Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, April 10, 2003
6:30 p.m.
Chairman V opelak called to order the Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board at
6:30 p.m., April 10, 2003 in the Community Center, 102 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater,
Members present were Chairman Edwin Vopelak, Robert Garthwaite, Donald Masso, Anton
Heeb, Charlene Zeese and Kristine Pluscec.
Also present were Chief Planner Darren Lear and Planning Technician Pat Drosten.
Mr. Garthwaite made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2003 as read, second
by Mrs. Pluscec. MOTION PASSED 6-0.
None at this time.
A. V A-0302 - James Morris, authorized agent for John and Yvonne Bice, owners
requesting a variance from Section 21-41.04 (Buffer Requirements), Section 21-
42.05 (Flood Plain Development), and Table V-I of the Land Development Code to
allow a 10-foot setback in lieu of the required 25-foot setback to any wetlands
vegetation along the north property line and to allow a 10-foot setback in lieu of the
required 50-foot setback to the mean high water line along the north property line
to allow the construction of a single family home located on the parcel east of 218 s.
Riverside Drive. - This item will be continued to the May 14, 2003 P&Z Board Meeting
per the applicants request.
B. CP A-0302 - City of Edgewater requesting the Comprehensive Plan Future Land
Use Map amendment to include property currently designated as Volusia County
Urban Low Intensity as City Low Density Residential for property located at 117
Palm Breeze Drive. Mr. Lear gave the background information regarding this request.
He stated this property was inadvertently left off of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment
for the other Palm Breeze properties, which were previously heard before the Board.
Chairman V opelak asked if there were any questions from the Board. Being none, he
asked for question from the public. There was no response. Mr. Garthwaite made a
motion to send a favorable recommendation to City Council to transmit the
4-10-03 P&Z minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
6:30 p.m.
Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment to the Florida Department of
Community Affairs, V olusia Growth Management, and other appropriate agencies for
review and certification for property currently designated as V olusia County Urban Low
Density to Low Density Residential for property located at 117 Palm Breeze Drive.
Seconded by Ms. Zeese. Motion passed 6~0.
C. RZ-0302 - City of Edgewater requesting the amendment to the Official Zoning Map
to include property currently designated Volusia County R-3 (Urban Single Family
Residential) to City R-3 (Single Family Residential) for property located at 117
Palm Breeze Drive. Mr. Lear gave the background information regarding this request.
This is the rezoning associated with the CPA heard as Item B. Chairman V opelak asked
if there were any questions from the Board. Being none, he asked for question from the
public. There was no response. Mr. Garthwaite made a motion to send a favorable
recommendation to City Council to amend the Official Zoning Map from Volusia County
R-3 (Urban Single Family Residential) to City R-2 (Single Family Residential) for
property located at 117 Palm Breeze Drive. Seconded by Mr. Heeb. Motion passed 6-0
D. RZ-0211 - Glenn Storch, authorized agent for Hacienda Development Corp.,
owners, requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning Map from V olusia County
BPUD (Business Planned Unit Development) to City B-3 (Highway Commercial) for
18.27:t: acres of property located east of US Highway 1 and west of the Hacienda Del
Rio Development. Mr. Lear gave the background information regarding this request.
Chairman V opelak asked if there were any questions from the Board. Being none, he
asked for question from the public.
Mr. Victor Harper, 160 :81 Padre, stated that the owner had entered into an agreement
with the property owners in Hacienda Del Rio stating certain conditions would be met if
the commercial property was developed, These conditions include a wall between the
commercial and residential uses, an electronic gated entrance as well as other items. Mr.
Harper wanted assurance that these criteria would be met if and when this property is
Mr. John McPhie, 430 LaCoquina Dr., spoke in support of Mr. Harper's requests asking
for an amendment to the rezoning to place the wall and to have the developer adhere to
the agreement he signed with the residents.
Chairman V opelak stated that this was not the time to place development restrictions on
the property. Mr. Lear explained that the B-3 zoning designation the applicant is seeking
does not require a zoning agreement and that the owner presently has no plans to develop
4-10-03 P&Zmmutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, April 10, 2003
6:30 p.m.
the property. Development restrictions/conditions should be considered at such time as
the applicant submits a site plan request.
