Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
6:30 p.m.
Chairman V opelak called to order the Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board at
6:30 p.m., March 12, 2003 in the Community Center, 102 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater,
Members present were Chairman Edwin V opelak, Robert Garthwaite, Donald Masso, Anton
Heeb, Russell Mullen, Charlene Zeese and Kristine Pluscec.
Also present were Chief Planner Darren Lear and Planning Technician Bonnie Wenzel.
Mr. Masso made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2003 as read, second
by Mrs. Pluscec. MOTION PASSED 7-0.
None at this time.
A. V A-0301 - Mark Robbins of the Paradise Group, authorized agent for King
Neptune Fish & Poultry Market, owners, requesting a variance to Section 21-
52.02(c) (AccesslDriveways) to allow a driveway to be located 160-feet from an
intersection on an arterial roadway (US Highway 1) in lieu of the required 660-feet
to construct a retail store on the southwest corner of US Highwayl and Roberts
Mr. Lear gave the background information regarding this request. He stated that the
restaurant in the western portion of the property would be some time in the future, the
Walgreens is proposed for now. The main concern is with the intersection and the
average daily trips this development will produce. Staff and the applicant have requested
cost estimates for intersection improvements. The proposal shown is for the interim until
the intersection improvements can be completed.
Mr. Garthwaite asked why a driveway was needed on US Highway 1. Mark Robbins
stated that they hired Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. to do a traffic study and
determined that an entrance off US Highway 1 would alleviate some of the traffic impact
along Roberts Road. He further stated that the proposed stand alone store had less square
footage than the existing store. The LOS along Roberts road is also acceptable. He
3-12-03 minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 12,2003
6:30 p.m.
stated the traffic light at the intersection can be increased to allow for more time for exit
from Roberts Road.
Mr. Lear stated that staff has asked the consultants to do a traffic analysis. Mr.
Garthwaite stated he was not convinced the variance was a good idea. Mr. Masso stated
he felt more than one entrance/exit was needed and the driveway along US Highway was
Mr. Heeb was concerned about cars exiting to the west from the driveways on either side
of Roberts Road. Mr. Lear stated that it is ideal to have non-residential driveways line up
with one another as much as possible. Mr. Robbins stated that FDOT has recommended
a decellane for the entrance along US Highway 1.
Mr. Heeb asked if there would be enough room for people going east and west along
Roberts Road with the driveways be opposite each other. Mr. Lear stated there would,
that is what the Code calls for.
Mr. Garthwaite asked if the rear driveway was to be used by the fast food store. Mr. Lear
stated it would be a joint use driveway. Mr. Robbins stated that the plan in the packet is
only conceptual.
Mr. Garthwaite asked if the trees/shrubs at the front of the building could be moved back
one parking space to allow for more room to back up. Mr. Robbins stated that what is
shown has a configuration with a right in only. Walgreens would like to have 66-parking
spaces, and this plan does not meet that, there will be only 60 spaces.
Mr. Mullen stated he sees no problem with the driveway on US Highway 1, he sees
problems with the ones along Roberts Road, he feels a study should be done prior to
approving the variance. He also asked Mr. Heeb what he thought of the landscaping
plan. Mr. Heeb stated he liked the landscaping but felt there was not enough parking.
Mr. Mullen stated he would not like to see any landscaping removed. Mr. Heed said that
with an additional 100 homes being constructed in the near future this site is not
Mr. Garthwaite stated that people do not shop in this type of store for long periods of
time. Mr. Mullen said there was no problem with the parking, the problem was with the
driveways along Roberts Road. He added that the drive-thru will help eliminate the need
for some parking.
3-12-03 minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 12,2003
6:30 p.m.
Mr. Mullen would like to police department to look into the intersection. Further
discussion ensued regarding the driveways on Roberts Road. Staff will work with the
Police Department and the developer regarding the driveways.
Mr. Mullen made a motion to approve the variance request provided an intersection
improvement plan has been formally approved prior to construction on this site, the
eastern driveway on Roberts Road is ingress only and staff involves the Police
Department and Florida Department of Transportation in the approval process. Mr.
Heeb seconded. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.
B. AN-0201- Mary D. Hansen, requesting the annexation of approximately 60 acres of
property located at 4115 US Highway 1, north of Boston Whaler, south of Hacienda
del Rio.
Mr. Lear gave background information and Chairman V opelak stated that the request tonight
was strictly the annexation. He read a statement from Ms. Kathleen LaFoutain and a petition
from the residents of Hacienda del Rio into the record. Mr. Lear stated the property was
north of Boston Whaler and south of Hacienda del Rio and that there was an annexation
Mary Hansen stated that tonight was only the annexation and there were many reasons for
the City annex this property; this is a voluntary annexation petition. The county
requirements would not allow for this type of development. She further stated that they will
meet or exceed development requirements.
