mr. Vopelak asked if the storage facilities were going to be on Ridgewood. Ms. Plaskett replied that the office buildings would be on Ridgewood and the storage facilities would be behind them. Chairman Garthwaite asked if the water and sewer supplied would be for each storage unit or the offices only. Ms. Plaskett stated the units would not have water or electric. They could have hose bibs outside the buildings, and are required to have bathroom facilities in a central location to accommodate their customers. They cannot have anything inside the unit" that would allow a person to set up a business. Jerry Finley, P.E., Port Orange, informed the Board that there was limited frontage on U.S. 1 and the office buildings would be seen, but the storage facilities will be all but hidden. He further noted that some of the units would be climate controlled. Mr. Finley continued saying that he was working closely with staff to meet the requirements of the mini~arehouse facility and to save over 100 trees on the site. Ms. Plaskett pointed out that there will be a six--foot (6') high chain link fence around the property and they will be planting Confederate Jasmine, which will create a visual barrier as well as the required landscaping. Mr. Hellsten asked for more information about deeding a portion of the property encroaching into the right-of.way on Old County Road to the City. Ms. Plaskett stated that the City Manager has asked that the owner deed that portion to the City. Discussion ensued regarding the two (2) phases of the project. Ms. Nannette Amalfitano, S. Riverside Drive, owns the property south of the proposed site and expressed concerns of water runoff to her property. Mr. Finley explained how the roof was pitched and that the area behind the facility will be left pervious so the water would drain away from Ms. Amalfitano's property and be retained on site. Ms. Amalfitano further asked if the property would be completely fenced. Mr. Finley replied that the property would be fenced with access from Ridgewood Avenue, with the exception of a gate at the rear of the property to provide access for emergency vehicles. Planning & Zoning Board 03-14-0 I 2 '-' -- Ms. Dorothy Sanders (Foller), Pearl Street, was concerned about the buffer on the north side of the property as well as the lighting. Mr. Finley showed her the landscape plan. Mr. Finley pointed out the additional trees and hedge along the property line. Ms. Sanders then asked how the lighting would affect her property. Mr. James Bankston, owner, replied the lighting would be on each building, not typical parking lot lighting. Mr. Peter Alastra, Port Orange, asked if the property went all the way to Peal Street. Ms. Sanders informed him that her property is on the Pearl Street side. Mr. Bankston showed Mr. Alastra the plans and explained where everything would be. As there was nothing further Chairman Garthwaite dosed the Public Hearing. The Board went over the seven (7) criteria of a Conditional Use. (a) Meets the Concurrency Management System requirements described in Article XI. PASSED 6.{) (b) Is compatible with land uses in the adjacent area. PASSED 6.{) (c) Provide adequate landscape buffering from adjacent uses, where appropriate. PASSED 6.{) (d) Provides adequate on--site lighting shielded from adjacent uses, where appropriate. PASSED 6.{) (e) Provides safe access for pedestrians and vehicles, both on-site and off-site. PASSED 6.{) (f) Presents no operational problems which could adversely affect public health or safety. PASSED 6.{) (g) Is generally consistent with applicable regulations for the zoning district in which it is located. PASSED 6.{) Mr. Masso made a motion to approve with the condition that the portion of the property encroaching into the right-of-way on Old County Road be deeded to the City. Mr. Hellsten seconded. The MOTION PASSED 6.{). CITY OF EDGEWATER, requesting amendment to the 1990 Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map (EAR Based Amendment). Ms. Plaskett introduced the City's consultant Tracy Crowe of Land Design Innovations to the Board. Ms. Plaskett gave background information on why the City was amending the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Use Map changes as well as the annexations that took place. She further explained what is being changed and how the Comprehensive Plan is a growth management tool for the City. She further explained that the Planning and Zoning Board is the "Local Planning Agency" and the State requires them to give approval to send the amendments to City Council. Ms. Plaskett then gave details of how staff was working on reviewing the Compo Plan and making corrections. Planning & Zoning Board 03-14-01 3 ~ ....., Ms. Plaskett went through each of the large-scale land amendments. She clarified what the current land use is under the County and how it would be changed to comply with City regulations. Ms. Crowe described a Conservation Overlay for the benefit of the Board. Chairman Garthwaite asked if the owner of property informed the City that there were no environmental issues in a Conservation Overlay would the City take his word for it. Ms. Crowe replied that before any development could commence, St. John's River Water Management District and the Army Corp. of Engineers would review the request and if there were issues they would not issue permits for development. Mr. Vopelak asked what a "brown field" was regarding change number 12. Ms. Crowe defined this as an area that may have had fuel tanks in the ground or things of that nature, and the State would not allow for the development of homes or schools on that property. Mr. Vopelak asked why the recommendation for land use change number 13 was "cluster development". Ms. Crowe stated, due to the conservation overlay, this would keep the entire site from being developed. Mr. Vopelak asked what a "community village" was regarding land use map change #19. Ms. Crowe gave "Celebration" as an example, where you would have residents, schools, and offices all together. Mr. Vopelak asked if the Oaklynn Cemetery was located in land use change number 22. Ms. Plaskett stated that it was and gave some background information and an update on the site. Ms. Plaskett then went through each of the small-scale amendments and the Board had no questions or comments regarding these. Mr. Vopelak gave his Comprehensive Plan packet with his comments and corrections to Ms. Crowe. With no further discussion Chairman Garthwaite called for a motion. Mr. Mullen made a motion to pass the Comprehensive Plan Amendments to City Council for their review and approval. Mr. Vopelak seconded. The MOTION PASSED 6-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Planning Director' Report None at this time. 2. Chairman's Report a. Discussion of items Board member would like included in agenda packets. Mr. Hellsten felt there was not adequate information in the packets to decide on cases. Ms. Plaskett suggested he come to the office and they can discuss further what he would like to see in the packets. Chairman Garthwaite asked if there were written comments from the TRC. Ms. Plaskett stated there were and they could be added to the packets if the Board would like. Chairman Garthwaite felt that would be helpful. Planning & Zoning Board 03-14-01 4 -.. ..." b. Charlene Zeese's term on the Board is complete. Mr. HeIlsten made a motion to recommend to Council that Mrs. Zeese be reappointed to the Board. Mr. Masso seconded. The MOTION PASSED 5"() as Mrs. Zeese did not vote. ADTOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Bonnie A. Wenzel Board Secretary. :baw Planning & Zoning Board 03-14-01 5