There being no further discussion, Mr. Garthwaite made a motion to send a favorable
recommendation to City Council to amend the Official Zoning Map to include 18.27:1:
acres of property located east of US Highway 1 and west of the Hacienda Del Rio Mobile
Home Park from V olusia County BPUD {Business Planned Unit Development to City B-
3 (Highway Commercial). Seconded by Ms. Pluscec. Motion carried 5-1
E. Rz.0210 - Willie Wood, owner, requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning
Map from V olusia County B-4 (General Commercial) to City B-3 (Highway
Commercial) for .37:!: acres of property located at 3665 S. Ridgewood Avenue. Mr.
Lear gave the background information regarding this request. Chairman V opelak asked
if there were any question from the Board. Mr. Heeb stated that while he doesn't object
to rezoning this property, he does not like the B-3, Highway Commercial zoning
designation in general; he went. on to say that he feels there should be an alternative
commercial zoning designation. Mr. Lear explained that he understood Mr. Heeb's
dislike of some of the permitted uses allowable in the B-3, Highway Commercial zoning
designation, however, the current County zoning designation allows uses, which may
potentially be more undesirable.
After much discussion from Mr. Heeb on this matter, Chairman V opelak then asked for
question from the public~ Ms. Keri Hunt, 2616 Queen Palm Drive, asked for a definition
of Conservation Overlay and for an explanation of how it affects property. Mr. Lear
explained the definition of Conservation Overlay and that it was a flag to staff that there
may be environmental issues associated within the property. Mr. Garthwaite made a
motion to send a favorable recommendation to City Council to amend the Official Zoning
Map to include .37;;1: acres of property located at 3665 S. Ridgewood Avenue from
Volusia County B-4 (General Commercial) to City B-3 (Highway Commercial). Motion
carried 5-1.
F. Rz.0202 - John R. Merrick, et al, owners requesting an amendment to the Official
Zoning Map from V olusia County B~4 (General Commercial) to City B-3 (Highway
Commercial) for 7.0:1: acres of property located along the west side of US Highway 1,
south of Omni Circle. Mr. Lear gave the background information regarding this request.
Chairman V opelak asked if there were any questions from the Board. Being none, he
asked for question from the public. There was no response. Mr. Masso made a motion to
send a favorable recommendation to Council to approve the amendment to the Official
Zoning Map to include 7::1:. acres of property located west of U.S. Highway 1 and south of
East Winds Subdivision from Volusia County B-4 (General Commercial) to City B-3
4-10-03 P&Z minutes
PIanning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, April 10, 2003
6:30 p.m.
(Highway Commercial). Seconded by Ms. Pluscec. Motion carried 6-0. Mr. Heeb again
presented his concerns regarding B-3 zoning and some discussion ensued on this issue.
RZ-0201- City of Edgewater requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning Map
from Volusia County A-2 (Rural Agriculture) to City R-2 (Single Family
Residential) for 42.55:1: acres of property located within the Washington Park
Subdivision (south of 35th Street). Mr. Lear gave the background information regarding
this request. Chairman V opelak asked if there were any questions from the Board. Mr.
Heeb asked about the planting buffer surrounding the shores. Mr. Lear stated that if
developers wished to access Washington Park property through Florida Shores, they
would be required to apply for an abandonment of the buffer. Mr. Heeb then asked who
would be responsible for construction of roads and installing water and sewer lines. Mr.
Lear explained that the developer would be responsible for infrastructure improvements.
Being no further discussion, Mr. Garthwaite made a motion to send a favorable
recommendation to City Council for the Official Zoning Map amendment to include
property from Volusia County A-2 (Rural Agriculture) to City R-2 (Single Family
residential) for the subject property. Seconded by Ms. Zeese. Motion carried 6-0.
G. City of Edgewater, requesting an amendment to the Planning and Zoning Board By-
Laws to be consistent with all City Boards. Chairman V opelak asked if anyone had
any comments or recommended changes to the proposed By-Laws. Mr. Heeb stated he
had several. Ms. Zeese also had one recommended change (see attached Strike-
thrulunderlined version reflecting Mr. Heeb's and Ms. Zeese's suggestions.) Much
Discussion followed regarding the proposed By Laws, as well as the recommended
changes. Mr. Heeb made a motion to send a favorable recommendation to Coty Council
to adopt the proposed By-laws for the Planning and Zoning Board with the recommended
changes. Seconded by Ms. Zeese. Motion carried 6-0.