Mr. Heeb stated that the marina seemed to be a popular idea, what would happen if there was
a delay in annexation until they own the property. Ms. Hansen stated it would destroy the
development plan. Mr. Heeb asked what would happen if it took five (5) years to get the
permits. Ms. Hansen stated they would probably sell the property. Mr. Heeb then asked
what the timetable. Ms. Hansen expected full approval in about a year.
Doris Hill, Lincoln Road stated there was no reason not to annex this property.
Brad Purdom, Hacienda del Rio, stated they had no problem with the annexation.
Andy Hunt, 104 E. Knapp, stated this annexation would be beneficial to the construction
industry in Edgewater, and that he was behind the project.
Mr. Mullen made a motion to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for the
annexation of approximately 60 acres of property located at 4115 US Highway I, north of
Boston Whaler, south of Hacienda del Rio, Mrs. Zeese seconded MOTION CARRIED 7-0.
3-12-03 minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 12,2003
6:30 p.m.
C. RZ-OlOO - City of Edgewater, requesting the rezoning of specific parcels located
along Palm Breeze Drive, north of Sea Pines Memorial Gardens, and in the Ranken
Mr. Lear gave the background information on this request and stated the City would be
rezoning properties in three (3) batches.
Charles Labossiere, 117 Palm Breeze Drive stated he did not receive a letter stating his
property was being rezoned. Mr. Lear stated staff would look into the situation and let
him know what is determined.
Kristine Pruski stated she was already in the City. Mr. Lear informed her that this was a
rezoning of her property from County zoning to City zoning.
Mr. Mullen made a motion to send a favorable recommendation to City Council for the
rezonings, second by Mr. Garthwaite. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.
Chairman Vopelak called a recess at 7:40 p.m. The meeting resumed at 7:50 p.m.
D. CP A-0301 - Glenn Storch, authorized agent for Hacienda Development Corp.,
owners, requesting a Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment from
Volusia County Urban Medium Density and Commercial to City Commercial for
18.27% acres of property located east of US Highway 1 and west of the Hacienda Del
Rio Development.
Mr. Lear provided background information. Chairman V opelak asked if there were any
plans for development. Mr. Lear stated there was none at this time.
Mr. Mullen made a motion to send a favorable recommendation to City Council to amend
the Future Land Use map to include 18.27 acres of property located east of us Highway
1 and west of the Hacienda del Rio development, Mrs. Pluscec seconded. MOTION
E. CPA-0212 - Willie Wood, owner, requesting a Comprehensive Plan Future Land
Use Map Amendment from Volusia County Commercial to City Commercial for
.37% acres of property located at 3665 S. Ridgewood Avenue.
Mr. Lear provided a staff report.
3-12-03 minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 12,2003
6:30 p.m.
Willie Wood, asked if the property would still be usable. Mr. Lear informed him the
change was only from County Commercial to City Commercial.
Mr. Garthwaite made a motion to send a favorable recommendation to City Council to
amend the Future Land Use Map to include .37::!: acres of property located at 3665 S.
Ridgewood Avenue, Mr. Masso seconded MOTION CARRIED 7-0
F. CPA-0202 - John R. Merrick, et al , owners requesting a Comprehensive Plan
Future Land Use Map Amendment from Volusia County Commercial to City
Commercial for 7.0:1: acres of property located along the west side of US Highway 1,
south of Omni Circle.
Mr. Lear presented the staff report. There were no questions or comments.
Mrs. Pluscec made a motion to send a favorable recommendation to City Council to
amend the Future Land Use Map for 7.0::!: acres of property located along the west side
of us Highway 1, south ofOmni Circle, Mr. Heeb seconded MOTIONCARRIED 7-0.
G. CP A-0201 - City of Edgewater requesting a Comprehensive Future Land Use Map
Amendment from V olusia County Rural to City Low Density Residential for 42.55:1:
acres of property located within the Washington Park Subdivision (south of 35th
Mr. Lear presented the staff report.
Teri Hunt, 2616 Queen Palm Drive stated she was in favor of the amendment. There
were no further questions or comments.
Mr. Mullen made a motion to send a favorable recommendation to City Council to amend
the Future Land Use Map for 42.55::!: acres of property located within the Washington
Park Subdivision (south of 35th Street), Mrs. Pluscec seconded MOTION CARRIED 7-0.
1. Planning Directors Report
Mr. Lear stated that at the last City Council meeting, Council approved a work order for
the corridor plan for S.R. 442.
2. Chairman's Report
Chairman Vopelak stated he responded to the letter James Morris sent him and each of
the Board Members. He said since there was no change in the Code, that City Council
3-12-03 minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 12,2003
6:30 p.m.
has only asked the Board to look closer at the variance requests and he denied the request
for a special meeting.
3. Agency Member's Report
Tom Hamall of the Economic Development Board introduced himself and explained why
he was attending the meeting.
Mr. Garthwaite would like to see site plans that are less than 25,000 square feet, he would
like more input in development.
Mr. Heeb would like to change the appeal procedUre in the LDC, he will draft a letter for
the Board members to sign if they choose to and submit it to Council.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Bonnie Wenzel
Planning Technician
3-12-03 minutes