11-13-2002 ~ ...,,; CITY OF EDGEW ATER Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting Wednesday,~ovember 13,2002 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chainnan V opelak called to order the Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board at 6:30 p.m., ~ovember 13, 2002 in the Community Center, 102 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida. 2. ROLL CALL Members present were Chainnan Edwin V opelak, Robert Garthwaite, Donald Masso, Anton Heeb, Russell Mullen, Charlene Zeese and Kristine Pluscec. Also present were Chief Planner Darren Lear and Planning Technician Bonnie Wenzel. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Garthwaite made a motion to approval the minutes of the September 11, 2002 as read, seconded by Mrs. Pluscec. MOTIO~ PASSED 7-0. 4. OLD BUSINESS None at this time. 5. NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING A. Revisions to the Land Development Code. Chainnan V opelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Garthwaite stated that the Code gave considerable leeway concerning buffers, and asked if the same could be done with impervious surfaces. There being no further discussion, Chainnan V opelak closed the public hearing. Mr. Garthwaite made a motion to send a favorable recommendation to the City Council concerning the revisions to the Land Development Code with the condition that "all surfaces be counted" be added to the definition of Impervious Surface, Mr. Masso seconded. MOTIO~ PASSED 7-0. B. V A-0216 - Kevin Poulin requesting a variance to allow a pool to be located 25-feet from the mean high water line in lieu of the required 50-feet for property located at 2031 S. Riverside Drive. Chainnan V opelak opened the public hearing and stated that this property was next door to him. Mr. Lear gave background infonnation on this request. 11-11-02 2 ~ ...." CITY OF EDGEW ATER Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting Wednesday,~ovember 13,2002 6:30 p.m. Mr. Ken Poulin stated that the pool would have to be off-set from the house drastically to have it any farther from the mean high water line. There being no further no discussion Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing. Mr. Heeb made a motion to grant the variance with the following conditions: the proposed swimming pool and concrete deck be constructed as shown on the attached EXHIBIT A. Additionally, a proposed retention area must be constructed as per the EXHIBIT, (2) a proposed construction plan for the swimming pool must be submitted to the City Building Department indicating construction details and required information, Mrs. Zeese seconded. MOTIO~ PASSED 7-0. C. V A-0218 - Henry McElvey requesting a variance to allow a pool, deck and screen room to be located 30-feet from the mean high water line in lieu of the required 50- feet for property located at 8 Harris Circle. Chairman V opelak opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear gave background information on this request. Betty Turner, 10 Harris Circle, stated that she was not aware of the previous variance that was granted. She also stated that the water comes up to where the pool is proposed to be located. Mr. Lear stated the request was a variance from the mean high water line and that the City Engineer has to approve this. There being no further discussion regarding this matter Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing. Mr. Mullen made a motion to approve the variance request based on the condition that the applicant fully complies with the City Engineer's original recommendations (see attached), second by Mrs. Pluscec. MOTIO~ PASSED 4-3 with Mr. Garthwaite, Mr. Heeb and Mrs. Pluscec voting no. D. V A-0217 - Renar Homes, requesting a variance to allow a driveway to be located 50-feet from Indian River Boulevard in lieu of the required 100-feet to build a single family residence on property located at 1845 Kumquat Drive. Chairman Vopelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear gave background information on this request. Todd Boring, Renar Homes, stated that the proposed setback was 100-feet from the old right-of-way line. There being no further discussion Chairman Vopelak closed the public hearing. Mr. Garthwaite made a motion to grant the variance request to allow a driveway to be located 50-feet from Indian River Boulevard in lieu of the required 100-feet to build a single family 11- 11-02 3 '-' ..."., CITY OF EDGEW ATER Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting Wednesday,~ovember 13,2002 6:30 p.m. residence on property located at 1845 Kumquat Drive provided the two (2) 2 I-inch oak trees are saved as shown on the survey, second by Mr. Masso. MOTIO~ PASSED 7-0. 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Planning Directors Report - ~one at this time. 2. Chairman's Report - Chairman Vopelak would like to have the agenda packets earlier. He was informed that if the packets could be ready before the Friday deadline they will receive them earlier. 3. Agency Member's Report - Mr. Heeb would like to see pictures of the properties in their packets. Mr. Lear stated that usually we provide pictures on the overhead, this month there were some additional time constraints. He further stated that there will be pictures on the overhead in the future. 7. ADJOURNME~T There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Bonnie Wenzel Planning Technician 11-11-02 4