1. Planning Directors Report
None at this time.
2. Chairman's Report
None at this time
3. Agency Member's Report
Mr. Garthwaite asked the Board to consider what types/sizes of developments they want
to look at. He feels the Board may wish to review Commercial developments which are
smaller than 25,000 sq. ft. as stated in the Land Development Code. Mr. Lear expressed
some hesitation in bring Site Plans smaller than 25, 00 sq. ft. before the Board. He cited
4-10-03 P&Z minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, April 10, 2003
6:30 p.m.
the procedures a site plan goes through prior to approval and feels the additional time
required for plans to be reviewed by the Board would dissuade developers. He further
stated that the joint workshop between the Planning and Zoning Board and the Economic
Development Board would be a good time to discuss this issue.
Mr. Heeb asked when City Council would hold the second reading of the propped
changes to the Land Development Code. Mr. Lear stated Council will hear that item on
May 5 and if approved the changes would be effective immediately.
Mr. Heeb discussed the Boards responsibility to ensure the Land Development Code is
constistant with the Comprehensive Plan. He feels the will be some inconsistencies if the
proposed code is adopted. He asked for clarification about when a review for consistency
is done. Mr. Lear explained the procedures. Discussion of this issue followed.
Chairman V opelak discussed having a board member attend Economic Development
Board meetings. Mr. Tom Hamall, Economic Development Board member asked to
speak and stated he felt it would be beneficial for the respective boards to develop a list
of questions for the other board to try to gain understanding of the views, goals and
objectives of each board prior to a joint workshop. This was discussed and Chairman
V opelak asked the Board members to submit a list of questions they have to the Board
Coordinator by April 23, 2003. Mr. Heeb agreed to attend the May meeting of the
Economic Development Board.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:.
Pat Drosten
Planning Technician
4-10-03 P&Z minutes
ARTICLE I: Official Name
The official name of the this Board shall be the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of
Edgewater, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "PZB." lip & Z Board"
ARTICLE IT: Pumose and Intent
The purpose and intent of these By-Laws is to set forth a uniform set ofprocedures whereby
the City of Edge water Planning and Zoning Board may regulate the manner in which it elects officers,
conducts meetings, and otherwise carries out its functions. The By-Laws will serve as a guideline in
handling all affairs pertaining to the Edgewater Planning and Zoning Board.
ARTICLE ID: Membership
A. Voting Members and Appointments
1. The ~ P & Z Board shall have seven (7) voting members. Each member shall be
appointed by City Council for a term of three (3) years and shall be subject to removal
as set forth by City Council. The terms of appointment shall be staggered.
2. A quorum shall consist offour (4) members. All recommendations and actions of the
Board shall require the affirmative vote ofa majority of the members present.
3. Prior to appointment, prospective members shall submit a City application, stating
therein a brief synopsis of their education, experience and reason for their interest in
serving on the P@. P & Z Board.
4. To be eligible for appointment, a prospective member shall be a resident of the City of
5. No member of the ~ P & Z Board shall receive compensation for their service,
provided, however, that members may be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses as
approved by the City.
6. One (1) non. voting member shall be appointed by the V olusia County School Board
per Florida Statute Section 163.317 4(i). This member shall serve without
compensation from the City and shall be exempt from residency and attendance
requirements. The school board member shall comply with all other procedural
standards relating to the ~ P & Z Board.
B. Vacancies
1. During the term of appointment, should a member of the ~ P & Z Board change
residence to the extent he or she would not be eligible for appointment to the ~ f
& Z Board, the member shall forfeit the office and it shall be deemed vacant.
2. If a P6B P & Z Board member is absent for three (3) consecutive regular meetings,
or is absent for four (4) total meetings during any calendar year, said member shall
forfeit the office and it shall be deemed vacant.
3. City Council may remove any member of the P6B P & Z Board from office for
cause provided the member is notified in writing of the charges and after an
opportunity for the member to be heard by Council.
4. Any vacancy occurring during the unexpired term of office of any member shall be
filled by City Council. The P & Z Board shall review ap1>lications and mat<e a
recommendation to City Council. The vacancy shall be filled as soon as practical
after it occurs. for the remainder of the term.
c. Voting Contlicts
1. No member of the Pm P & Z Board shall vote upon any matter which would inure to
his or her special private gain or loss, or any principle by whom he or she is retained,
or by any relative or business associate.
2. No member of the ~ P & Z Board shall appear for or represent any person in any
matter before the Pm P & Z Board other than him or herself. No past member shall
appear before the ~P & Z Board except when representing him or herself for a
period of twelve (12) calendar months after his or her service bas ended.
ARTICLE IV: Election of Officers
A. Chairman
L The Chairman shall serve as the presiding officer at all meetings and hearings ofthe
Pm p & Z Board and appoint any committees from the ~ P & Z Board
membership that are deemed necessary.
2. . The Chairman shall.be elected by a majority of the voting membership at the first
regular meeting in January each year. The Chairman shall be eligible for re~election.
B. Vice Chairman
1. The Vice Chairman shall be elected by the Pm P & Z Board from among its regular
members in the same manner as the Chairman and shall be eligible for re~election.
2. The Vice Chairman shall serve as acting Chairman in the absence of the Chairman
and at such times shall have the same powers and duties of the Chairman.
3. In the event of death, resignation, or removal from office of the Chairman, the Vice
Chairman shall perform the various duties until such time the Pm P & Z Board shall
elect a new Chairman and Vice Chairman.
C. Other Presiding Officers
The members of the P6B p.& Z Board may select an additional member to preside over the
meeting(s) in the absence ofthe Chairman and Vice Chairman.
D. Board Coordinator
1. The board coordinator shall be provided by the City and be a City employee.
2. The board coordinator shall prepare and distribute agendas, correspondence and
minutes on the Friday before the meeting and shall establish and maintain files to
ensure they are properly kept. All recorded meeting tapes shall be provided to the
City Clerk for safe keeping.
3. Any correspondence prepared by a member of the pgs P & Z Board shall be provided
to the board coordinator for distribution to the pgs P & Z Board members.
E. Professional Support
The City shall provide professional support to the pgs P & Z Board as may be necessary.
ARTICLE V: Meetin~lHearin2s
A. Regular Meetings
Regularly scheduled meetings of the PZB P & Z Board shall be held the second Wednesday of
each month.
B. Special Meetings
Special meetings or hearings of the PZB P & Z Board may be called by the Chairman.
C. Requirements
All meetings shall be open to the public, provide due public notice, follow Roberts Rule of
Order and the Florida Sunshine Laws.
ARTICLE VI: Powers and Duties
A. The PZBP & Z Board sham exercise the following powers and duties:
1. Be the responsible agency to initiate review and/or amendments to the City's
Comprehensive Plan and recommend such to City Council.
2.. Review all proposed amendments to the City's Land Development Code and make
recommendations to City Council as to the consistency of proposed amendments to
the Comprehensive Plan.
3. Monitor the effectiveness of the Comprehensive Plan by the formal periodic
evaluation procesS described in Chapter 163.3191, FS.
4. Provide recommendations to City Council regarding applications for the following:
a. Subdivisions and plats;
b. Development and zoning agreements;
c. Proposed annexations;
d. Proposed rezonings;
e. Site plans over twenty-five thousand square feet (25,000 sq. ft.) of building
f. Text amendments;
g. Mining agreements;
h. AbandonmentN acations; and/or
1. Land Use Amendments
5. Provide a coordinated planning effort between the City and the Volusia County
School Board per Florida Statutes Sec. 163.31777.
B. The P & Z Board shall have final authority to approve. modifv. and/or deny. unless
appealed to City Council:
1. Conditional Use Permits;
2. Variance Applications.
~ C. ~ppea~
Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Pm P & Z Board shall appeal such decision to
City Council in the manner and form required by the City Council.
~rticle VII: ~mendments
The By-Laws may be amended at a regular or special meeting of the Pm P & Z Board,
provided that a written notice shall have been sent to each member at least thirty (30) days in advance
of the vote, which notice shall contain the proposed amendment.
Adopted by the Board this
day of
, 2003.
Edwin L. V opelak, Chairman
Bonnie Wenze~ Board Coordinator
Strike th.'1:l are deletions
Underlines are additions